Arab resistance movements, formed to combat European imperialism, appeared immediately after what war?
Choose one answer.
a. Korean War
b. Vietnam War
c. World War I
d. World War II
Question 2
Britain and France signed what agreement in 1916 that divided the Middle East between them?
Choose one answer.
a. Sykes-Picot
b. The Balfour Declaration
c. The White Paper
d. None of the above
Question 3
Fill in the blank. Between April 25, 1914 and January 9, 1915, the British attacked the Ottoman Empire at the ______________ peninsula.
Choose one answer.
a. Malay
b. Gallipoli
c. Iberian
d. Arabian
Question 4
Fill in the blank. The Young Turks sided with ____________ during World War I.
Choose one answer.
a. The allies
b. The central powers
c. Both the central powers and the allies
d. None of the above
Question 5
In 1916, French and British diplomats secretly concluded the ________________ agreement, which defined their various spheres of influence in the Middle East.
Choose one answer.
a. Balfour Declaration
b. White Paper
c. Sykes-Picot Agreement
d. Versailles Treaty
Question 6
In 1925, who forbade the inhabitants of Turkey from wearing the fez?
Choose one answer.
a. Theodor Herzl
b. Kemal Ataturk
c. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
d. None of the above
Question 7
On November 11, 1914, Ottoman Sultan Mehmet V declared jihad against which countries?
Choose one answer.
a. Brazil, Sweden, and South Africa
b. Great Britain, Israel, and the Netherlands
c. France, Russia, and Great Britain
d. The United States, Mexico, and Canada
Question 8
The governments of which two countries signed the Sykes-Picot agreement?
Choose one answer.
a. Great Britain and France
b. Great Britain and Russia
c. France and Russia
d. U.S. and Russia
Question 9
What was the most important outcome of World War I for the Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. The German victory over the allies
b. The Axis victory over the central powers
c. The British victory over the Ottoman Empire and the Ottoman Empire’s subsequent collapse
d. None of the above
Question 10
Which war created the modern boundaries of the Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. World War II
b. Korean War
c. Vietnam War
d. World War I
Question 11
Who was the leader of the Young Turks, as well as first president and founder of the Republic of Turkey?
Choose one answer.
a. Theodor Herzl
b. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
c. Kemal Ataturk
d. None of the above
Question 12
Who won the battle of Gallipoli?
Choose one answer.
a. The Ottomans
b. The British
c. Russia
d. None of the above
Question 13
Who was the greatest independent Islamic power in 1914?
Choose one answer.
a. The Ottoman Empire
b. Egypt
c. Syria
d. Palestine
Question 14
According to Mike Shuster, modern Arab nationalist movements emerged from which war?
Choose one answer.
a. The Franco-Prussian War
b. The Russo-Japanese War
c. World War I
d. World War II
Question 15
Egypt’s Wafdist government fell in what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1941
b. 1942
c. 1943
d. 1944
Question 16
Fill in the blank. Libya’s post-war foreign policy can be best described as _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Pro-western
b. Pro-Soviet
c. Non-aligned
d. Pro-eastern
Question 17
Following World War I, the League of Nations created a mandate to partition the Ottoman Empire. Under the mandate system, which country received the mandate over modern day Syria?
Choose one answer.
a. Britain
b. France
c. The United States
d. Russia
Question 18
Following World War I, the League of Nations created a mandate to partition the Ottoman Empire. Under the mandate system, which country received the mandate over modern day Iraq?
Choose one answer.
a. France
b. The United States
c. Russia
d. Britain
Question 19
Following World War I, the League of Nations created a mandate to partition the Ottoman Empire. Under the mandate system, which country received the mandate over modern day Lebanon?
Choose one answer.
a. Britain
b. France
c. The United States
d. Russia
Question 20
Following World War I, the League of Nations created a mandate to partition the Ottoman Empire. Which country received no mandate in the Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. The United States
b. Britain
c. France
d. None of the Above
Question 21
Libya’s federal constitution was promulgated in October of what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1945
b. 1947
c. 1949
d. 1951
Question 22
Popular support for the Wafdist government in Egypt fell when it became apparent that true power resided with what imperial power?
Choose one answer.
a. Britain
b. Germany
c. France
d. The United States
Question 23
Reza Shah Pahlavi was forced to abdicate the Iranian throne in which year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1940
b. 1941
c. 1942
d. 1943
Question 24
The 1945 elections in Egypt brought what parties to power?
Choose one answer.
a. The Wafd and the Muslim Brotherhood
b. The Democrats and the Republicans
c. Liberal Constitutionalists and Saadists
d. None of the above
Question 25
The British officially granted Iraq independence in what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1929
b. 1932
c. 1935
d. 1936
Question 26
The Ottoman Empire allied with which country during World War I?
Choose one answer.
a. The United States
b. Germany
c. France
d. Great Britain
Question 27
What European country invaded Egypt in 1940?
Choose one answer.
a. Germany
b. Italy
c. France
d. Great Britain
Question 28
Which two countries invaded Iran in August 1941?
Choose one answer.
a. Britain and France
b. Britain and the Soviet Union
c. Germany and Italy
d. None of the above
Question 29
According to Helen Chapin Metz, what Middle Eastern country was vital to Britain’s defense during World War I?
Choose one answer.
a. The United States
b. Lebanon
c. Palestine
d. Egypt
Question 30
According to Mike Shuster of NPR, Britain’s attempt to bridge Palestinian and Zionist political interests led to what event?
Choose one answer.
a. World War II
b. World War I
c. The Arab Revolt of 1936
d. The Iraq-Iran War
Question 31
Fill in the blank. According to Helen Chapin Metz in the “Ingathering of Exiles” chapter of Israel: A Country Study, “In 1939 the British Mandate Authority had estimated that about ___________ out of 1.5 million residents of the mandate were Jews.”
Choose one answer.
a. 200,000
b. 350,000
c. 445,000
d. 763,212
Question 32
Fill in the blank. The Irgun, a Jewish terrorist group, bombed the _________________ hotel in July 1946.
Choose one answer.
a. King David
b. Radisson
c. Sheraton
d. Four Seasons
Question 33
Fill in the blank. According to Helen Chapin Metz in the “Ingathering of Exiles” chapter of Israel: A Country Study, “As a result of the [1948 Arab-Israeli War), about _____________ Arabs took refuge in Transjordan or in the West Bank.”
Choose one answer.
a. 200,000
b. 350,000
c. 500,000
d. 750,000
Question 34
How many Palestinians fled their home following the 1948 Arab-Zionist war?
Choose one answer.
a. 150,000
b. 500,000
c. 750,000
d. 1,000,000
Question 35
In 1922, the League of Nations gave Britain a mandate to administer what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Palestine
b. Russia
c. Germany
d. France
Question 36
In terms of casualties, what was the costliest war Israel ever fought?
Choose one answer.
a. The 1948 Arab-Israeli War
b. The 1967 Six-Day War
c. The 1973 Yom Kippur War
d. The 1956 Suez Crisis
Question 37
What 1920s document expressed an imperial power’s desire to establish a national home for the Jews in Palestine but failed to mention the indigenous people?
Choose one answer.
a. Balfour Declaration
b. White Paper
c. Versailles Treaty
d. Atlantic Charter
Question 38
What member of David Lloyd George’s cabinet, is closely associated with the 1917 document that proclaimed Britain’s intentions toward Palestine?
Choose one answer.
a. Arthur James Balfour
b. Woodrow Wilson
c. Winston Churchill
d. Golda Meir
Question 39
Which of the following was created in 1921 from territory taken from the eastern portion of Palestine?
Choose one answer.
a. Saudi Arabia
b. The Emirate of Transjordan
c. Kuwait
d. Egypt
Question 40
Which of the following was the intellectual father of the modern Zionist movement?
Choose one answer.
a. Arthur James Balfour
b. Theodor Herzl
c. Sir Mark Sykes
d. Francois Georges-Picot
Question 41
What was the British document that promoted the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people called?
Choose one answer.
a. The Balfour Declaration
b. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
c. The White Paper
d. None of the Above
Question 42
According to Helen Chapin Metz in the “Nasser and Arab Socialism” chapter of Egypt: A Country Study, what document “… showed a change in orientation from the nationalist goals of the original revolution and emphasized that Egypt was an Arab nation based on Islamic principles”?
Choose one answer.
a. The National Charter
b. The Eisenhower Doctrine
c. The United Nations Charter
d. The Atlantic Charter
Question 43
According to Mike Shuster of NPR, nationalism in the Middle East was symbolized by the rise of which leader?
Choose one answer.
a. Mohammad Mossadegh
b. Gamal Abdel Nasser
c. Shah Reza Palavi
d. King Abdul Azziz
Question 44
According to Mike Shuster of NPR, what resource has always been the United States’ top priority in the Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. Gold
b. Sand
c. Oil
d. Coal
Question 45
According to Mike Shuster of NPR, which of the following was NOT one of the United States’ concerns in the post-war Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. Oil
b. Israel
c. The Soviet Union
d. British imperialism
Question 46
According to Zachary Lockman (quoted in Mike Shuster’s report for NPR, “The Middle East and the West: The Role Grows”), by the 1970s, what nation was seen as "… being on the side of the forces of the status quo, the forces of conservativism, the forces opposing Arab unity and opposing the kinds of social change, social reform, even social revolution that many Arabs felt was necessary”?
Choose one answer.
a. The Soviet Union
b. The United States
c. Iran
d. Saudi Arabia
Question 47
Fill in the blank. In 1957, the President of the United States promulgated the ________________, under which another country could request U.S. military and economic assistance to counter aggression from another state.
Choose one answer.
a. Good Neighbor Policy
b. Lend/Lease Act
c. Eisenhower Doctrine
d. Nixon Doctrine
Question 48
Fill in the blank. The Eisenhower Doctrine was an indirect result of Gamal Abdel Nasser’s program of _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Employment
b. Positive neutrality
c. Open warfare
d. Public education
Question 49
Following the Arab-Israeli war of 1948, about how many people fled to Transjordan, more than doubling the population?
Choose one answer.
a. 250,000
b. 500,000
c. 750,000
d. 1,000,000
Question 50
In 1953, the United States overthrew the democratically elected prime minister of which country?
Choose one answer.
a. Iraq
b. Iran
c. Syria
d. Egypt
Question 51
Which of the following people was most closely associated with Arab nationalism?
Choose one answer.
a. Dwight D. Eisenhower
b. Gamal Abdel Nasser
c. Indiana Jones
d. Adolf Hitler
Question 52
Which U.S. president asserted in January 1957 that the Soviet Union had nothing to fear from the United States in the Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. Harry Truman
b. Dwight Eisenhower
c. John Kennedy
d. Lyndon Johnson
Question 53
Following World War II, which superpower became the most influential non-Muslim country in the Middle East?
Choose one answer.
a. Great Britain
b. France
c. Canada
d. The Unites States
Question 54
According to Helen Chapin Metz, what was the Arabs’ first move after the June 1967 War?
Choose one answer.
a. To hold a summit conference in Khartoum
b. To sign a peace treaty with Israel
c. To request military assistance from the Soviet Union
d. To go to Disney World
Question 55
Because of its strong pro-Western stance, Turkey sent troops to serve in what conflict of the 1950s?
Choose one answer.
a. Vietnam War
b. Korean War
c. Iran-Iraq War
d. Crimean War
Question 56
Complete the sentence. According to Helen Chapin Metz, Egypt’s 1971 constitution did all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Provide additional guarantees against arbitrary arrest
b. Provide additional guarantees against seizure of property
c. Provide additional guarantees of free speech
d. Widened the authority of the People’s Assembly
Question 57
Fill in the blank. According to Helen Chapin Metz in the “Nasser and Arab Socialism” chapter of Egypt: A Country Study, “The movement away from _______________ matched Egypt's turn away from the Soviet Union and toward the United States.”
Choose one answer.
a. A one-party system
b. A two-party system
c. Capitalism
d. Democracy
Question 58
Fill in the blank. In 1979, Saddam Hussein officially became president of the Republic of ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Israel
b. Iran
c. Iraq
d. Ireland
Question 59
Fill in the blank. In July 1977, Egypt’s Anwar Sadat announced that he intended to establish his own party called the ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Democratic Party
b. Republican Party
c. National Democratic Party
d. Arab Socialist Union
Question 60
In 1969, Muammar Gaddafi seized control of what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Libya
b. Ireland
c. Russia
d. France
Question 61
On May 27, 1960, the military of what country seized control of the government?
Choose one answer.
a. Turkey
b. Iraq
c. Iran
d. Saudi Arabia
Question 62
Turkey joined NATO in what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1950
b. 1951
c. 1952
d. 1953
Question 63
Turkey’s Second Republic began with the ratification of a new constitution in July of what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1960
b. 1961
c. 1962
d. 1963
Question 64
Turkey’s “coup of memorandum” took place in what year?
Choose one answer.
a. 1970
b. 1971
c. 1972
d. 1973
Question 65
Egyptian Prime Minister Anwar Sadat was assassinated in 1981 after signing a peace treaty with what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Hungary
b. The U.S.S.R.
c. The United States
d. Israel
Question 66
By 1978, there were over how many foreigners in Iran?
Choose one answer.
a. 30,000
b. 40,000
c. 50,000
d. 60,000
Question 67
Complete the sentence. According to Helen Chapin Metz, President Bani Sadr’s goals included all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. The development of closer relations with Iraq
b. The reestablishment of central authority
c. The gradual disappearance of the Pasdaran
d. The reduction of the influence of the clerical hierarchy
Question 68
Fill in the blank. In 1979, following the Revolution in Iran, ________________ asserted in a speech about “The Uprising of Khurdad 15, 1979,” “Your opponents, oppressed people, have never suffered. In the time of the taghut, they never suffered because either they were in agreement with the regime and loyal to it, or they kept silent. Now you have spread the banquet of freedom in front of them and they have sat down to eat.”
Choose one answer.
a. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
b. President Jimmy Carter
c. President Ronald Reagan
d. President Anwar Sadat
Question 69
Fill in the blank. The Shah of Iran’s secret police were known by the acronym _________________.
Choose one answer.
c. U.S.S.R.
d. U.S.A.
Question 70
Fill in the blank. The Shah’s far-reaching social and political reforms, beginning in 1963, were called ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. The White Revolution
b. The Green Revolution
c. The Lavender Revolution
d. The Blue Revolution
Question 71
In April of 1980, the United States tried to rescue hostages held in what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Afghanistan
b. Iraq
c. Iran
d. Saudi Arabia
Question 72
In January 1979, the Shah fled which country?
Choose one answer.
a. Lebanon
b. Iraq
c. Libya
d. Iran
Question 73
In September 1973, war broke out between which two countries?
Choose one answer.
a. Israel and Egypt
b. Iran and Iraq
c. Libya and Tunis
d. Britain and France
Question 74
On April 1, 1979, who officially proclaimed the creation of the Islamic Republic of Iran?
Choose one answer.
a. Ayatollah Khomeini
b. Jimmy Carter
c. Anwar Sadat
d. Menachim Begin
Question 75
The Shah’s position in Iran was seriously damaged following which event?
Choose one answer.
a. A cinema fire
b. A school fire
c. A palace fire
d. None of the above
Question 76
The term “White Revolution” refers to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The Iranian Revolution of 1979
b. The Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88
c. A set of reforms initiated by the Shah of Iran in1963
d. None of the above
Question 77
In 1979, which country experienced an Islamic revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. Iraq
b. Iran
c. Egypt
d. The United States
Question 78
According to Helen Chapin Metz in the “Iraq-Iran Conflict” chapter of Iraq: A Country Study, what event “…strained Iraqi political and social life, and led to severe economic dislocations?”
Choose one answer.
a. The Iran-Iraq War
b. The 1980 election of Ronald Reagan
c. The Watergate scandal
d. None of the above
Question 79
According to Helen Chapin Metz, Iraq’s Saddam Hussein viewed what event as an opportunity and a threat?
Choose one answer.
a. The 1979 overthrow of the Shah of Iran
b. The 1980 election of Ronald Reagan
c. The Watergate scandal
d. None of the above
Question 80
During his five-year reign, Daoud’s relationship deteriorated with which country?
Choose one answer.
a. The United States
b. The U.S.S.R.
c. The United Kingdom
d. France
Question 81
Fill in the blank. According to Peter R. Blood in the “Communism, Rebellion, and Soviet Intervention” chapter of Afghanistan: A Country Study, “The civil war in Afghanistan was guerrilla warfare and a war of attrition between the several communist (that is, PDPA) controlled regimes and the ___________.”
Choose one answer.
a. United States
b. Saudis
c. Mujahadeen
d. Persians
Question 82
Fill in the blank. In 1977, Prime Minister Mohammed Daoud Khan of Afghanistan established his own political party called______________.
Choose one answer.
a. National Revolutionary Party
b. Local Revolutionary Party
c. Afghanistan Revolutionary Party
d. Islamist Party
Question 83
Fill in the blank. In contrast to the majority of Iraqis, Saddam Hussein was a ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Shi’a
b. Sunni
c. Kurd
d. Arab
Question 84
In 1979, The U.S.S.R. invaded what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Iraq
b. Iran
c. Afghanistan
d. The United States
Question 85
The 1991 Gulf War resulted from Iraq’s invasion of what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Saudi Arabia
b. Kuwait
c. Israel
d. The United States
Question 86
What agreement was brokered by the Algerian government in January of 1981 to end the Iranian hostage crisis?
Choose one answer.
a. The Algerian Accords
b. The Baghdad Pact
c. The Treaty of Versailles
d. The Atlantic Charter
Question 87
Who is most closely associated with the policy of “New Democracy” in Afghanistan in the 1970s?
Choose one answer.
a. Osama Bin Laden
b. Gamal Abdel Nasser
c. King Zahir
d. Jimmy Carter
Question 88
Fill in the blank. In 1980, war broke out between these two neighboring Middle Eastern countries, _________________ and ________________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Iraq and Iran
b. Saudi Arabia and Iraq
c. The United States and Iraq
d. Israel and Iran
Question 89
Fill in the blank. Al-Qaeda is a radical ______________ Muslim movement.
Choose one answer.
a. Shi’a
b. Sufi
c. Sunni
d. Turkish
Question 90
Following the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan, the United States installed who as prime minister of Afghanistan?
Choose one answer.
a. Hamid Karzai
b. Osama Bin Laden
c. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
d. Jalauddin Haqqani
Question 91
In 2003, the United States invaded what country?
Choose one answer.
a. Iran
b. Iraq
c. Libya
d. France
Question 92
In response to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, the United States invaded which country in search of Osama Bin Laden?
Choose one answer.
a. Iran
b. Iraq
c. Afghanistan
d. Turkmenistan
Question 93
The 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq toppled which of the following individuals?
Choose one answer.
a. Hamid Karzai
b. Saddam Hussein
c. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
d. Jalauddin Haqqani
Question 94
What were the U.S. military operations following September 11, 2001 called?
Choose one answer.
a. Operation Enduring Freedom
b. The Crusades
c. Desert Shield
d. Desert Storm
Question 95
Which of the following countries was declared by U.S. President George W. Bush as part of the “axis of evil?”
Choose one answer.
a. Iran
b. Saudi Arabia
c. Bahrain
d. France
Question 96
Which of the following was NOT a rationale of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003?
Choose one answer.
a. Finding weapons of mass destruction
b. Spreading democracy
c. Confirming Iraq’s alleged connections to al-Qaeda
d. Confirming Iraq’s collusion with Iran
Question 97
Which president of Iran was criticized for his comments denying the Holocaust?
Choose one answer.
a. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
b. Mohammad Khatami
c. Osama Bin Laden
d. Gamal Abdel Nasser
Question 98
Which U.S. president ordered military forces into Afghanistan following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001?
Choose one answer.
a. George H.W. Bush
b. Bill Clinton
c. George W. Bush
d. Barack Obama
Question 99
Which U.S. president ordered military forces into Iraq in 2003?
Choose one answer.
a. George H.W. Bush
b. Bill Clinton
c. George W. Bush
d. Barack Obama
Question 100
What does “Al-Qaeda” translate to in English?
Choose one answer.
a. The base
b. The struggle
c. The uprising
d. The future