According to Dante, what does the term "gramatica" mean?
Choose one answer.
a. It is static language with unchanging rules.
b. It is the language spoken by everyday people.
c. It is the only kind of illustrious vernacular.
d. It is synonymous with natural language.
e. All of the above
Question 2
According to Dante, when is it most appropriate to use Latin?
Choose one answer.
a. In written literature
b. In everyday speech
c. In essays
d. In love poetry
e. In comedies
Question 3
According to most critics, Vita Nuova is an example of which of the following genres?
Choose one answer.
a. Courtly love
b. Autobiography
c. Framed narrative
d. Lyric poetry
e. All of the above
Question 4
For what reason was Dante exiled from his home?
Choose one answer.
a. Because many people were deeply offended by The Divine Comedy
b. Because he was embroiled in the conflict between the Black Guelphs and White Guelphs
c. Because Pope Boniface VIII was upset by his representation of the church in The Divine Comedy
d. Because Beatrice's family wanted the two lovers separated
e. All of the above
Question 5
How is Dante's relationship with Beatrice an example of courtly love?
Choose one answer.
a. The relationship shows Dante ennobled by his love for Beatrice.
b. The relationship watches Dante pass through stages of love for Beatrice's physical, moral, and divine beauty.
c. The relationship provides an example of passionate love rather than arranged matches.
d. The relationship focuses on Beatrice's chastity and purity.
e. All of the above
Question 6
In De Vulgari Eloquentia, Dante writes primarily in which language?
Choose one answer.
a. Tuscan
b. Italian
c. Latin
d. English
e. Occitan
Question 7
In Vita Nuova, how does Dante represent love?
Choose one answer.
a. Love is an ennobling force that offers a chance for salvation.
b. Love is problematic for Dante, because Beatrice is considered impure.
c. Love has little to do with spirituality.
d. Love obscures all possibility for salvation.
e. All of the above
Question 8
In which dialect is Dante's Vita Nuova primarily written?
Choose one answer.
a. Latin
b. Tuscan
c. English
d. French
e. German
Question 9
In which important medieval city was Dante born?
Choose one answer.
a. London
b. Rome
c. Florence
d. Sorrento
e. Paris
Question 10
In which of the following ways was Dante involved in the Italian politics of his time?
Choose one answer.
a. He was part of a delegation to the Pope.
b. He held several positions in the local government.
c. He conducted diplomatic missions.
d. He literally fought at the Battle of Campaldino.
e. All of the above
Question 11
In which text did Dante introduce the "dolce stil novo" technique?
Choose one answer.
a. The Convivio
b. Vita Nuova
c. De Vulgari Eloquentia
d. Eclogues
e. De Monarchia
Question 12
In which way was Dante a precursor of humanism?
Choose one answer.
a. He wrote classical epics with Christian materials.
b. He promoted the worship of idolatrous statues from the ancient times.
c. He rejected the influence of Scholasticism.
d. He was uninterested in the poetics of the sublime.
e. All of the above
Question 13
The quote "women who have intellect of love" is from which text?
Choose one answer.
a. Vita Nuova
b. De Monarchia
c. De Vulgari Eloquentia
d. The Divine Comedy
e. The Convivio
Question 14
What did Dante have in common with Aquinas?
Choose one answer.
a. Both believed that the Church was infallible.
b. Both believed that reason was unrelated to faith.
c. Both believed in the joint power of the Church and the State.
d. Both believed that only faith was an important part of the Christian worldview.
e. Both believed that reason and faith were part of the quest for truth.
Question 15
What is the best definition of humanism?
Choose one answer.
a. The movement to write more in vernacular
b. The intellectual movement interested in classical antiquity
c. The scientific movement away from classical antiquity
d. The movement based on literature about courtly love
e. The political movement to end enlightened empires
Question 16
What is the translation of the term "dolce stil novo"?
Choose one answer.
a. "The sweet silence"
b. "The sweetness of love"
c. "Sweet and still"
d. "Sweet new style"
e. "The sweetness of heaven"
Question 17
Where did Dante stay while he was in exile?
Choose one answer.
a. Verona
b. Paris
c. Ravenna
d. England
e. All of the above
Question 18
Which of the following best represents Dante's criticism of the medieval Church?
Choose one answer.
a. He thought the popes failed to live up the requirements of their offices.
b. He disbelieved in the Christian doctrine.
c. He believed that most of the teachings were incorrect.
d. He thought that the popes were the only successful part of the Church.
Question 19
Which of the following contributed to the rise of vernacular literature?
Choose one answer.
a. There was an increase in popularity of wanderers and troubadours.
b. Most professional scribes found it difficult to write in Medieval Latin.
c. The spoken language tended to take precedence in areas where the Church was weak.
d. Official documents were written in spoken language.
e. All of the above
Question 20
Which of the following historical events occurred in Dante's lifetime?
Choose one answer.
a. The Italian Renaissance
b. The Black Death
c. The Crusades
d. The Enlightenment
e. The Scientific Revolution
Question 21
Which of the following historical figures influenced Dante?
Choose one answer.
a. Saint Augustine
b. Cicero
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Brunetto Latini
e. All of the above
Question 22
Which of the following is the theme of De Vulgari Eloquentia?
Choose one answer.
a. The search for the illustrious vernacular
b. The historical evolution of language
c. The language of different literary genres
d. The difference between grammar and language
e. All of the above
Question 23
Which of the following was a popular medieval criticism about the Church?
Choose one answer.
a. Many people faulted the immorality of the higher levels of the clergy.
b. Many people were unable to understand Church texts written in Latin.
c. Many people were unable to understand the language of the Mass.
d. Many people took issue with the Pope's inordinate wealth and power.
e. All of the above
Question 24
While in exile, how did Dante's opinions about monarchy shift?
Choose one answer.
a. He came to prefer the idea of an enlightened emperor.
b. He decided that only a dictator should be in power.
c. He decided that only the Catholic Church should be in power.
d. He came to the realization that all emperors are unjust.
e. He came to favor the idea of an elected emperor.
Question 25
Which of the following is the theme of Dante's Vita Nuova?
Choose one answer.
a. His dislike of the vernacular language
b. His opposition to the separation of Church and State
c. His love for Beatrice
d. His experiences in exile
Question 26
According to critics, how does Dante's underworld differ from Virgil's hell?
Choose one answer.
a. Unlike Virgil's hell, Dante's underworld focuses on punishment for sins.
b. Unlike Virgil's hell, Dante's underworld is concerned with destiny and future.
c. Unlike Virgil's hell, Dante's underworld is not expected to last forever.
d. Unlike Virgil's hell, Dante's underworld does not include examples of justice.
Question 27
According to Dante, which is the most serious sin in hell?
Choose one answer.
a. Lust
b. Gluttony
c. Avarice
d. Heresy
e. Treachery
Question 28
According to most critics, how does Dante distinguish love from lust?
Choose one answer.
a. Lust is often pure, while love tends to be crude.
b. Lust and love are both sins that place the sinner in hell.
c. Lust involves the subordination of reason to desire.
d. Lust leads to moral improvement, while love is a more destructive force.
e. Lust is moral attraction, while love is sexual attraction.
Question 29
According to most critics, what does Geryon represent in The Inferno?
Choose one answer.
a. Fraud
b. Reason
c. Justice
d. Lust
e. Violence
Question 30
According to Robert Hollander, what are the two types of allegory used by Dante?
Choose one answer.
a. "Allegory of speech" and "allegory of the poets"
b. "Allegory of speech" and "allegory of irony"
c. "Allegory of speech" and "allegory of the theologians"
d. "Allegory of the poets" and "allegory of the theologians"
e. "Allegory of the poets" and "allegory of irony"
Question 31
Dante's mention of the "sound of the angelic trumpet" refers to which religious event?
Choose one answer.
a. The Annunciation
b. Baptism
c. Holy Communion
d. The Last Judgment
e. Easter Sunday
Question 32
In The Inferno, Cerberus is the protector of which circle of hell?
Choose one answer.
a. The circle of lust
b. The circle of gluttony
c. The circle of heresy
d. The circle of treachery
e. The circle of violence
Question 33
In The Inferno, his journey starts on which holiday?
Choose one answer.
a. Easter Sunday
b. Christmas
c. All Saint's Day
d. All Soul's Day
e. Good Friday
Question 34
In The Inferno, how are the wrathful punished?
Choose one answer.
a. They violently fight each other in a muddy swamp.
b. They are burned in their graves.
c. They roll heavy stones onto one another.
d. They are forced to lie under the surface of a marsh.
Question 35
In The Inferno, how does his journey end?
Choose one answer.
a. He remains in hell.
b. He returns to earth.
c. He escapes into Purgatory.
d. He emerges in Paradise.
e. He remains in the deepest circle.
Question 36
In The Inferno, how is heresy defined?
Choose one answer.
a. As the denial of the soul's immortality
b. As the rejection free will
c. As the choice of lust over love
d. As the decision to indulge in various sins
e. As the acceptance of all Christian ideas
Question 37
In The Inferno, how is the idea of Fortune represented?
Choose one answer.
a. Fortune is represented as a fickle woman.
b. Fortune is a "divine minister" similar to an angel.
c. Fortune is responsible for the distribution of worldly goods.
d. Fortune is beyond human understanding.
e. All of the above
Question 38
In The Inferno, what quality does Virgil represent?
Choose one answer.
a. Reason
b. Compassion
c. Temperance
d. Fortitude
e. Pride
Question 39
In The Inferno, where is hell physically situated?
Choose one answer.
a. Beneath Cairo
b. Beneath Jerusalem
c. Beneath Rome
d. Beneath Florence
e. Beneath Athens
Question 40
In The Inferno, which historical character is found in Satan's mouth?
Choose one answer.
a. Dido
b. Pope Boniface
c. Beatrice
d. Judas
e. Francesca
Question 41
In The Inferno, which three characters are located in the deepest circle of hell?
Choose one answer.
a. Guinevere, Dido, and Francesca
b. Homer, Dante, and Virgil
c. Brutus, Cassius, and Judas
d. Pope Nicholas, Pope Boniface, and Pope Clement
e. Amphiaraus, Jason, and Tiresias
Question 42
In The Inferno, who defends the city of Dis?
Choose one answer.
a. The sinners in the heretic circle
b. The furies
c. The fallen angels
d. The angelic messengers
e. The sinners in the treachery circle
Question 43
In which circle would Dante place someone who committed suicide?
Choose one answer.
a. The circle of violence
b. The circle of wrath
c. The circle of heresy
d. The circle of treachery
e. The circle of fraud
Question 44
The phrase "where the sun is silent" is an example of which poetic device?
Choose one answer.
a. Allegory
b. Metonymy
c. Synesthesia
d. Simile
e. Litotes
Question 45
The quote "abandon all hope ye who enter here" is from which text?
Choose one answer.
a. Vita Nuova
b. The Divine Comedy
c. De Vulgari Eloquentia
d. De Monarchia
e. Eclogues
Question 46
What is contrapasso?
Choose one answer.
a. The idea that the punishment fits the crime
b. The poetic verse form used in Vita Nuova
c. The structure of the cantos in The Divine Comedy
d. The theme of love and lust in The Divine Comedy
e. The idea that sinners will rise into heaven
Question 47
What is limbo?
Choose one answer.
a. The space on the edge of hell for those who are not saved
b. In The Inferno, the place for many ancient Roman, Greek, and Egyptian thinkers
c. For Dante, the home of major figures from the Hebrew Bible
d. The place for virtuous non-Christian adults
e. All of the above
Question 48
What is terza rima?
Choose one answer.
a. A traditional type of poetry rejected by Dante in favor of new rhyme schemes
b. A form of blank verse
c. A poetic form with an interlocking three-line rhyme scheme
d. A poetic form with five-line stanzas
e. A traditional form used only in sonnets
Question 49
Which historical figure appears in the circle of lust?
Choose one answer.
a. Francesca
b. Judas
c. Ciacco
d. Alberigo
Question 50
In The Inferno, who initially leads him around hell?
Choose one answer.
a. Saint Augustine
b. Virgil
c. Homer
d. Judas
e. Saint Bernard
Question 51
According to Dante, what place is at the top of his purgatory?
Choose one answer.
a. The Gate to Limbo
b. The Garden of Eden
c. The Dark Wood
d. The circles of Hell
e. The Empyrean
Question 52
According to Dante, which is necessary in order to make a perfect confession?
Choose one answer.
a. The secret confession of sins
b. A lack of remorse
c. The inability to reject one's old life
d. A sense of gratitude for God's mercy
Question 53
According to Dante, who resides in his ante-purgatory?
Choose one answer.
a. The souls of those who are ready to enter heaven
b. The souls of those who are not yet ready to purge their sins
c. The souls of those who are about to enter hell
d. The souls of the repentant who are punished for their sins
e. The souls of those who are about to die
Question 54
According to Dr. Mazzotta, what does the phrase "the little bark" mean?
Choose one answer.
a. It means that sinners must resign themselves to life in hell.
b. It implies that Beatrice will return later in the poem.
c. It suggests that paradise is close to purgatory.
d. It highlights the idea that Dante is on a journey of poetry.
e. It implies that time in The Divine Comedy exists outside the real world.
Question 55
According to Dr. Mazzotta, what is the central allegorical theme in The Purgatorio?
Choose one answer.
a. The poet's attempt to climb the mountain
b. The poet's attempt to find his way back to Florence from Jerusalem
c. The poet's descent into hell
d. The poet's tour of earthly paradise
e. The poet's tour of heavenly paradise
Question 56
According to Dr. Mazzotta, what trait distinguishes Dante's purgatory from his hell?
Choose one answer.
a. Purgatory is less future-oriented.
b. Purgatory is a place of redemptive intervention.
c. Purgatory includes references to time.
d. Purgatory is less rooted in the human, natural world.
Question 57
According to most scholars, what does the chariot in The Purgatorio symbolize?
Choose one answer.
a. The absence of heretics and monsters in medieval church history
b. The conflict between ancient Romans and the early Church
c. The impossibility for sinners to repent
d. The righteousness of the Roman Empire over time
e. The inability to move between purgatory and paradise
Question 58
According to most scholars, what does The Purgatorio allegorically represent?
Choose one answer.
a. The penitent life
b. The afterlife existence for mortal sinners
c. The heavenly paradise
d. The earthly paradise
e. The lack of an afterlife
Question 59
In The Purgatorio, how does Dante depict the punishment of the proud penitents?
Choose one answer.
a. They are punished with whips and bridles.
b. They are forced to carry heavy rocks on their backs.
c. They have their eyes sewn shut with wire.
d. They must walk through thick smoke.
e. They are forced to walk through a wall of flames.
Question 60
In The Purgatorio, how does Dante represent the entryway to the seventh terrace of lust?
Choose one answer.
a. He must be allowed by Cerberus to pass.
b. He must walk through an immense wall of flames.
c. He must be escorted into the terrace by an angelic messenger.
d. He must first be ferried across the River Lethe.
e. He must be escorted into the terrace by his own lover, Beatrice.
Question 61
In The Purgatorio, the opening of the text resembles which type of poem?
Choose one answer.
a. Sonnet
b. Aubade
c. Ode
d. Elegy
e. Doggerel
Question 62
In The Purgatorio, what is the function of the residents' punishments?
Choose one answer.
a. The punishments prevent hope from being reborn in sinners.
b. The punishments keep the sinners from entering the path to salvation.
c. The punishments allow the sinners to purge their sins.
d. The punishments remind the sinners that they are damned to hell.
Question 63
In The Purgatorio, where does Dante physically set purgatory?
Choose one answer.
a. In the southern hemisphere
b. In the northern hemisphere
c. In Florence
d. In Rome
e. In the western hemisphere
Question 64
In The Purgatorio, which of the following characters does Dante dream about?
Choose one answer.
a. Rachel and Leah
b. Brutus and Cassius
c. Dido and Aeneas
d. Pope Boniface and Pope Clement
e. Homer and Virgil
Question 65
In The Purgatorio, whom does Dante cite as his example of temperance?
Choose one answer.
a. Pope Boniface
b. Pope Clement
c. Saint Stephen
d. John the Baptist
e. Saint Augustine
Question 66
The levels of purgatory are associated with which religious concept?
Choose one answer.
a. The planets
b. The seven deadly sins
c. The Augustan calendar
d. The seven sacraments
e. The holy days
Question 67
The quote "take then henceforth thy pleasure for guide" comes from which text?
Choose one answer.
a. Vita Nuova
b. The Convivio
c. De Vulgari Eloquentia
d. The Divine Comedy
e. Eclogues
Question 68
What does the term "translatio studii" mean?
Choose one answer.
a. The ability to move from purgatory into heaven
b. The translation of culture from one civilization to another
c. The movement from one circle of hell to another
d. The idea that the punishment fits the crime
e. The ability to make a religious pilgrimage
Question 69
What is purgatory?
Choose one answer.
a. A condition of temporal punishment for those who have committed minor sins
b. A place for cleansing and purification
c. The place of transition between earth, heaven, and hell
d. The setting for the middle portion of Dante's The Divine Comedy
e. All of the above
Question 70
What is the function of the River Lethe?
Choose one answer.
a. It separates heaven from hell.
b. It prevents sinners from escaping hell.
c. It washes away the memory of sin.
d. It separates Dante from the other sinners.
Question 71
Which character does Dante meet at the end of his journey through purgatory?
Choose one answer.
a. Cato
b. Beatrice
c. Virgil
d. Homer
e. Ulysses
Question 72
Which of the following characters appears in The Purgatorio?
Choose one answer.
a. Beatrice
b. Sapia
c. Cato
d. Sordello
e. All of the above
Question 73
Which of the following is a common element of vision literature?
Choose one answer.
a. A vision purges a character's earthly sins
b. The themes usually involve life after death
c. A character's body is separated from his soul
d. A guide leads the narrator on a spiritual journey
e. All of the above
Question 74
Who is Cato?
Choose one answer.
a. An ancient Greek statesman
b. A character who appears in the lust circle of hell
c. A character who appears in the ninth circle of hell
d. The example Dante uses to show a perfect Christian man
e. An ancient pagan that Dante meets in purgatory
Question 75
In The Purgatorio, what do the steps to the Gate of Purgatory represent?
Choose one answer.
a. The seven deadly sins
b. The seven types of sin that keep people from heaven
c. The three components of the perfect confession
d. The eight beatitudes
e. All of the above
Question 76
According to Dante, which class of people reside on the planet Mars?
Choose one answer.
a. The wise
b. The warriors of faith
c. The justice rulers
d. The contemplative
e. The lovers
Question 77
According to Dr. Mazzotta, what do Dante's planets represent?
Choose one answer.
a. The deadly sins
b. The historical religious eras
c. The liberal arts
d. The sacraments
e. The Roman rulers
Question 78
According to scholars, what is the function of the rose that Dante sees in paradise?
Choose one answer.
a. It is a symbol of divine love.
b. It alludes to the Garden of Eden.
c. It symbolizes perfection and paradise.
d. It is a symbol of the Virgin Mary.
e. All of the above
Question 79
Dante's nine spheres of heaven are associated with which of the following religious concepts?
Choose one answer.
a. The deadly sins
b. The steps to confession
c. The beatitudes
d. The angelic hierarchy
e. The sacraments
Question 80
In De Monarchia, what language does Dante primarily use?
Choose one answer.
a. English
b. Latin
c. Italian
d. Tuscan
e. Occitan
Question 81
In his Letter to Can Grande, which topic does Dante attempt to explain?
Choose one answer.
a. His use of allegory
b. His opposition to the separation of Church and State
c. His belief in the infallibility of the popes
d. His interest in medieval cosmology
e. His use of terza rima
Question 82
In Saturn, what does Peter Damian say about God's ways?
Choose one answer.
a. He says that God's ways are similar to those of Roman emperors.
b. He says that God's ways are extremely simple.
c. He says that God's ways are beyond human understanding.
d. He says that God's ways are only available to those in heaven.
e. All of the above
Question 83
In The Divine Comedy, what do many critics believe Beatrice allegorically represents?
Choose one answer.
a. The light of glory
b. Natural light
c. Revelations
d. The light of grace
e. All of the above
Question 84
In The Paradiso, Dante bases his structure of paradise on which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The Renaissance concept of the planets
b. The Ptolemaic universe
c. Ancient Roman cosmology
d. Ancient Greek cosmology
e. The Enlightenment concept of the universe
Question 85
In The Paradiso, Dante focuses on which kind of politics?
Choose one answer.
a. The politics of Florence
b. The politics of Ravenna
c. The politics of ancient Greece
d. The politics of Italian city-states
e. The politics of the Roman Empire
Question 86
In The Paradiso, how does Dante's journey through heaven end?
Choose one answer.
a. With his exclusion from purgatory
b. With a vision of the Trinity
c. With his return to hell
d. With his death
e. With his declaration of disbelief
Question 87
In The Paradiso, on what day do the events occur?
Choose one answer.
a. Easter Sunday
b. Wednesday after Easter
c. Good Friday
d. All Saint's Day
e. All Soul's Day
Question 88
In The Paradiso, what event does Dante allegorically represent?
Choose one answer.
a. The soul's union with the body
b. The soul's ascent to heaven
c. The soul's tour of purgatory
d. The soul's descent into hell
e. The soul's punishment for sin
Question 89
In The Paradiso, which class of people does Dante place on the moon?
Choose one answer.
a. The lustful
b. Those with the most constancy of characters
c. The proud
d. The best emperors and rulers
e. The souls of those who abandoned their vows
Question 90
In The Paradiso, which quality does Dante associate with the wise?
Choose one answer.
a. Prudence
b. Justice
c. Temperance
d. Fortitude
e. All of the above
Question 91
In The Paradiso, who does Dante meet in the sphere of the sun?
Choose one answer.
a. Virgil
b. Thomas Aquinas
c. Judas
d. Cacciaguida
e. Saint Peter
Question 92
In The Paradiso, who leads Dante on his tour of heaven?
Choose one answer.
a. Virgil
b. Beatrice
c. Cato
d. Ulysses
e. Homer
Question 93
In The Paradiso, who questions Dante about hope?
Choose one answer.
a. Saint James
b. Saint John
c. Saint Peter
d. Saint Thomas
e. Saint Paul
Question 94
In which section of The Divine Comedy does Saint Bernard appear?
Choose one answer.
a. The Inferno
b. The Convivio
c. The Purgatorio
d. The Paradiso
e. All of the above
Question 95
What does "transhumanize" mean?
Choose one answer.
a. It is the ability to move above the earthly state into heaven.
b. It is the ability to reunite with the body.
c. It is the ability to commit sins while in the human body.
d. It is the ability to separate from the body in order to reach hell.
e. It is the ability to reject heaven in order to remain in the human body.
Question 96
What is the function of the Primum Mobile?
Choose one answer.
a. It symbolizes Dante's distrust of the Church.
b. It is the home of the angels.
c. It separates heaven from hell.
d. It reminds Dante of his own pride.
e. It is a place for repentant sinners.
Question 97
Which best describes Cicero's concept of heaven?
Choose one answer.
a. He believed that eternal life in heaven was the real one.
b. Because he was pagan, he did not believe in heaven.
c. Because he was an early Christian, he believed that heaven was inaccessible.
d. He believed that heaven, hell, and earth were indistinguishable.
e. He believed that sinners were accepted into heaven.
Question 98
Which qualities do the fixed stars in paradise represent?
Choose one answer.
a. Faith, hope, and love
b. Faith, wisdom, and love
c. Love, compassion, and pride
d. Justice, temperance, and faith
e. Justice, compassion, and faith
Question 99
Who was Can Grande?
Choose one answer.
a. The poet who leads Dante on a tour of hell
b. Dante's enemy
c. Dante's patron
d. The emperor of Italy in Dante's lifetime
e. The pope who exiled Dante
Question 100
In De Monarchia, what political opinion does Dante express about empire?
Choose one answer.
a. He promotes the separation of Church and State.
b. He declares papal authority infallible.
c. He declares emperors infallible.
d. He says that all empires should be ruled by dictators.
e. He promotes the union of Church and State.