Fill in the blank. 19th century Latin American society could be best described as _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. egalitarian
b. just
c. equitable
d. hierarchical
Question 2
Fill in the blank. In the 19th century, most people in Latin America were engaged in ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. subsistence agriculture
b. intensive agro-industry farming
c. industrial manufacturing
d. industrial laboring
Question 3
In 19th century Latin America, governments were unable to control their revenues, because they depended on taxation of which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. International imports
b. International exports
c. International credit
d. International trade
Question 4
In 19th century Latin American economy, what were the two basic types of exports?
Choose one answer.
a. Agricultural and textile
b. Agricultural and mineral
c. Mineral and textile
d. Mineral and manufacturing
Question 5
Latin America in the 19th century was a place where there were social distinctions. Conservatives wanted to preserve this social order, but liberals expressed interest in equality. For which demographic was this 'equality' intended?
Choose one answer.
a. Amerinds (American Indians)
b. Afro-Latinos
c. "Whites" (creoles and peninsulares)
d. Women
Question 6
Simon Bolívar resigned as president of the republic of 'Gran Colombia' in which year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1820
b. 1830
c. 1840
d. 1850
Question 7
The Congress of Angostura (1819) was attended by leaders from which present-day countries?
Choose one answer.
a. Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama
b. Colombia, Panama, and Bolivia
c. Panama, Bolivia, and Venezuela
d. Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia
Question 8
The republic known as 'Gran Colombia' included which present-day countries?
Choose one answer.
a. Colombia, Bolivia, and Panama
b. Panama, Bolivia, and Venezuela
c. Colombia, Venezuela, and Panama
d. Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia
Question 9
The War of the Triple Alliance was a military conflict in South America fought from 1864 to 1870, between Paraguay and which allied countries?
Choose one answer.
a. Argentina, Bolivia, and Colombia
b. Argentina, Empire of Brazil, and Uruguay
c. Empire of Brazil, Bolivia, and Colombia
d. Uruguay, Chile, and Ecuador
Question 10
Who won the War of the Triple Alliance?
Choose one answer.
a. Paraguay
b. Uruguay
c. Empire of Brazil, Bolivia, and Colombia
d. Argentina, Empire of Brazil, and Uruguay
Question 11
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. During the first three decades of the 19th century, every Spanish and Portuguese colony in the Western Hemisphere achieved political independence with the exception of ______________ and _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Cuba, Puerto Rico
b. Cuba, the Dominican Republic
c. Brazil, Colombia
d. Brazil, Bolivia
Question 12
An extension of the Monroe Doctrine asserted a right of the United States to intervene to "stabilize" the affairs of states in the Caribbean and Central America. What was this extension called?
Choose one answer.
a. Monroe Corollary
b. Madison Corollary
c. Roosevelt Corollary
d. Adams Corollary
Question 13
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. William Walker was an American adventurer who organized several private military expeditions into Latin America with the intention of establishing English-speaking colonies under his personal control, a type of enterprise then known as ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. colonizing
b. pioneering
c. filibustering
d. privateering
Question 14
During what period was the Panama Canal built?
Choose one answer.
a. 1900-1904
b. 1904-1914
c. 1914-1920
d. 1920-1925
Question 15
Fill in the blank. Samuel Zemurray (1877-1961), who played a significant and controversial role in the history of Honduras, was ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. a soldier of fortune
b. a U.S. soldier
c. the head of the United Fruit Company
d. the president of Honduras
Question 16
The Monroe Doctrine, put forth in 1823 by President James Monroe, called for which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. An end to European intervention in the American continents (both north and south), in both independent countries and colonies
b. An end to European intervention in the American continents (both north and south), but only in independent countries, not in the colonies
c. An end to European intervention in North America only
d. An end to European intervention in South America only
Question 17
The Panamanian Revolution ended on November 3, 1903, with the establishment of the Republic of Panama as a separate entity from which other republic?
Choose one answer.
a. Costa Rica
b. Colombia
c. Nicaragua
d. Venezuela
Question 18
The Treaty of Paris (1898) ended the Spanish-American War, a conflict between Spain and the United States. This Treaty signaled which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The end of the Portuguese Empire in America
b. The end of the Spanish Empire in the Caribbean
c. The end of the Spanish Empire in the Pacific Ocean
d. The end of the Spanish Empire in America and the Pacific Ocean
Question 19
The United States controlled the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone surrounding it until the Torrijos-Carter Treaties provided for the transition of control to Panama. When was the Torrijos-Carter Treaties signed?
Choose one answer.
a. 1947
b. 1957
c. 1967
d. 1977
Question 20
Which U.S. President fought and prevented slavery's spread to Latin America?
Choose one answer.
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. James Buchanan
c. Andrew Johnson
d. Ulysses S. Grant
Question 21
"The Good Neighbor Policy," the foreign policy toward the countries of Latin America, was a policy of the administration of which two United States presidents?
Choose one answer.
a. Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover
b. Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt
c. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman
d. Harry S. Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower
Question 22
Which Latin American nation was the first to become a "banana republic"?
Choose one answer.
a. Honduras
b. Mexico
c. Colombia
d. Bolivia
Question 23
Fill in the blank. Lázaro Cárdenas was a Mexican revolutionary leader and president. During his administration, he carried out major land reforms. These reforms mostly benefited the _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. bourgeoisie
b. elites
c. peasants
d. government
Question 24
Fill in the blank. Porfirio Díaz, the President of Mexico from 1876 to 1911, is commonly considered by historians to have been a(n) ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. egalitarian
b. dictator
c. democrat
d. political philosopher
Question 25
In Mexican history, the period from 1920 to 1940 was dedicated to the realization of the objectives of the 1917 constitution. What was this period called?
Choose one answer.
a. The Constructive Phase
b. The Reformative Phase
c. The Definitive Phase
d. The Green Phase
Question 26
In which year was the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States approved?
Choose one answer.
a. 1910
b. 1913
c. 1917
d. 1920
Question 27
José Doroteo Arango was the most important general in the Northern Division during the Mexican Revolution. What pseudonym (or nickname) did he use?
Choose one answer.
a. Pancho Villa
b. Emiliano Zapata
c. Genaro Amezcua
d. Manuel Palafox
Question 28
Was the United States involved in the Mexican Revolution, and if so, how?
Choose one answer.
a. Yes, the U.S. was involved politically and socially, it even sent troops twice into Mexico.
b. Yes, the U.S. was involved politically and socially, but it never sent troops into Mexico.
c. Yes, the U.S. was involved economically, but it never sent troops into Mexico.
d. No, the U.S. was not involved at all.
Question 29
Which leading figure in the Mexican Revolution formed and commanded the Liberation Army of the South?
Choose one answer.
a. Pancho Villa
b. Emiliano Zapata
c. Genaro Amezcua
d. Manuel Palafox
Question 30
Which of the following best describes what happened to the Mexican economy during Porfirio Díaz?
Choose one answer.
a. The economy grew exponentially; it was the golden age of Mexican economics.
b. The economy grew, but very little.
c. The economy contracted, but very little.
d. The economy collapsed; it was the darkest hour of Mexican economics.
Question 31
Which political document, written in 1910, ushered in the Mexican Revolution and the collapse of Porfirio Díaz's presidency?
Choose one answer.
a. The Treaty of Puerta del Refugio
b. The Treaty of Buenavista
c. The Plan of Alvares
d. The Plan of San Luis Potosi
Question 32
Which political party was Mexico's "official" party and the country's preeminent political organization from 1929 until the early 1990s?
Choose one answer.
a. The PAN (Partido Acción Nacional, or National Action Party)
b. PRD (Partido de la Revolución Democrática, or Party of the Democratic Revolution)
c. NA (Nueva Alianza, or New Alliance)
d. The PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional, or the Institutional Revolutionary Party)
Question 33
Which major armed struggle started in 1910 with an uprising led by Francisco I. Madero against longtime autocrat Porfirio Díaz?
Choose one answer.
a. The Mexican Revolution
b. The Argentinean Revolution
c. The Panamanian Revolution
d. The Bolivian Revolution
Question 34
Fill in the blank. Between 1850 and 1890, the population of Latin America _____________.
Choose one answer.
a. decreased
b. maintained the same
c. doubled
d. tripled
Question 35
Fill in the blank. In 19th century Latin America, the largest group of landowners was the ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. criollo elite
b. peasants
c. aristocracy
d. Indians
Question 36
In 19th century Brazil, coffee plantations created a major export commodity for Brazilian trade, but also led to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The abolition of slavery
b. Agrarian reforms
c. An intensification of slavery
d. Social reforms
Question 37
In 19th century Latin America, what were the main exports of the Pacific coast countries and Bolivia?
Choose one answer.
a. Coffee, sugarcane, timber, and cocoa
b. Precious metals, including silver, copper, and nitrates
c. Timber, beef, coffee, and wool
d. Beef, leather, wool, and wheat
Question 38
In 19th century Latin America, which 18th and 19th century movements most influenced the elites' economic ideals?
Choose one answer.
a. Enlightenment and Liberalism
b. Enlightenment and Romanticism
c. Enlightenment and Classicism
d. None of the above
Question 39
In the 19th century, what were Argentina's and Uruguay's main exports?
Choose one answer.
a. Coffee, sugarcane, and timber
b. Sugarcane, timber, and beef
c. Timber, beef, coffee, and wool
d. Beef, leather, wool, and wheat
Question 40
In the 19th century, what were Brazil's main exports?
Choose one answer.
a. Coffee, sugarcane, timber, and cocoa
b. Sugarcane, timber, cocoa, and beef
c. Timber, beef, coffee, and wool
d. Beef, leather, wool, and wheat
Question 41
In the 19th century, what were the main exports of Central America, the Caribbean, and Colombia?
Choose one answer.
a. Precious metals, including silver, copper, and nitrates
b. Timber, beef, coffee, and wool
c. Beef, leather, wool, and wheat
d. Bananas, coffee, and copra
Question 42
The Latin American economy became stagnant between 1820 and 1850. Which of the following events did NOT cause this stagnation?
Choose one answer.
a. The mining sector was recording massive profits.
b. There were several decades of optimal harvests.
c. The transportation and port facilities became highly developed.
d. Investment capital was reaching unprecedented levels.
Question 43
The Latin American economy was stagnant between 1820 and 1850. The situation changed after 1850 as the result of which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. New agrarian reforms across the continent
b. New agrarian, social, political, and economic reforms across the continent
c. Newly discovered precious metals
d. Demand for local products due to European market expansion
Question 44
Between 1840 and 1896, coffee plantations spread into the interior of Brazil. What were these plantations called?
Choose one answer.
a. Haciendas
b. Fazendas
c. Ranchos
d. Caserio
Question 45
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Father Camilo Torres (1929-1966) was a Colombian socialist, Roman Catholic priest, and a member of the National Liberation Army guerrilla organization, but he is also credited as _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. a follower of liberation theology
b. a predecessor of liberation theology
c. the founder of liberation theology
d. the leading adversary of liberation theology
Question 46
Fill in the blank. In 1962-1965, the 21st Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church gave Latin American church organizations the best possible theoretical justification to activities developed under the signs of a theology of progress. This Ecumenical Council is also known as the _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. First Vatican Council or Vatican I
b. Second Vatican Council or Vatican II
c. Third Vatican Council or Vatican III
d. Fourth Vatican Council or Vatican IV
Question 47
Fill in the blank. In the 19th and 20th centuries, most of the immigrants that went to Latin America were _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Asian
b. African
c. European
d. North American
Question 48
In Latin America, the first Catholic and Protestant congresses fully devoted to liberation theology were held in what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1950-1951
b. 1960-1961
c. 1970-1971
d. 1980-1981
Question 49
In the 1960s, several church organizations promoted understanding of and improvements in the living conditions of the people of Latin America. Which one of the following organizations was NOT part of this movement?
Choose one answer.
a. The Young Christian Students
b. The Young Christian Workers
c. The Michoacán Family
d. The Movement for Social Union
Question 50
In the 19th century, two cultural movements influenced artists and writers in Latin America. What were these two cultural movements?
Choose one answer.
a. Romanticism and Modernism
b. Romanticism and Nationalism
c. Modernism and Nationalism
d. Modernism and Realism
Question 51
In the period between 1820 and 1924, approximately how many European immigrants went to South America?
Choose one answer.
a. 1 million
b. 2 million
c. 3 million
d. 6 million
Question 52
Liberation theology is a movement in Christian theology which interprets the teachings of Jesus Christ in terms of 'liberation' from which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Slavery
b. Unjust social conditions
c. Unjust political conditions
d. Unjust economic, political, and social conditions
Question 53
Liberation theology was opposed by those who feared that faith was becoming over politicized. This negative reaction crystallized around three figures in particular. All of the following individuals opposed liberation theology EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Alfonso López Trujillo, former secretary and later president of CELAM.
b. Gustavo Gutiérrez, John Cardinal O'Hara Professor of Theology at University of Notre Dame.
c. Roger Vekemans of CEDIAL (Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo e Integración de América Latina).
d. Bonaventura Kloppenburg, former director of the Medellin Pastoral Institute.
Question 54
Who is Gustavo Gutiérrez (1928-)?
Choose one answer.
a. The founder of Liberation Theology
b. The founder of Pastoral Institute of Lima
c. The founder of the Young Christian Students group
d. The founder of the Young Christian Workers group
Question 55
Which movement in Christian theology started within the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America in the 1950s-1960s?
Choose one answer.
a. Egalitarian theology
b. Equalitarian theology
c. Liberation theology
d. Autonomous theology
Question 56
Fill in the blank. In the 18th century, more than a hundred revolts ripped through the Andes. This violent period, which culminated in the Túpac Amaru II uprising in the southern Peruvian and Bolivian highlands, is called the _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Age Túpac Amaru
b. Age of Andean insurrection
c. Age of Peruvian insurrection
d. Age of Bolivian insurrection
Question 57
Fill in the blank. In the 1960s and 1970s, activists increasingly organized indigenous movements on a(n) ______________ basis.
Choose one answer.
a. economic
b. ethnic
c. egalitarian
d. local
Question 58
In colonial Colombia, African slaves were transported in large numbers to work on gold mines, sugar cane plantations, and cattle ranches. According to the 2002 census, approximately how many people of African descent lived in Colombia at the beginning of the 21st century?
Choose one answer.
a. 1 million
b. 5 million
c. 10 million
d. 20 million
Question 59
In the 19th century, indigenous uprising raged through Latin America. These were often reactions to all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. expansion of haciendas onto indigenous communal lands.
b. governmental taxes.
c. labor drafts and abusive officials.
d. egalitarian reforms.
Question 60
In the late 19th and early 20th century, the government's superior firepower and a lack of indigenous unity led to the failure of indigenous revolts. These uprisings, however, managed to do which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Stop hacienda expansion onto community lands
b. Stop hacienda expansion onto church lands
c. Stop agrarian reforms
d. Stop social reforms
Question 61
One of the most noted indigenous uprisings in the 19th century (1849) had the Mayans fighting back against the Mexican government's threats to their traditional autonomy. What was this uprising called?
Choose one answer.
a. The Caste War of Maya
b. The Caste War of Yucatán
c. The Caste War of Mexico
d. The Caste War of Túpac Amaru II
Question 62
The Túpac Amaru II uprising (1780-1782) in the southern Peruvian and Bolivian highlands threatened to remove the colonial elite and establish which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Neo-Inca utopia
b. Neo-Mayan utopia
c. Neo-Aztecan utopia
d. Neo-Olmec utopia
Question 63
What is the title of the famous 1992 interview given by Rigoberta Menchu to the Commission for Human Rights in Central America?
Choose one answer.
a. "The Open Veins of Latin America"
b. "Five Hundred Years of Sacrifice Before Alien Gods"
c. "History Will Absolve Me"
d. "The Valech Report"
Question 64
When did indigenous peasants begin to organize rural syndicates?
Choose one answer.
a. In the 1890s
b. In the 1900s
c. In the 1910s
d. In the 1920s
Question 65
Which of the following women is the indigenous Guatemalan author of testimonials who won the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize?
Choose one answer.
a. Dolores Huerta
b. Rigoberta Menchu
c. Sonia Manzano
d. Ellen Ochoa
Question 66
Which one of the following events was NOT part of an indigenous revolt?
Choose one answer.
a. In 1886, Pedro Atusparia led a revolt in Peru against a poll tax on the peasantry.
b. In 1899, Pedro Zarate "Willka" raised an army that demanded a restoration of traditional lands in Bolivia.
c. In 1868, Ramon Emeterio Betances led a short-lived revolt in Puerto Rico.
d. In 1915, Teodomiro Gutiérrez led a radical separatist revolt to restore the Inca Empire.
Question 67
19th century Argentinean feminist Maria Eugenia Echenique argued that women were capable of more than caring for a home and having children. According to her, how could women become truly emancipated?
Choose one answer.
a. By educating themselves in order to be intellectually equal to men
b. By marrying wealthier men in order to be more economically independent
c. By running their own business in order to be more economically independent
d. By entering convents in order to escape arranged marriages
Question 68
All of the following individuals became president of Chile in the early 20th century EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Mariano Osorio
b. Arturo Alessandri.
c. Aguirre Cerda.
d. Juan Antonio Ríos.
Question 69
Brazil took an active part in World War II as all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. a supplier of raw materials.
b. the site of important air and naval bases.
c. contributor of naval units.
d. as a supplier of Brazilian troops to help defend the Japanese mainland.
Question 70
Fill in the blank. In February of 1959, Fidel Castro was sworn in as Prime Minister of Cuba. His first action as Prime Minister was the announcement of the introduction of a political program adapted to local requirements. This political program was ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. capitalist
b. Marxist-Leninist
c. romanticist
d. modernist
Question 71
Fill in the blank. The "Popular Front" in Chile was an electoral and political left-wing coalition from 1937 to 1941, which gathered together ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. the Radical, Socialist, and Communist parties
b. the Democratic, Liberal, and Communist parties
c. the Democratic, Liberal, and Radical parties
d. the Liberal, Radical, and Democratic parties
Question 72
Getúlio Dornelles Vargas (1882-1954) served as president and dictator of Brazil for over 18 years. What was Vargas' nickname?
Choose one answer.
a. The Father of the Poor
b. The Father of the Elites
c. The Father of the Indians
d. The Father of the Creoles
Question 73
On April 9, 1952, the revolutionary Nationalist Movement (MNR) led a successful revolt and set into motion the Bolivian National Revolution (1952-1964). Which of the following actions was NOT implemented by the MNR after their rise to power?
Choose one answer.
a. Universal adult suffrage
b. Land reforms
c. Nationalized industries
d. Abolishment of all taxes
Question 74
The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) was a confrontation between which nations?
Choose one answer.
a. Cuba, the United States, and Colombia
b. Cuba, the United States, and the Dominican Republic
c. Cuba, the Soviet Union, and the United States
d. Cuba, the Soviet Union, and the Dominican Republic
Question 75
When did the Cuban Revolution take place?
Choose one answer.
a. 1950-1956
b. 1951-1957
c. 1952-1958
d. 1953-1959
Question 76
Who was Fulgencio Batista (1901-1973)?
Choose one answer.
a. The President of Cuba, opposed by the United States
b. The President of Cuba, supported by the United States
c. A Cuban revolutionary, opposed by the United States
d. A Cuban revolutionary, supported by the United States
Question 77
Who was Juan Domingo Perón?
Choose one answer.
a. The President of Venezuela
b. The President of Colombia
c. The President of Mexico
d. The President of Argentine
Question 78
The Argentine Revolution was a period of military dictatorship during which time?
Choose one answer.
a. 1940-1946
b. 1950-1957
c. 1966-1973
d. 1970-1977
Question 79
Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006) was a Chilean army general and president who assumed power in a coup d'état on September 11, 1973. In what year was democracy restored in Chile with the election of Patricio Alywin?
Choose one answer.
a. 1975
b. 1980
c. 1985
d. 1990
Question 80
Fill in the blank. Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (1915-2006) was a Chilean army general who assumed power in a coup d'état on September 11, 1973. His military regime was ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. supported by the United States (although criticizing it in public)
b. supported by Canada (although criticizing it in public)
c. supported by the Soviet Union (although criticizing it in public)
d. supported by Cuba (although criticizing it in public)
Question 81
Fill in the blank. In 1964, the Brazilian army assumed power in a coup d'état. The army chief of staff, Marshal Humberto Castelo Branco, became president with the intention of ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. reforming the political-economic system
b. introducing new taxes
c. blocking foreign exports
d. increasing foreign investment
Question 82
In Argentina, a seven-year (1976-1983) armed struggle between the military dictatorship and opposition resulted in the systematic, yet secret, disappearance, torture, and death of thousands of individuals suspected by the government of being leftists. The national commissions in charge investigating these disappearances were called?
Choose one answer.
a. Research Commissions
b. Truth Commissions
c. Analysis Commissions
d. Rightness Commissions
Question 83
In Uruguay, the military government (1973-1985) took power in the face of a decade of economic stagnation and high inflation. The military government's economic program sought to transform Uruguay into an international financial center by using all of the following methods EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. "dollarizing" the economy.
b. promoting foreign investment.
c. reduction of import duties.
d. banning the foreign investment.
Question 84
Salvador Allende, president of Chile, was the first democratically elected Socialist president of a Latin American nation. His economic plan and land reforms included all of the following actions EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. nationalization of banks operating within Chile.
b. expropriation of many large farms.
c. wage increases.
d. expansion of the army.
Question 85
The Nicaraguan Revolution (also known as the Sandinista Revolution) was an uprising against whose dictatorship?
Choose one answer.
a. Augusto César Sandino
b. Juan Bautista Sacasa
c. Adolfo Díaz
d. Anastasio Somoza
Question 86
The Tupamaros, also known as the MLN (Movimiento de Liberación Nacional, or National Liberation Movement), was an urban guerrilla movement in the 1960s and 1970s in which country?
Choose one answer.
a. Uruguay
b. Paraguay
c. Bolivia
d. Chile
Question 87
When did Uruguay's transition to democracy take place?
Choose one answer.
a. 1970-71
b. 1980-81
c. 1984-85
d. 1994-95
Question 88
Which father and son ruled Haiti as the presidents from 1957 to 1986?
Choose one answer.
a. Fidel and Raul Castro
b. François and Jean-Claude Duvalier
c. Fulgencio and Elias Batista
d. Itamar and Fernado Collor
Question 89
The Falklands War was fought in 1982 over the disputed Falkland Islands, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands by which two nations?
Choose one answer.
a. Argentina and Chile
b. Argentina and the United Kingdom
c. Chile and Colombia
d. Chile and the United Kingdom
Question 90
Brazil is NOT a member of which of the following international organizations?
Choose one answer.
a. United Nations (UN)
b. Organization of American States (OAS)
c. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
d. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Question 91
Central American nations play all of the following roles in the Latin American drug trade EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. producing and exporting marijuana.
b. serving as transshipment points for cocaine and marijuana from South America.
c. laundering drug money.
d. forming a geographic barrier that stops drugs from entering the United States.
Question 92
Fill in the blank. Because of a strong cultural tradition of tolerance and longstanding explicit laws against racial discrimination, Brazil has been touted by some historians and politicians as a(n) ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. racial democracy
b. racial government
c. egalitarian democracy
d. egalitarian government
Question 93
Fill in the blank. In 2000, at the United Nations General Assembly, U.N. member nations adopted the eight Millennium Development Goals, which set specific targets in fight against inequalities in South America; however, their most important commitment was to reduce ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. the number of foreign investments in the region by half by 2015
b. the proportion of hungry and extremely poor people by half by 2015
c. inflation in the region by half by 2015
d. the number of foreign banks in the region by half by 2015
Question 94
In the 1990s, the U.S. military became an instrument of drug foreign policy for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. civilian governments were ineffective in halting the importation of illicit drugs.
b. citizens demanded strong action due to the rising levels of violence in the United States.
c. drugs were not taxable, and therefore a danger to the economy.
d. drugs threatened democracy in Latin America, a long-term foreign policy goal of the United States.
Question 95
The Chiapas uprising (1994) was a reaction to which international agreement?
Choose one answer.
a. The Climate Change Agreement
b. The North American Free Trade Agreement
c. The Aarhus Convention Agreement
d. The Biological Weapons Convention Agreement
Question 96
Currently, the role of the U.S. military inside Latin American nations is limited to which location?
Choose one answer.
a. Mexico
b. Panama
c. Honduras
d. The Andean region
Question 97
Which conflict took place in January of 1994, when the indigenous people of the southernmost state of Mexico, represented by the Zapatista National Liberation Army, declared war on the Mexican government on the same day that the North American Trade Agreement went into effect?
Choose one answer.
a. The Chiapas conflict
b. The Villahermosa conflict
c. The San Cristobal conflict
d. The Veracruz conflict
Question 98
Which one of the following is NOT an environmental problem affecting Brazil directly?
Choose one answer.
a. Deforestation of the Amazon
b. Soil erosion
c. Desertification of Mauritania
d. High levels of air pollution
Question 99
Within the period between 1999 and 2004, with few national exceptions, Latin America as a continent experienced which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Its best economic situation since the 1940s
b. Economic growth
c. Its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s
d. Economic stagnation
Question 100
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. After a period of economic crisis in the 1990s due to "neoliberal" policies, in recent years South American voters have opted for progressive governments; thus, the region has made a marked shift toward the _____________.
Choose one answer.
a. left
b. right
c. center
d. radical side