Assume that you transfer bacteria that were grown on heavy 15N nitrogen to regular medium. What percentage of the DNA is composed of one heavy and one light chain after three generations?
Choose one answer.
a. 25%
b. 50%
c. 75%
d. 100%
Question 2
DNA replication is _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Semiconservative
b. Conservative
c. Dispersive
d. Random
Question 3
In Mendel's garden, pea plants with purple flowers were crossed. In the F1 generation, 75% of the plants had purple flowers, and 25% of the plants had white flowers.
Choose one answer.
a. This is because the purple flower phenotype is recessive, the white flower phenotype is dominant, and both parent plants were heterozygous.
b. This is because the purple flower phenotype is recessive, the white flower phenotype is dominant, and both parent plants were homozygous.
c. This is because the purple flower phenotype is dominant, the white flower phenotype is recessive, and both parent plants were heterozygous.
d. This is because the purple flower phenotype is dominant, the white flower phenotype is recessive, and both parent plants were homozygous.
Question 4
In Mendel's garden, pea plants with round and wrinkled seeds were crossed. All F1 generation had round seeds. In the F2 generation, 75% of the plants had round seeds, and 25% of the plants had wrinkled seeds.
Choose one answer.
a. This is because the round seed phenotype is recessive, the wrinkled seed phenotype is dominant, and both parent plants were heterozygous.
b. This is because the round seed phenotype is recessive, the wrinkled seed phenotype is dominant, and both parent plants were homozygous.
c. This is because the round seed phenotype is dominant, the wrinkled seed phenotype is recessive, and both parent plants were heterozygous.
d. This is because the round seed phenotype is dominant, the wrinkled seed phenotype is recessive, and both parent plants were homozygous.
Question 5
Morgan's genetic linkage experiments show that genes, which are _____ each other, recombine _____ than genes that are _____ each other.
Choose one answer.
a. Further away from; more frequently; close to
b. Further away from; less frequently; close to
c. Close to; more frequently; further away from
d. Close to; same frequency; further away from
Question 6
The conclusion of the Beadle and Tatum experiment on Neurospora crassa was the _____.
Choose one answer.
a. one gene-one enzyme hypothesis
b. one gene-one RNA hypothesis
c. one gene-one protein hypothesis
d. one protein-one RNA hypothesis
Question 7
The Hershey-Chase experiment employed T2 bacteriophage labeled with either radioactive sulfur (35S) or radioactive phosphorus (32P). The radioactively labeled T2 bacteriophage was used to infect E. coli. Hershey and Chase found that only _____ entered into E. coli. They concluded that _____, not _____ is the _____.
Choose one answer.
a. 32P; DNA; protein; transforming principle
b. 35S; DNA; protein; transforming principle
c. 32P; DNA; protein; hereditary material
d. 35S; DNA; protein; hereditary material
Question 8
What was not known at the time when Franklin published the #51 X-ray diffraction picture of the B-form of the DNA?
Choose one answer.
a. The genetic code
b. DNA is composed of bases, sugar, and phosphate
c. The Chargaff's rules
d. DNA is the hereditary material
Question 9
DNA is typically _____, while RNA is _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Double stranded helix; single stranded.
b. Single stranded helix; double stranded.
c. Triple helix; single stranded.
d. Double stranded helix; triple helix
Question 10
Enzymes and ribozymes are _____ that act through _____ the activation energy of metabolic reactions.
Choose one answer.
a. Proteins and ribosomes, respectively; stabilizing
b. Proteins and ribosomes, respectively; diminishing
c. Biological catalysts; increasing
d. Biological catalysts; lowering
Question 11
In a DNA sample, 40% of all bases are G. What is the A content in this DNA sample?
Choose one answer.
a. 40%
b. 20%
c. 10%
d. 30%
Question 12
In the _____ groove of the DNA, bases are _____ and can ¬_____ with other molecules.
Choose one answer.
a. Minor; hidden; interact
b. Major; hidden; not interact
c. Minor; exposed; interact
d. Major; exposed; interact
Question 13
Proteins are polymers of _____ that are directly translated from _____ molecule sequences.
Choose one answer.
a. Amino acids; ribosome
b. Amino acids; tRNA
c. Amino acids; DNA
d. Amino acids; mRNA
Question 14
The sequence of the RNA molecule, which can hybridize with the TGCAATGCCTA molecule, is _____. Please keep in mind that the sequence of nucleic acids is written 5' to 3' orientation conventionally.
Choose one answer.
Question 15
_____ are binding to _____ of enzymes and converted ¬into a _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Products; active site; substrate
b. Substrates; allosteric site; product
c. Products; allosteric site; substrate
d. Substrates; active site; product
Question 16
The reverse complement of 3'-TAGGCATTGCA-5' ssDNA is _____ ssDNA.
Choose one answer.
Question 17
Besides histone modifications, chromatin remodeling complexes play a role in turning genes on. The chromatin remodeling complex _____ to unwrap, mobilize, eject, or exchange _____ from the nucleosome, and it recruits transcription factors to initiate _____.
Choose one answer.
a. uses the energy of ATP; histones; transcription
b. makes ATP; DNA; transcription
c. dephosphorylates; lamin; translation
d. removes histone tail modifications; histone heads; translation
Question 18
Histone demethylation enhances _____ chromosomal structure, thus it enhances gene_____.
Choose one answer.
a. looser; translation
b. tighter; translation
c. looser; transcription
d. tighter; transcription
Question 19
The higher order chromosomal structure includes _____ complexes that are rich in _____.
Choose one answer.
a. histone; acetyl transferase
b. scaffold; topoisomerase
c. lamine; phosphatase
d. nucleolus; RNA
Question 20
The nucleus reforms at the end of mitosis. This means that _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Nuclear lamina should reassemble, which requires the dephosporylation of lamins
b. Nuclear lamina should disassemble, which requires the phosphorylation of lamins
c. Nuclear lamina should disassemble, which requires phosphatase activity.
d. Nuclear lamina should reassemble, which requires kinase activity.
Question 21
The _____ charged DNA is wrapped around _____ proteins in the nucleosome.
Choose one answer.
a. Positively; basic histone
b. Negatively; basic histone
c. Negatively; acidic histone
d. Positively; acidic histone
Question 22
The _____ regions are _____, thus _____ genes are expressed there.
Choose one answer.
a. Heterochromatin; very condensed; few if any.
b. Euchromatin; very condensed; few if any.
c. Heterochromatin; hardly condensed; few if any.
d. Euchromatin; very condensed; few if any.
Question 23
The ______ modifications of the histone tails are _____, thus genes can be switched on and off with histone modifications.
Choose one answer.
a. Chemical; reversible
b. Physical; reversible
c. Chemical; irreversible
d. Physical; irreversible
Question 24
Histone deacetylation enhances chromosome _____, thus the chromosomal segment cannot be _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Condensation; translated
b. Condensation; transcribed
c. De-condensation; translated
d. De-condensation; transcribed
Question 25
DNA _____ are enzymes that _____ the strands of dsDNA. The enzyme forms a ring-shaped complex and pulls a DNA strand through its central hole.
Choose one answer.
a. Topoisomerases; cleave
b. Helicases; separate
c. Polymerases; elongate
d. Replication complexes; bind to
Question 26
DNA _____ are enzymes that _____, relax, and _____ supercoiled dsDNA.
Choose one answer.
a. Topoisomerases; cleave; reseal
b. Helicases; separate; supercoil
c. Polymerases; copy; elongate
d. Replication complexes; bind to; copy
Question 27
Most of the known DNA replication is bidirectional. A bacterial chromosome has _____ , yeast has ¬_____, and multicellular eukaryotes have _____origin of replication.
Choose one answer.
a. Multiple copies; multiple copies; multiple copies
b. One copy; one copy; one copy
c. One copy; multiple copies; multiple copies
d. One copy; one copy; multiple copies
Question 28
Okazaki fragments are produced during DNA replication because_____.
Choose one answer.
a. DNA polymerase is frequently released from the template strand, thus it has to start the synthesis of a new piece
b. DNA polymerase cannot start DNA synthesis; it can only add nucleotides to an existing strand
c. DNA polymerase can add nucleotides only to the 3' end of the growing strand
d. DNA polymerase can add nucleotides only to the 5' end of the growing strand
Question 29
Telomerase is an enzyme that can elongate the repeat-rich telomere regions of a linear chromosome. This enzyme is a _____.
Choose one answer.
a. DNA polymerase, which does not require priming
b. Ligase, which can link telomere regions to the end of linear chromosomes
c. DNA polymerase, which can add nucleotides to 5'-ends
d. Reverse transcriptase associated with an RNA primer
Question 30
_____ is linked to the _____ of the linear chromosomes during replication. This happens only in linear chromosomes because DNA polymerase cannot replace the 5'-end primers.
Choose one answer.
a. Hayflick's limit; shortening
b. Priming; elongation
c. Ligation; conjugation
d. Okazaki fragment; primer
Question 31
_____ proteins keep the template DNA and the DNA polymerases associated, which is essential for an uninterrupted DNA strand synthesis.
Choose one answer.
a. Clamp-loading
b. Helicase
c. Sliding clamp
d. Replication origin
Question 32
During DNA replication, the _____ is synthesized continuously, while the _____ is synthesized in pieces and linked by a ligase later on.
Choose one answer.
a. Okazaki fragment; template
b. Lagging; leading
c. Leading strand; lagging
d. Template; leading
Question 33
DNA polymerases are "processive" enzymes. Processive enzymes catalyze subsequent chemical reactions on a polymer substrate _____, while dispersive enzymes _____ between two subsequent catalytic reactions.
Choose one answer.
a. Without releasing the substrate; release the polymer substrate
b. Utilizing the work of many enzymes at the same time on one polymer; work without releasing the substrate
c. Resulting in the growth of the substrate; shorten the polymer by one monomer unit
d. With a high reaction rate; progress very slowly
Question 34
During transcription in eukaryotes, RNA transcripts are capped _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Before the first 30 nucleotides are transcribed
b. When the mRNA transcription is finished
c. After the RNA enters the cytoplasm
d. When the first two nucleotides are linked with a phosphodiester bond
Question 35
Gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes¬ _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Follow the exact same mechanism
b. Are somewhat different: in prokaryotes transcription and translation take place simultaneously, while they are separated in eukaryotes
c. Are somewhat different: in eukaryotes transcription and translation take place simultaneously, while they are separated in prokaryotes
d. Are indistinguishable with an exception of translation at the rough ER, which is slower in prokaryotes
Question 36
In eukaryotes mRNA _____, and transcription takes place in the _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Is not processed; nucleus
b. Is processed; cytoplasm
c. Is capped, polyadenylated, and spliced; nucleus
d. Is not processed; cytoplasm
Question 37
In eukaryotes, _____ removes _____ and links _____. Such RNA processing is nonexistent in prokaryotes.
Choose one answer.
a. Splisosome; introns; exons
b. Splisosome; exons; introns
c. Ribosome; introns; exons
d. Ribosome; exons; introns
Question 38
In prokaryotes mRNA _____, and transcription takes place in the _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Is not processed; nucleus
b. Is processed; cytoplasm
c. Is capped, polyadenylated, and spliced; nucleus
d. Is not processed; cytoplasm
Question 39
MicroRNA has been discovered recently; it is a _____ regulator of_____.
Choose one answer.
a. Rare; protein
b. Common; protein
c. Rare; RNA turnover
d. Common; RNA turnover
Question 40
Processing bodies (P-bodies) are _____, where _____ break(s) down RNA, and they also store _____ RNA molecules.
Choose one answer.
a. Ribozymes; RNase; freshly synthesized mRNA
b. Enzymes; subunits; pre-mRNA
c. Scaffolding centers; miRNA; translationally repressed
d. Splicing centers; ribozymes; alternatively spliced mRNA
Question 41
Riboswitches are _____ that can silence protein expression if a _____ binds to them.
Choose one answer.
a. 5' mRNA regions; certain metabolite
b. Transcription factors; second messenger
c. Ribosome components; translation elongation factor
d. 3' mRNA regions; certain nutrient
Question 42
Alternative splicing _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Links different exons of one pre-mRNA to produce several mature mRNA
b. Links different exons of two pre-mRNAs to produce several mature mRNA
c. Is modifying gene structure by splicing out regions of a chromosome.
d. Is a chromosomal inversion, which is responsible for making new genes
Question 43
EST sequences are used to predict protein sequences based on their alignment to _____.
Choose one answer.
a. genomic DNA
b. mRNA
c. cDNA
d. introns
Question 44
How many amino acids are in the eukaryotic protein, which has a 3213 nucleotide long open reading frame, including the start and the stop codons?
Choose one answer.
a. 1070
b. 1069
c. 1071
d. 3210
Question 45
In the presence of a selenocysteine insertion (SECIS) element in the mRNA, the UCA anticodon translates into selenosysteine in many redox enzymes. In the absence of the SECIS element, the UCA is the umber stop codon. Which mRNA codon would the UCA anticodon pair with? Keep in mind that base-pairing occurs between antiparallel nucleic acids.
Choose one answer.
a. UGA
b. UCA
c. TCA
d. TGA
Question 46
mRNA is translated in a _____ direction, and proteins are synthesized in a _____ direction.
Choose one answer.
a. 5' to 3'; carboxy to amino terminus
b. 5' to 3'; amino to carboxy terminus
c. 3' to 5'; carboxy to amino terminus
d. 3' to 5'; amino to carboxy terminus
Question 47
Only part of the mRNA molecule is translated into protein. This translated region is called
Choose one answer.
a. Open reading source
b. Mature mRNA
c. Open reading frame
d. Spliced mRNA
Question 48
Protein synthesis is terminated when _____.
Choose one answer.
a. The protein release factor binds to a stop codon at the A site of the ribosome
b. An uncharged tRNA is bound to a stop codon at the A site of the ribosome
c. A termination factor cleaves off the growing polypeptide chain
d. The mRNA ends at the stop codon and runs off the ribosome
Question 49
The anticodon for tryptophan (Trp) is 5'-CCA-3'. Which mRNA codon would the Trp-tRNA pair with?
Choose one answer.
a. 3'-CCA-5'
b. 5'-CCA-3'
c. 3'-UGG-3'
d. 5'-UGG-3'
Question 50
The selection of the starter methionine codon is helped by the _____ in prokaryotes and _____ in eukaryotes. Both sequences are at the 5' end of the mRNA.
Choose one answer.
a. Kozak sequence; also by the Kozak;
b. Shine-Delgarno sequence; by the Kozak sequence
c. Kozak sequence; by the Shine-Delgarno sequence
d. Shine-Delgarno sequence; also by the Shine-Delgarno sequence
Question 51
Use the standard genetic code table to determine which mRNA codes for the following protein: Met-Arg-Gly-Tyr-Ala-Arg.
Choose one answer.
Question 52
Which of the following is true about these nucleic acids?
Choose one answer.
a. The template of the RNA can be ssDNA-2; ssDNA-1 is unrelated
b. The template of the RNA can be ssDNA-1; ssDNA-2 is unrelated
c. ssDNA-1 and ssDNA-2 can be complement strands, but they are unrelated to the RNA
d. All three nucleic acids are unrelated
Question 53
Which of the following is true regarding open reading frames?
Choose one answer.
a. DNA sequences can be read in six open reading frames: three forward and three reverse
b. DNA sequences can be read in three open reading frames: three forward
c. DNA sequences can be read in one open reading frame: one forward
d. DNA sequences can be read in two open reading frames: one forward and one reverse
Question 54
Which of the following statement is true?
Choose one answer.
a. Aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetase has no proofreading activity.
b. tRNA spontaneously reacts with an amino acid, since this reaction is thermodynamically favorable.
c. Aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetase links the carboxyl group of an amino acid to a tRNA ribose hydroxyl group through an ester bond.
d. Only one enzyme is needed to charge all tRNAs with the appropriate amino acid.
Question 55
_____ is used in the third anticodon base position of the tRNA to allow the recognition of _____ by one base.
Choose one answer.
a. Inosine; A, C, U
b. Nicotinamide; G, U
c. Flavin; A, G, U
d. Niacin; A, U
Question 56
How many nucleotides are in the coding region of a eukaryotic mRNA, including the start and the stop codons?
Choose one answer.
a. 112
b. 150
c. 173
d. 211
Question 57
In E. coli, the gene lacI codes the lac operon repressor. Which of the following statements is true about an E. coli strain, which is lacI-, that is null mutant for lacI.
Choose one answer.
a. There would be no lac operon repression, thus lacA, lacZ and lacY genes would be constitutively expressed regardless of the presence of lactose.
b. There would be no lac operon repression, thus lacA, lacZ and lacY genes would be expressed in the presence of lactose.
c. There would be no lac operon repression, thus lacA, lacZ and lacY genes would be constitutively expressed regardless of the presence of glucose.
d. There would be no lac operon repression, thus lacA, lacZ and lacY genes would be expressed in the presence of allolactose.
Question 58
Methylation is an epigenetic change, which chemically modifies ______ in the chromosome.
Choose one answer.
a. DNA and histones
b. DNA
c. Histone
d. RNA
Question 59
Repressible operons are typical in _____, e.g., the _____. And inducible operons are typical in _____, e.g., the _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Catabolic pathways; lac operon; anabolic pathways; trp operon
b. Catabolic pathways; trp operon; anabolic pathways; lac operon
c. Anabolic pathways; lac operon; catabolic pathways; trp operon
d. Anabolic pathways; trp operon; catabolic pathways; lac operon
Question 60
The DNA methylation pattern, what we inherit from our parents, is _____; the DNA methylation pattern, what we acquire as we age, is _____. _____ can be inherited.
Choose one answer.
a. Denomic imprinting; de novo methylation; none of them
b. De novo methylation; genomic imprinting; none of them
c. Genomic imprinting; de novo methylation; both of them
d. Genomic imprinting; de novo methylation; none of them
Question 61
When lactose is _____, the lac operon is _____, since a _____ binding to the operator within the operon.
Choose one answer.
a. Absent; inactive; repressor is
b. Present; inactive; repressor is not
c. Absent; active; repressor is not
d. Present; active; repressor is
Question 62
When tryptophan is present in sufficient quantities, the trp operon is _____, since the _____ binds to the operator within the operon.
Choose one answer.
a. Turned off; tryptophan-activated repressor
b. Turned on; tryptophan-activated repressor
c. Turned off; tryptophan-inhibited repressor
d. Turned on; tryptophan-inhibited repressor
Question 63
_____ is determined by the _____ of activators that are available in a particular tissue to bind to genomic enhancer regions.
Choose one answer.
a. Tissue specific gene expression; combination
b. Genomic imprinting; absence
c. X inactivation; absence
d. Development; abundance
Question 64
_____ activates the lac operon, when the _____ level is low.
Choose one answer.
a. Catabolite activator protein (CAP); lactose
b. Allolactose; cAMP
c. The catabolite activator protein (CAP); glucose
d. cAMP; lactose
Question 65
DNA repair mechanisms can excise ______.
Choose one answer.
a. Either altered bases or nucleotides
b. Only altered bases by cleaving the base-sugar bonds
c. Only nucleotides by cleaving phosphodiester bonds
d. Only apurinic sites
Question 66
Hypermutation in immunoglobulins is the result of an unusual ______ response: the ______ strand is corrected, not the ______ strand.
Choose one answer.
a. Mismatch repair; daughter; parent
b. Mutagen activity; daughter; parent
c. Mismatch repair; parent; daughter
d. Mutagen activity; parent; daughter
Question 67
Loss-of-function mutation generally results in ______
Choose one answer.
a. Slower protein turnover
b. No gene product
c. Lower metabolic rate
d. Loss of inhibition
Question 68
The mismatch repair system has to recognize the ______ strand and repair mutations only in this strand. To achieve this, bacteria is utilizing the postreplicational delay in ______.
Choose one answer.
a. New; adenine methylation
b. Old; adenine methylation
c. New; Okazaki fragment ligation
d. New; Okazaki fragment ligation
Question 69
The replicated strand of the DNA is repaired ______ the parent strand.
Choose one answer.
a. More rapidly than
b. At the same rate as
c. Less rapidly than
d. Less efficiently than
Question 70
The ______ response repair is ______, since it fills a gap at the parental side after replication.
Choose one answer.
a. SOS; inaccurate
b. Recombinational; error-prone
c. Postreplicational; always high fidelity
d. SOS; high fidelity
Question 71
Which of the following conditions is the consequence of a translocation event between nonhomologous chromosomes?
Choose one answer.
a. Cystic fibrosis
b. Fragile X syndrome
c. Philadelphia syndrome
d. Huntington's disease
Question 72
We are talking about mutation when an allele is different from the wild type allele. The most dramatic change is the consequence of a(n) ______ mutation, which is introducing an ORF into the transcript.
Choose one answer.
a. Early nonsense
b. Early silent
c. Late missense
d. Late frameshift
Question 73
BRCA1 and BRCA 2 genes are involved in the ______.
Choose one answer.
a. SOS repair mechanism
b. Initiating DNA replication
c. Homologous recombination of chromosomes
d. Terminating RNA transcription
Question 74
During ______, cromatids take place, which results in genetic ______ and contributes to DNA repair.
Choose one answer.
a. Crossing over of nonsister; variability
b. Crossing over of sister; variability
c. Crossing over of nonsister; stability
d. Crossing over of sister; stability
Question 75
Retrotransposons use a ______ and a ______ during their relocation into a new site in the chromosome.
Choose one answer.
a. RNA intermadiate; retrotransposase
b. DNA intermediate; retrotransposase
c. RNA intermediate; reverse transcriptase
d. DNA intermediate; reverse transcriptase
Question 76
Retroviruses ______ insert into the host genome and ______ move around in the genome as a transposon.
Choose one answer.
a. Can; can
b. Can; cannot
c. Cannot; cannot
d. Cannot; can
Question 77
The Holiday junction is a model for______.
Choose one answer.
a. DNA crossover
b. DNA ligation
c. SOS gap repair
d. PCR amplification
Question 78
Transposons are jumping genes, but none of them can move around by ______.
Choose one answer.
a. Retrotransposase
b. The cut-and-paste mechanism
c. The involvement of a reverse transcriptase
d. The copy-and-paste mechanism
Question 79
______ may result in novel ______ of domains from different proteins.
Choose one answer.
a. Exon shuffling; combination
b. Alternative splicing; combination
c. Exon shuffling; conformation
d. Alternative splicing; conformation
Question 80
Which of the following is not a DNA damage type?
Choose one answer.
a. Mismatch
b. Strand separation
c. Backbone break
d. Crosslink between bases
Question 81
A cloning plasmid typically has a(n) ______, a ______, and a______.
Choose one answer.
a. Antibiotic resistance gene; cloning site; reporter gene
b. Restriction enzyme gene; ligase gene; repair gene
c. PCR amplified segment; GC-rich region; reporter gene
d. Antibiotic resistance gene; ligation site; repair gene
Question 82
CGATTGCAGGTTATAGCG. Which of the following primer pair can be used to amplify this template with PCR?
Choose one answer.
Question 83
Cloning vectors utilize ______, wherein the ______ DNA can be inserted.
Choose one answer.
a. Multiple-cloning site; foreign
b. Ligation site; foreign
c. PCR site; antibiotic resistance gene
d. Insertion site; reporter gene
Question 84
DNA fragments with ______ ends can be easily joined by a ______, if the fragments are made by one restriction enzyme.
Choose one answer.
a. Sticky; ligase
b. Blunt; ligase
c. Sticky; DNA polymerase
d. Blunt; DNA polymerase
Question 85
Ligases ______ DNA segments by _____.
Choose one answer.
a. Link; phosphodiester bonds
b. Repair; excision
c. Restrict the replication of; linking them to lamins
d. Link RNA primer to; phosphodiester bond at the beginning of the replication
Question 86
Restriction enzymes are ______ that ______ the DNA at specific ______.
Choose one answer.
a. Ligases; seal fragments of; sites
b. DNases; cut; developmental stages
c. Molecular scissors; cut; recognition sites
d. Polymerases; replicate; locations
Question 87
The key of the dideoxy DNA sequencing method is the missing ______.
Choose one answer.
a. 3'OH of the sugar
b. 2'OH of the sugar
c. Terminal phosphate group
d. Chain terminating polymerase
Question 88
There is a ______ fold amplification after six completed PCR cycles.
Choose one answer.
a. 16
b. 32
c. 64
d. 128
Question 89
Which of the following method is paired wrongly with its product?
Choose one answer.
a. Polymerase chain reaction-DNA amplification
b. Ion exchange chromatography-purified RNA
c. Restriction enzyme digestion-DNA fragments
d. Ligation-joined DNA fragments
Question 90
______ are frequently used in cloning plasmid, and they are enzyme genes. They include a ______, where the foreign gene can be inserted. The insertion results in the ______ of the enzyme activity, which is often followed by a color reaction.
Choose one answer.
a. Reporter genes; cloning site; disruption
b. Antibiotic resistance genes; cloning site; inhibition
c. Multicloning sites; restriction enzyme recognition site; amplification
d. PCR sites; restriction enzyme recognition site; amplification
Question 91
______ extracts proteins utilizing specific interactions.
Choose one answer.
a. Ion exchange chromatography
b. Affinity chromatography
c. Ultracentrifugation
d. 2D gelelectrophoresis
Question 92
Electrophoresis is separating molecules based on their______.
Choose one answer.
a. Charge
b. Charge and size
c. Size
d. Shape
Question 93
Molecular biology research resulted in many ______ transgenic mouse strains. Mouse is the most commonly used transgenic mammal in gene function discovery.
Choose one answer.
a. Knock-out and knock-in
b. Transposon induced
c. Mutagen induced
d. Knock over
Question 94
The insertion of the foreign DNA has often been checked by the ______blot technique.
Choose one answer.
a. Southern
b. Western
c. Northern
d. Protein
Question 95
Traditional breeding, just like transgenic technology, results in organisms that have desired traits. A major difference is that transgenic technology moves genes______, while traditional breeding crosses individuals ______.
Choose one answer.
a. From one species to another; within a species
b. Within a species; from different species
c. And produces new strains slowly; and gets the result within a generation
d. but the produced strains are not homogenous; and easily gets clones
Question 96
______ is a favorite model organism from the early days of genetics. It taught us how to link gene distance and genetic recombination frequencies, body plan development, and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory, just to mention a few.
Choose one answer.
a. Escherichia coli
b. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
c. Caenorhabditis elegans
d. Drosophila melanogaster
Question 97
______ is a transparent animal with 556 cells. The basic mechanism of programmed cell death has been deciphered in this model organism.
Choose one answer.
a. Escherichia coli
b. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
c. Caenorhabditis elegans
d. Drosophila melanogaster
Question 98
______ is perhaps the most common eukaryote in molecular biology labs. It is also widely used in commercial fermentation applications.
Choose one answer.
a. Escherichia coli
b. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
c. Caenorhabditis elegans
d. Penicillium chrysogenum
Question 99
______ is the most successfully used plant model organism. It taught us the basics of plant physiology, and it is also the most frequently used plant model for GMO pilot experiments.
Choose one answer.
a. Arabidopsis thaliana
b. Zea mays
c. Oryza sativa
d. Allium cepa
Question 100
______ is perhaps the most common prokaryote in molecular biology labs. It is also widely used by the biotech industry to manufacture proteins, e.g., insulin.
Choose one answer.
a. Escherichia coli
b. Saccharomyces cerevisiae
c. Caenorhabditis elegans
d. Penicillium chrysogenum