Complete the following sentence. In Pope's The Rape of the Lock, elevated language functions primarily to:
Choose one answer.
a. demonstrate the importance of the topic.
b. set up the parody of the pretensions of the characters and their concerns.
c. reveal the learnedness of the characters.
d. elicit the sympathy of elite readers.
e. evoke an emotional response in readers.
Question 2
Complete the following sentence. John Dryden's "Mac Flecknoe" reflects a commitment to neoclassical aesthetics through:
Choose one answer.
a. its references to Shakespeare.
b. its commitment to an elevated taste, its use of classical imagery, and its evocation of classic forms.
c. its scientific ethos and setting in London.
d. its refusal to mention Shadwell directly.
e. its questioning of human perception.
Question 3
Complete the following sentence. Neoclassicism most paralleled Enlightenment thought in its:
Choose one answer.
a. rejection of Renaissance optimism.
b. rejection of traditional models.
c. emphasis on order, logic, and universal truths.
d. emphasis on the corrupt nature of the aristocracy.
e. emphasis on individual experience.
Question 4
Complete the following sentence. The scientific revolution paralleled Enlightenment political thought and political revolutions through its similar:
Choose one answer.
a. devotion to traditional authority in political and theoretical matters.
b. emphasis on the world being governed by laws that could be discerned through rational exploration.
c. reliance on classical scholarship.
d. defense of violent emotions as natural.
e. rejection of classical scholarship.
Question 5
How does the Encyclopédie best epitomize the mission of the Enlightenment?
Choose one answer.
a. By suggesting that human knowledge is static and can be captured in one volume
b. By dismissing all knowledge from outside Europe
c. By questioning the nature of scientific method
d. By rejecting the divine right of kings
e. By emphasizing the idea that gathering knowledge together can lead to human improvement
Question 6
In The Rape of the Lock, Pope satirizes which of the following social institutions?
Choose one answer.
a. The government
b. Marriage
c. Organized religion
d. All of these answers
e. None of these answers
Question 7
In The Way of the World, Congreve satirizes which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The family institution
b. Ideas about chastity
c. The institution of marriage
d. The aristocracy
e. All of these answers
Question 8
John Dryden's poem "Annus Mirabilis" emphasizes the solution to which of the following important Restoration problems or events?
Choose one answer.
a. England's power to overcome the recent plague and the great fire of London
b. The monarch's ability to squelch continuing Puritan resistance
c. The church's potential to unify the populace after the English revolution
d. Parliament's ability to restrain the power of the King
e. The need to close the theatres for their immoral productions
Question 9
John Locke is known for advocating all of the following ideas EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. social contract theory of government.
b. blank slate or tabula rasa.
c. divine authority of kings.
d. natural political rights.
e. religious toleration.
Question 10
Jonathan Swift's suggestion in "A Modest Proposal" that the Irish eat their children exemplifies the characteristics of a satire in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. its mocking tone.
b. its absurd response to a real issue.
c. its sentimental plea to its audience.
d. its attempt to shock readers into acting.
e. its undermining of forms and tropes for ulterior purposes.
Question 11
Pope's comment that "Know, then, thyself, presume God not to scan;/The proper study of mankind is man" in his "Essay on Man" is indicative of all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. his use of the heroic couplet.
b. an Enlightenment focus on useful knowledge.
c. a neoclassical emphasis on propriety and knowing limitations.
d. a radical questioning of revealed religion.
e. a scientific emphasis on the possibility of gaining knowledge through reason and experience.
Question 12
Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language most reflects an 18th-century interest in which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Classification, order, and judgment
b. Romantic origins
c. Linguistic indeterminacy
d. Subjective experience
e. Political liberty
Question 13
Samuel Johnson's Rasselas most fundamentally emphasizes which theme from Johnson's other works or other 18th-century works?
Choose one answer.
a. The need for linguistic correctness as exemplified in his Dictionary
b. The promise of universal knowledge as epitomized by the Encyclopédie
c. The ultimate impossibility of achieving happiness, as espoused in his poem "The Vanity of Human Wishes"
d. The need for self-sufficiency as detailed in novels like Robinson Crusoe
e. The emptiness of the aristocracy as suggested by The Rape of the Lock
Question 14
The Enlightenment in European history refers to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. A period in the 18th century that celebrated industry
b. The revelation of religious truths through meditation
c. The power given to absolute monarchs by God
d. A period in which reason was celebrated as enabling human knowledge and possibly human perfection
e. The Renaissance rejection of the "Dark Ages"
Question 15
Which of the following best defines satire?
Choose one answer.
a. A literary form in which society's vices are ridiculed
b. Literature that relies on devices like irony, sarcasm, and humor
c. A work of literature that attempts to improve society
d. A text that exposes serious flaws under the veil of comedy
e. All of these answers
Question 16
Which of the following best defines the heroic couplet?
Choose one answer.
a. Two characters in an epic who are romantically involved
b. Two lines of rhyming verse written in iambic pentameter
c. The concluding lines of any poem
d. Two characters who act as foils in a comedy of manners
e. Unrhymed verse written in iambic tetrameter
Question 17
Which of the following characteristics is NOT closely associated with a comedy of manners?
Choose one answer.
a. Witty banter
b. Epic heroes
c. Sexual promiscuity
d. Hidden identities
e. Convoluted plots and plotting
Question 18
Which of the following political ideas is least related to the Enlightenment?
Choose one answer.
a. Increased individual liberty
b. Checks and balances
c. Social contract
d. Enlightened monarchy
e. Socialism
Question 19
Which of the following statements best describes the behavior of the upper-class characters in Congreve's The Way of the World?
Choose one answer.
a. They are somewhat jaded, but all are finally good at heart.
b. They are almost universally self-absorbed and willing to do anything to get what they want.
c. They tend to value love above money and honor.
d. They provide a moral example for the lower classes.
e. They deal with one another with honesty and honor, but they treat the lower classes poorly.
Question 20
Why were coffee-houses important in the Restoration?
Choose one answer.
a. They enabled discussion about important literary texts.
b. They created a space for the exchange of pamphlets.
c. They offered people a private place in which they could plan political revolts.
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Question 21
With which literary form or movement is the Restoration most closely associated?
Choose one answer.
a. Familiar essays
b. Comedies of manners
c. Romanticism
d. Medievalism
e. Gothic novels
Question 22
With which text is the term mock-epic most closely associated?
Choose one answer.
a. Wordsworth's "We Are Seven"
b. Pope's Rape of the Lock
c. Swift's "A Modest Proposal"
d. Benn's Oroonoko
e. Bronte's Jane Eyre
Question 23
"Do we now live in an enlightened age? The answer is, 'no,' but we do live in an age of enlightenment."
Choose one answer.
a. Immanuel Kant
b. John Locke
c. David Hume
d. Denis Diderot
e. Rene Descartes
Question 24
Aphra Behn's Oroonoko is a transitional text in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. like a romance, it focuses on an aristocratic character considered superior to average individuals.
b. like a novel, it tells its story with an emphasis on realistic detail and the everyday passage of time.
c. like an epic, it involves gods and goddesses.
d. like a novel, it makes claims to historical realism.
e. like a novel, it rejects traditional plots for one that supposedly emerges directly from the characters' situations.
Question 25
Both the Gothic and sentimental fiction emphasize which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Reason over emotions
b. The necessity for an aristocracy
c. The power of feelings
d. A sense of adventure
e. The supernatural
Question 26
Complete the following sentence. The politics of Radcliffe's medieval settings:
Choose one answer.
a. indicates her longing for the older aristocracy.
b. suggests her commitment to the Catholic Church.
c. is at odds with her explicit socialist politics.
d. implies that contemporary British society has overcome the institutions leading to the horrors its characters experience.
e. suggests that there is no difference between medieval society and her own.
Question 27
Complete the following sentence. Unlike many Enlightenment thinkers, Adam Smith and Rousseau:
Choose one answer.
a. traveled to America.
b. believed in God.
c. emphasized the importance of human emotions as guiding behavior.
d. rejected Newton's view of the universe.
e. argued in favor of communism.
Question 28
Complete the following sentence. We can best understand the medieval setting of Walpole's The Castle of Otranto as:
Choose one answer.
a. revealing his interest in Chaucer.
b. enabling his 18th-century readers access to a world they would see as less rational.
c. promoting the rise of museums.
d. commenting on the French and Indian War.
e. suggesting his interest in alchemy.
Question 29
How does this quotation from Behn's Oroonoko most suggest its status as an early novel: "I do not pretend, in giving you the history of this Royal Slave, to entertain my reader with adventures of a feigned hero, whose life and fortunes fancy may manage at the poet's pleasure."
Choose one answer.
a. It focuses on a royal hero.
b. It denies being imagined in favor of claims of realism.
c. It focuses on adventures.
d. It connects to poetry.
e. It focuses on slavery.
Question 30
How was the philosophical and popular emphasis on sensibility in the 18th century related to the development of the novel?
Choose one answer.
a. Like the novel, it focused on romantic relationships.
b. Like the novel, it foregrounded abstract reason over experience and emotion.
c. Like the novel, it emphasized the importance of sympathy and individual feelings.
d. Like the novel, it demonized the aristocracy.
e. In opposition to the novel, it stressed the innate depravity of humans.
Question 31
In Pamela, how does the epistolary style enhance the sentimental aspects of the novel?
Choose one answer.
a. It provides access to the heroine's innermost reactions.
b. It does not cloud the novel with authorial intrusion that confuses the emotions.
c. It provides a sense of immediacy because the letters are written in the thick of the action.
d. All of these answers
e. None of these answers
Question 32
In which of the following ways does Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho combine the features of the Gothic and the sentimental?
Choose one answer.
a. A heroine is the central character.
b. It emphasizes emotion over reason.
c. It has a didactic moral focus.
d. There is a focus on a central love story.
e. All of these answers
Question 33
Radcliffe's version of the Gothic differs most from Walpole's in its use of which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The sublime
b. The explained supernatural
c. Its medieval settings
d. Its use of mysterious events to spur readers' interests and emotional responses
e. Its suggestion of aristocratic immorality
Question 34
Robinson Crusoe's isolation on a deserted island allows Defoe to explore his development in which of the following ways?
Choose one answer.
a. His relationship to God and Christianity
b. His understanding of the basis of economics
c. His ability to identify with the slaves he has sold
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Question 35
Samuel Richardson's Pamela and Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe similarly reflect the forces giving rise to the novel in which of the following ways?
Choose one answer.
a. Their imperialist settings reflect the interest in faraway lands that led to adventure novels.
b. Both emphasize romantic relationships that play up the importance of women readers.
c. Both focus on the struggles of lower or middle-class characters, mirroring the development of a large middle-class readership as consumers.
d. Their epistolary forms reflect an increasing political interest in subjective feelings.
e. Both emphasize intense attention to natural details that parallel scientific empiricism.
Question 36
The development of the novel is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. the emergence of a powerful and literate middle class.
b. scientific emphasis on detailed observation.
c. the political focus on individuals and their rights.
d. philosophical theories of sympathy and human emotions.
e. the continuing importance of mythological stories.
Question 37
The main plot of Richardson's Pamela reflects the main characteristics of the sentimental novel through its emphasis on which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Pamela's attempt to seduce her employer
b. Pamela's parents' attempt to marry her to a wealthy landowner
c. Pamela's struggle to overcome her poverty through hard-work
d. Pamela's attempts to protect her chastity from the advances of her employer
e. Pamela's adventures as a prostitute and actress in London
Question 38
Which of the following best characterizes the ways that Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho links the Gothic novel with the sentimental form?
Choose one answer.
a. Its use of a medieval setting to reflect on rational progress
b. Its focus on having readers vicariously experience the dangers that a heroine faces
c. Its ambivalent treatment of its leading villain
d. Its use of the sublime
e. Its use of Gothic architecture to suggest unconscious feelings
Question 39
Which of the following best defines sentimentalism?
Choose one answer.
a. A refusal to emphasize the innate goodness of humanity
b. An emphasis on the power of sympathy to allow individuals to feel others' pain and joy
c. A sense of awe in the power of the natural world
d. A parody of the interest in emotion that developed out of the Enlightenment interest in reason
e. A pleasure that comes from sympathizing with those experiencing terror
Question 40
Which of the following does NOT accurately describe Robinson Crusoe's and Oroonoko's relationship to central features of the early English novel?
Choose one answer.
a. Where Oroonoko foregrounds supernatural agents, Robinson Crusoe avoids religion completely.
b. Both are largely set in South America, reflecting the relationship between empire and the early English novel.
c. Oroonoko seems to defend the aristocracy, where Robinson Crusoe elaborates the struggles of the middle class.
d. Both make claims to historical veracity.
e. Both attempt to individuate their main characters as living in a distinct place and time
Question 41
Which of the following genres is NOT part of the hybrid form of Behn's Oroonoko?
Choose one answer.
a. Nonfiction
b. Travel memoir
c. Detective story
d. Biography
e. Memoir
Question 42
Which of the following ideas does NOT come from Edmund Burke's Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime?
Choose one answer.
a. The relationship between the sublime and terror
b. The effect of the sublime on the physical body
c. The distinction between the sublime and beauty
d. An aesthetic explanation of the sublime through painting
e. The important role surprise plays in creating pleasure
Question 43
Which of the following is among the features that distinguish Robinson Crusoe as a novel as opposed to a romance?
Choose one answer.
a. Its recapitulation of a traditional story
b. Its larger-than-life hero
c. Its lack of attention to time
d. Its defense of the aristocracy
e. Its focus on the individual and his psychological and moral development
Question 44
Which of the following novelists was NOT associated with the rise of the novel as a literary form?
Choose one answer.
a. Samuel Richardson
b. Laurence Sterne
c. Daniel Defoe
d. Charles Dickens
e. Henry Fielding
Question 45
Which of the following terms is NOT closely associated with the Gothic novel?
Choose one answer.
a. Terror
b. Horror
c. The sublime
d. Suspense
e. Picaresque
Question 46
Which of the following texts is an example of a sentimental novel?
Choose one answer.
a. Pope's The Rape of the Lock
b. Swift's "A Modest Proposal"
c. Richardson's Pamela
d. Lewis's The Monk
e. Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho
Question 47
Which of the following works is considered to be the first Gothic novel?
Choose one answer.
a. Congreve's The Way of the World
b. Richardson's Pamela
c. Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho
d. Walpole's The Castle of Otranto
e. Lewis's The Monk
Question 48
"O my death mother! I am miserable, truly miserable! But yet, don't be frightened, I am honest! God, of his goodness, keep me so!" These lines characterize Samuel Richardson's Pamela in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. through the personal, direct appeal enabled by his epistolary form.
b. by emphasizing the character's fright.
c. by emphasizing sexual morality.
d. through the sentimental attempt to make readers strongly identify with the character's feelings.
e. by ascribing deep and important feelings to a lower-class character.
Question 49
Complete the following sentence. According to Edmund Burke, the French Revolution was:
Choose one answer.
a. the ultimate expression of humankind's ability to control its own destiny.
b. a misguided attempt to overthrow human nature by rejecting tradition.
c. a necessary change that was beginning to go astray.
d. an event that had little consequence to England.
e. the proper development of the ideas behind the American Revolution.
Question 50
Complete the following sentence. Keats's idea of "negative capability" refers to the idea that:
Choose one answer.
a. certain people are simply incapable of understanding poetry.
b. the true poet must be comfortable with balancing conflicting ideas.
c. the poet cannot express anything beyond his own experience.
d. it is only in the absence of experience that true poetry can emerge.
e. poetry must come from deep learning unaffected by personal bias.
Question 51
Complete the following sentence. Keats's "Ode to a Nightingale" is characteristically Romantic because of:
Choose one answer.
a. its focus on his lost love.
b. its rejection of scientific progress.
c. its elaboration of the intersecting importance of nature and the imagination.
d. its development of elements from national folklore.
e. its focus on a Byronic hero.
Question 52
Complete the following sentence. Shelley's "Ozymandias" can be linked to his "Defence of Poetry" through its:
Choose one answer.
a. rejection of traditional form.
b. portrayal of the power of art to speak truth.
c. rejection of art's political role.
d. attempt to link poetry with music.
e. defense of poetry as the greatest expression of the imagination.
Question 53
Complete the following sentence. The Byronic hero is characterized as:
Choose one answer.
a. always fighting for good against evil.
b. fortunate in always coming out victorious.
c. nearly superhuman in his powers but tortured by a psychological weight.
d. devoted to religion above all things.
e. always seeking to protect the community.
Question 54
Complete the following sentence. The opening frame narrative of Frankenstein comes from:
Choose one answer.
a. Walton, a failed poet who is attempting to discover the North Pole.
b. the creature, after he has killed Victor Frankenstein.
c. Victor Frankenstein's diary.
d. Mrs. Saville, Frankenstein's cousin.
e. the bride of the monster.
Question 55
Complete the following sentence. The Romantic movement is least closely related to:
Choose one answer.
a. folklore.
b. nationalism.
c. parody.
d. exoticism.
e. popular art.
Question 56
Complete the following sentence. Wordsworth conceives of himself as a "chosen son" primarily because:
Choose one answer.
a. he stood to inherit a great deal due to the laws of Primogeniture.
b. his brothers died in their youth.
c. he was endowed with a great poetic talent.
d. he was given special educational opportunities.
e. he feels especially connected to nature due to his experience as a youth.
Question 57
Complete the following sentence. Wordsworth's advocacy of poets drawing on the "language really used by men" in his preface to Lyrical Ballads represents:
Choose one answer.
a. a radical break with 18th-century rules on elevated diction.
b. a continuity with poets such as Alexander Pope.
c. a rejection of nature in favor of society.
d. a defense of the use of elaborate figurative language.
e. an important part of his emphasis on religious feeling.
Question 58
In "Ode to the West Wind," why does Shelley ask the wind to "make me thy lyre"?
Choose one answer.
a. To help drive his ideas across the universe
b. To help him reach the afterlife
c. To help him hear nature's music
d. To help him start a new revolutionary war
e. To help him escape from his present state of mind
Question 59
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein most reflects which central romantic themes or concerns?
Choose one answer.
a. Nature as mirroring the human mind and its imagination
b. The limits of scientific attempts to understand and control the world
c. The poet as special interpreter of the world
d. The centrality of subjective experience to apprehending the world
e. The importance of national identity
Question 60
Shelley expresses all of the following ideas in A Defence of Poetry, EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. reason can help man understand beauty.
b. civilization comes through beauty.
c. language shows humanity's impulse towards order.
d. poetry has no effect on society.
e. poetry is both of its time and eternal.
Question 61
The opening lines of Charlotte Smith's "Beachy Head" refer to the speaker "reclin[ing]" on the "stupendous summit" of a "rock sublime" as her "Fancy" went forth. This poem reflects which of the following features common to much Romantic poetry?
Choose one answer.
a. An emphasis on the relationship between a natural setting and the imagination as in Wordsworth's poems
b. A focus on the poet as seer as in some of Keats's poems
c. A call for social and political reform as in some of Shelley's works
d. A nod to the poet as outcast as in some of Byron's poems
e. An experience of innocence as seen in Blake's poems
Question 62
Victor Frankenstein's project to create life in Mary Shelley's novel can be linked to romanticism through which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. His Promethean striving to exceed human limitations as explored by Byron and Percy Shelley
b. Its suggestion that the natural order has laws beyond human control
c. His desire to create a political revolution
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Question 63
What do Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" and Coleridge's "Dejection Ode" have in common?
Choose one answer.
a. An identical rhyme structure
b. The belief that a person is incapable of change, even as he or she ages
c. The sense of hope that death will come soon
d. A shared theme that nature exposes the pain in human life
e. The form of an ode
Question 64
Which event did Percy Shelley call "the master theme of the epoch in which we live"?
Choose one answer.
a. Industrial Revolution
b. French Revolution
c. Scientific Revolution
d. Technological Revolution
e. Enlightenment
Question 65
Which of the following best characterizes Wordsworth's attitude towards the French Revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. He thought it did not go far enough in granting women rights.
b. He opposed it in favor of supporting the king and the ancien régime.
c. He favored its democratic impulses but was appalled by its destructive nature.
d. He did not think it concerned him and his relationship to nature.
e. He thought the British should invade France.
Question 66
Which of the following is NOT a central theme of Wordsworth's poetry?
Choose one answer.
a. The common man
b. The promises of technology
c. The outcast figure
d. The movement of time
e. The power of the imagination
Question 67
Which of the following statements about the poems in Blake's Songs of Innocence and Experience is true?
Choose one answer.
a. The poems defend the industrial revolution as helping England's economy.
b. The poems criticize religious institutions for not helping the oppressed.
c. The poems reject experience in favor of innocence.
d. The poems reject innocence in favor of experience.
e. The poems focus on Blake's personal experience and growth from innocence to experience.
Question 68
Which of the following statements accurately describes the theme of Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey"?
Choose one answer.
a. Nature loses its ability to affect human emotion over time.
b. Sensitivity to nature's message comes with age.
c. Life experience does not have to power to alter human opinions.
d. It is not possible to appreciate beauty once one has aged.
e. Man exerts power over nature.
Question 69
Which of the following statements best characterizes Romanticism's relationship to the Enlightenment?
Choose one answer.
a. Romanticism continued the Enlightenment's focus on a universal order best apprehended through reason.
b. Romanticism challenged the Enlightenment's emphasis on objectivity as the basis of truth.
c. Romanticism largely abandoned the Enlightenment's hope in progressive political change.
d. Unlike the Enlightenment, Romanticism deemed the natural world unimportant.
e. Like the Enlightenment, Romanticism readily envisioned scientific progress as solving humankind's problems.
Question 70
Which of the following statements does NOT accurately characterize a lyric poem?
Choose one answer.
a. In a lyric poem, the speaker expresses emotion.
b. The lyric poem is a popular form in the Romantic era.
c. The lyric poem has a song-like quality.
d. The lyric poem creates a personal sense of emotion.
e. The lyric poem focuses on action.
Question 71
With which of these writers is the "spontaneous overflow of emotion" associated?
Choose one answer.
a. Ann Radcliffe
b. William Wordsworth
c. John Keats
d. Alfred Lord Tennyson
e. Charlotte Bronte
Question 72
"For I have learned/To look on nature, not as in the hour/Of thoughtless youth; but hearing oftentimes/The sad, still music of humanity"
Choose one answer.
a. The poet's changing relationship to nature as fount of meaning and significance
b. The falsity of human art as opposed to the immediate truth of nature
c. The failure of the poet when a youth to imagine his future
d. The utter rejection of youthful folly in favor of mature rationality
e. The insignificance of youthful experience compared to adult relationships
Question 73
Complete the following sentence. In Charles Dickens's Great Expectations, Pip gains his fortune from:
Choose one answer.
a. inheriting his father's fortune.
b. hard work as a blacksmith.
c. saving the life of a rich heiress.
d. through the wealth of a convict he once helped.
e. betting on horse races.
Question 74
Complete the following sentence. In the opening lines of Gerard Manley Hopkins's "The Windhover," the words "daylight's dauphin, dapple-dawn-drawn Falcon":
Choose one answer.
a. are an example of antithesis to suggest the falcon's contradictory nature.
b. use alliterative language to draw attention to the falcon's importance as a symbol of Christ.
c. refer to the speaker's heart.
d. indicate the speaker's lack of faith.
e. suggest that darkness is about to fall.
Question 75
Complete the following sentence. Robert Browning's poem "Porphyria's Lover" is:
Choose one answer.
a. a sonnet expressing his devotion to his wife.
b. a dramatic monologue spoken by a murderer.
c. a dramatic monologue spoken by Browning.
d. an epic describing a great romance.
e. a commentary on Queen Victoria.
Question 76
Complete the following sentence. Tennyson's In Memoriam and Browning's dramatic monologues can best be seen as combining neoclassicism with romanticism through their:
Choose one answer.
a. neoclassical emphasis on traditional form and romantic subjectivism.
b. romantic rejection of science and neoclassical use of mythology.
c. romantic emphasis on personal feelings combined with a neoclassical focus on social context.
d. romantic critique of industrialization and neoclassical use of satire.
e. neoclassical focus on order and decorum and romantic celebration of nature.
Question 77
How did ideas about the spread of the British Empire start to shift in the Victorian Period?
Choose one answer.
a. The loss of the American colonies turned people off to the idea of expansion.
b. Competition between European rivals forced the British to find new trading partners.
c. Colonizers were no longer necessarily interested in reforming indigenous populations.
d. People found ways to justify expansion by claiming national superiority.
e. All of these answers
Question 78
How does the following representative quotation from Brontë's Jane Eyre reflect on Victorian social conventions? "You have nothing to do with the master of Thornfield, further than to receive the salary he gives you for teaching his protégée, and to be grateful for such respectful and kind treatment as, if you do your duty, you have a right to expect at his hands"
Choose one answer.
a. It reiterates the class divisions that kept both men and women from social mobility.
b. It suggests that women were increasingly accepted as professionals.
c. It indicates that British society had become much more egalitarian.
d. It reveals the stern consequences of the Industrial Revolution.
e. It accentuates the impact of imperial structures on the domestic sphere.
Question 79
In Linton's The Girl of the Period, what course of behavior does the author recommend for women?
Choose one answer.
a. Women should wear more makeup in order to attract husbands.
b. Women should make sure to receive an education in order to secure their own futures.
c. Women should take pains to remain generous, modest, and capable.
d. Women should be given the right to vote immediately.
e. Women should stop being "girls" and see themselves as independent adults.
Question 80
In Matthew Arnold's poem "Dover Beach," the speaker refers to the "melancholy, long, withdrawing roar" of "The Sea of Faith." This reference alludes to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The Protestant Reformation
b. Religious interpretations of changes to the oceans
c. The decline of religion's importance in the modern West
d. His lover's betrayal
e. Faith in the British Empire
Question 81
In which of the following ways did Hopkins revolutionize poetry?
Choose one answer.
a. He created a radically new form.
b. He used unusual, arcane words.
c. He made obscure allusions.
d. All of these answers
e. None of these answers
Question 82
Swinburne's poems such as "Hermaphroditus" are best known for which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Their conservative poetics
b. Their frank depiction of sexuality
c. Their radical politics
d. Their nationalistic tone
e. Their defense of Christianity
Question 83
Tennyson's "Ulysses" can be characterized in all of the following ways, EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. it works as a dramatic monologue.
b. it thematizes the importance of choosing action over complacency.
c. it reflects a Victorian attitude of continuing to fight against loss of hope or faith.
d. it uses Greek mythology to comment on contemporary questions.
e. it emphasizes the internal life of the mind over social action.
Question 84
The Pre-Raphaelites are best known for which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. A return to neoclassical aesthetics
b. Disassociating painting and poetry
c. Lavish attention to the sensuous elements of life
d. Rejecting English poetic tradition
e. Decorum and logic
Question 85
What does the shift in weather in Chapter 23 of Jane Eyre reflect about the plot?
Choose one answer.
a. It functions as a metaphor for the women's rights movement.
b. It foreshadows a negative shift in mood.
c. It symbolizes the increase in scientific knowledge.
d. It acts as an allusion to the importance of nature in the Romantic period.
e. It implies that women should remain indoors.
Question 86
What was the importance of the Reform Bills of 1832 and 1867?
Choose one answer.
a. They raised the question of whether women should be able to vote.
b. They allowed new colonization and imperialism efforts.
c. They established new standards for Victorian morality.
d. They allowed women to divorce their husbands.
e. They allowed women to own property for the first time.
Question 87
What was the "white man's burden" that Kipling speaks of in his poem of the same title?
Choose one answer.
a. The pressure of conforming to preexisting social conventions
b. The burden of white colonizers who are forced to learn to live in new lands
c. The Eurocentric idea that the colonizer has a social responsibility to civilize other nations
d. The concept that all white men do not share the same imperial duties
e. The white man's experience of defending his land from being occupied
Question 88
What was the "Woman Question" in the Victorian Period?
Choose one answer.
a. A historical discussion prompted by the Reform Bills of 1832 and 1867
b. A debate about whether women should be able to vote
c. A discussion of women's roles inside and outside the home
d. A conversation about women's work as a product of the Industrial Revolution
e. All of these answers
Question 89
Which of the following did NOT contribute to the growth of literacy in the 19th-century?
Choose one answer.
a. Improved printing machines
b. More magazines on the market
c. The rise in serialized fiction
d. Lower prices for magazines
e. The passage of the Reform Bills
Question 90
Which of the following directives was part of Queen Victoria's moral crusade?
Choose one answer.
a. There should be more missionary work in less civilized parts of the world.
b. Concerts in the parks that were attended by ordinary people should be banned.
c. Civil servants should talk more openly and publicly about their moral work.
d. Members of the Jewish and Catholic faiths should be excluded from public office.
e. There should be more laws to criminalize sex.
Question 91
Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize Jane Eyre's relationship to other literary works?
Choose one answer.
a. Like Great Expectations, Jane Eyre addresses the power of wealth and class.
b. Like "Dover Beach," Jane Eyre mourns the diminishing power of Christian faith.
c. Through Rochester, Jane Eyre develops a Byronic hero.
d. Like Great Expectations, Jane Eyre can be read as a bildungsroman.
e. Like Goblin Market, Jane Eyre explores the ambivalence of sexuality for Victorian women.
Question 92
Which of the following does NOT characterize Matthew Arnold's "Dover Beach"?
Choose one answer.
a. It is a dramatic monologue.
b. Like earlier Romantic lyrics, it takes a natural setting as an occasion for philosophical reflection.
c. It has a melancholic tone.
d. It envisions Christianity as eternal.
e. It concludes by shifting its focus to personal relationships.
Question 93
Which of the following events was NOT associated with the Victorian period?
Choose one answer.
a. Repeal of the corn laws
b. Opium Wars
c. Great Exhibition
d. French Revolution
e. Railway mania
Question 94
Which of the following is a central theme of Christina Rossetti's poem "Goblin Market"?
Choose one answer.
a. The dangers of sensuality to women
b. The links between sexuality and economics
c. The importance of sisterly bonds
d. All of these answers
e. None of these answers
Question 95
Which of the following is a requirement of a dramatic monologue?
Choose one answer.
a. It has a speaker as well as an implied reader.
b. It includes elements of parody.
c. There is a "spontaneous overflow of emotion."
d. It is written in common, ordinary language.
e. The speaker attempts to evoke a sense of terror in the reader.
Question 96
Which of the following most accurately describes the relationship between Darwin's On the Origin of Species and Victorian society and its ideals?
Choose one answer.
a. Darwin's work echoed Victorian thought with its emphasis on struggle while disrupting Victorian faith by decentering humans.
b. Darwin's work was almost universally accepted from its first appearance.
c. Darwin's work had little initial influence on Victorian society and culture.
d. Almost all religious authorities rejected Darwin's work completely.
e. Darwin's work thoroughly reflected Victorian notions of moral uplift and progress.
Question 97
Which of the following social issues does Dickens confront in Great Expectations?
Choose one answer.
a. Penal reform
b. Educational reform
c. The role of the monarchy
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C
Question 98
Which of the following statements about Elizabeth Barrett Browning's sonnet 43 ("How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.") is false?
Choose one answer.
a. Sonnet 43 is similar to most other sonnets in its focus on love.
b. Sonnet 43 is part of a sonnet sequence "Sonnets from the Portuguese."
c. Sonnet 43 consists of fourteen lines, like other sonnets.
d. Sonnet 43 is a romantic poem in the same way Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey" is a romantic poem.
e. Sonnet 43 suggests changing Victorian attitudes about women's sexuality.
Question 99
Which poet did Arthur Henry Hallum associate with "the picturesque"?
Choose one answer.
a. Alexander Pope
b. Percy Shelley
c. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
d. Alfred Tennyson
e. Gerard Manley Hopkins
Question 100
Which writer is most closely associated with the serialized novel?
Choose one answer.
a. William Congreve
b. Ann Radcliffe
c. Matthew Lewis
d. Charles Dickens
e. Charlotte Brontë