All of the following are a characteristic of the archaeological record for the Middle Helladic (MH) period EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. burnished monochrome Minyan pottery.
b. large two-story "Corridor Houses."
c. longhouses ("Megarons").
d. cist and pit graves.
Question 2
All of the following statements are true in regard to the Trojan War EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Homer was an eye-witness to the events of the Trojan War.
b. archaeologists consider the site of Troy VIIa to be the location for the action described in the Iliad.
c. according to Homer, Mycenae was the capital of King Agamemnon's kingdom.
d. according to Homer, King Agamemnon led the Greek army into battle against the Trojans.
Question 3
All of the following statements concerning Linear B are true EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Linear B was principally a syllabic script in which signs represented syllables.
b. Linear B as inscribed on clay tablets often refers to the wanax, which historians believe were a class of slaves or serfs.
c. Linear B records an early form of the Greek language.
d. Linear B was derived from Linear A.
Question 4
When did the Mycenaean civilizations approximately start and end?
Choose one answer.
a. c. 3000-2000 BCE
b. c. 1600-1100 BCE
c. c. 800-200 BCE
d. c. 1200-1400 CE
Question 5
Where was the Minoan civilization centered?
Choose one answer.
a. The Cyclades
b. Argolis
c. The Peloponnesus
d. The Island of Crete
Question 6
Where was the Mycenaean civilization centered?
Choose one answer.
a. The Peloponnesus
b. The Cyclades
c. The Island of Rhodes
d. The Island of Crete
Question 7
Which Aegean Bronze Age civilizations can be described as "palace cultures"?
Choose one answer.
a. The Cycladic and Minoan civilizations
b. The Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations
c. The Mycenaean and Cycladic civilizations
d. The Etruscan and Cycladic civilizations
Question 8
Which early culture is associated most with the marble Keros-Syros folded arm figurines?
Choose one answer.
a. The Cycladic civilization
b. The Mycenaean civilization
c. The Minoan civilization
d. The Etruscan civilization
Question 9
Which of the following best describes the function and purpose of the Palace of Knossos?
Choose one answer.
a. A place of residence for the emperor
b. A venue for entertainment
c. An economic and political administrative center
d. A vast temple for religious rituals
Question 10
Who most likely took over and occupied the famous palace of Knossos c.1500 BCE?
Choose one answer.
a. The Thracians
b. The Cycladics
c. The Etruscans
d. The Mycenaeans
Question 11
All of the following civilizations were a culture of the Aegean Bronze Age EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. the Etruscan civilization.
b. the Cycladic civilization.
c. the Minoan civilization.
d. the Mycenaean civilization.
Question 12
According to Professor Kagan, most historians agree that:
Choose one answer.
a. the Homeric epics are entirely fictional and contain no reliable historical information.
b. the Homeric epics provide us with evidence for Greek society in the Dark Ages.
c. the Homeric epics provide accurate historical information mostly for the Mycenaean Bronze Age.
d. the Homeric epics provide us mostly with evidence of Minoan society in the Aegean Bronze Age.
Question 13
All of the following are evidence from the archaeological record for the unsettled nature of society in the LH IIIC period of the 12th century BCE EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. the appearance of refuge settlements in inaccessible places.
b. the construction of numerous chamber tombs.
c. the transformation of walled Mycenaean citadels into burial grounds.
d. artists switching their medium from frescoes to vase painting.
Question 14
All of the following statements concerning the Hoplite Phalanx are correct EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. soldiers in the Phalanx were only lightly armed.
b. soldiers in the Phalanx engaged the enemy in individual duels.
c. soldiers in the Phalanx fought in a tight formation, typically eight lines deep.
d. the term Hoplite derives from the spear that soldiers carried into battle.
Question 15
Based on the excerpt from Homer's Iliad, which of the following was NOT characteristic of the ideal hero Achilles?
Choose one answer.
a. Bravery in battle
b. Humility
c. Strong sense of personal honor
d. Physical strength
Question 16
During the Greek Dark Ages, the early Greek city-state or polis was ruled by a(n):
Choose one answer.
a. military dictator.
b. tyrant ("ruler who had seized power unconstitutionally").
c. basileus ("hereditary king").
d. oligarchy ("the rule of few").
Question 17
What does the story of Ares and Aphrodite in the excerpt from the Odyssey reveal about the Greeks' ideas about their gods?
Choose one answer.
a. Greeks viewed their deities primarily as morally perfect beings.
b. Aphrodite was the goddess of wisdom and protector of warriors.
c. Greek gods only concerned themselves with providing love and emotional support to human beings.
d. Greek gods in their behavior often conducted themselves just like human beings.
Question 18
Which culture greatly influenced the Greeks, particularly their alphabet?
Choose one answer.
a. The Phoenicians
b. The Romans
c. The Etruscans
d. The Latins
Question 19
Which of the following best describes the god Zeus in Hesiod's Theogony?
Choose one answer.
a. Zeus emerged as king of the gods by overcoming his father and defeating various opponents.
b. Zeus effortlessly created the universe by his command.
c. Zeus was castrated by his own son Cronos.
d. Zeus married Earth and begat the Titans.
Question 20
Which of the following was a result of rapid population increase in Greece in the 8th century BCE?
Choose one answer.
a. The rebuilding of the Minoan and Mycenaean palaces
b. Greek colonies were founded in Sicily and Italy.
c. Large scale immigration from the Near East abated and Greek artists thus rejected the artistic styles and motifs from the Near East and Egypt.
d. The Greek city-state or polis arose primarily to serve as the location for royal officials who once again employed Linear B for record keeping purposes.
Question 21
All of the following events are considered by scholars as a possible cause, or theory, for the fall of the Mycenaean culture EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. a Dorian in-migration or invasion.
b. an overly stretched agricultural base that could not produce enough food to support the non-food-producing members of society.
c. a volcanic explosion 100 miles from the island of Crete, which undermined their farming lands for decades.
d. a series of attacks by less-developed, but well-armed, Mediterranean peoples like the Lycians, Sardinians, Tyrrhenians, and Sicilians.
Question 22
According to Herodotus, in order to win the support of the townsfolk of Athens the tyrant Pisistratus:
Choose one answer.
a. created many jobs by ordering the construction of the Coliseum.
b. persuaded the Athenians to attack and sack the city of Syracuse.
c. dressed a young tall woman in full armor and declared that she was the goddess Athena and was restoring him to power.
d. arranged for heralds to arrive to declare that the oracle at Delphi had ordered the Athenians to accept him as tyrant.
Question 23
According to Professor Kagan, what does the story of King Gyges's ascent to the Lydian throne in Book One of Herodotus's Histories tell us about the Greek view of tyranny?
Choose one answer.
a. Tyrants promoted the expansion of cities.
b. Tyrants fostered trade through the establishment of new colonies.
c. Tyrants achieved political power through unconventional and untraditional means.
d. Tyrants held on to power with the aid of foreign powers.
Question 24
In Sparta, all men of the citizen class were required to:
Choose one answer.
a. attend the local school, or Gymnasia, and study law.
b. pay a tax to provide for assistance to poor, non-citizens.
c. compete in the Olympic Games.
d. receive military training as boys and live in military barracks until the age of 30.
Question 25
In the Greek city-states in the Archaic Period, which of the following persons typically would support the rise of tyrants?
Choose one answer.
a. A farmer serving in the Phalanx
b. An aristocrat serving as a judge
c. A slave working on a large estate
d. An artisan working in a city
Question 26
Of the following, who is considered to be the first Greek philosopher?
Choose one answer.
a. Socrates
b. Thales
c. Plato
d. Seneca
Question 27
The Greek statesman Cleisthenes played a key role in the development of the Athenian political system because he:
Choose one answer.
a. wrote the first written laws for Athens.
b. introduced juries into the courts to try Athenian citizens.
c. created the Boulé (Council) of 500.
d. reformed the Athenian constitution, giving more power to the Archons.
Question 28
Which of the following is a difference between Greek epic and lyric poetry?
Choose one answer.
a. Lyric poetry was only performed orally and developed chronologically before the emergence of epic poetry which was largely written down.
b. Lyric poetry took the form of long poems which recounted tales of ancient heroes as opposed to the short poems of epic poetry.
c. Sappho and Archilochus were famous lyric poets whereas Homer was the preeminent epic poet.
d. Lyric poetry, unlike epic poetry, was never a vehicle for the poet to express his or her personal emotions or experiences.
Question 29
Which of the following is a major difference between the political systems of Athens and Sparta as they developed in the Archaic Period?
Choose one answer.
a. Sparta was a very large city-state since it included the entire region of Attica.
b. The number of citizens in Athens was much larger than in Sparta since in Athens all native born, free adult males were citizens.
c. Athenian citizens exploited as slaves the population of the conquered region of Messene.
d. The Athenian assembly elected Ephors to serve as judges.
Question 30
Which of the following was typically the way a Greek tyrant in the Archaic Period seized power in the Greek city-state?
Choose one answer.
a. Local aristocrats provided funds for an aspiring tyrant to overthrow the government using foreign mercenaries.
b. Wealthy businessmen provided funds for an aspiring tyrant to overthrow the government using foreign mercenaries.
c. A tyrant with the support of the urban proletariat would overthrow the government through street protests.
d. A tyrant was often a successful military leader who won power with the support of the soldiers in the Hoplite Phalanx.
Question 31
Who was Solon?
Choose one answer.
a. An Athenian statesman and lawmaker, renowned for political, economic, and moral reforms in Archaic Athens
b. An Athenian philosopher who wrote "De Re Publica" ("On the Republic")
c. An Athenian poet who wrote "De Nature Deorum" ("On the Nature of the Gods")
d. An Athenian general and war hero who fought king Xerxes in the Persian Wars
Question 32
According to Pericles's famous Funeral Oration in Book 2 of Thucydides's work, all of the following were characteristics of the Athenians EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. pride in their empire and military achievements.
b. fear of foreigners.
c. enjoyment of feasts, games, and plenty.
d. participation in the government by all citizens regardless of wealth or social status.
Question 33
According to Thucydides, which Athenian politician persuaded the Athenian people to support a military expedition to Sicily during the Peloponnesian War?
Choose one answer.
a. Alcibiades
b. Cleisthenes
c. Solon
d. Pericles
Question 34
In Herodotus's account of the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE, what was the main reason for the Spartan defeat?
Choose one answer.
a. The Persian army possessed superior armor and weapons.
b. Massive frontal infantry attacks by the Persians simply overwhelmed the undermanned Spartan force.
c. The Persian cavalry overran the Spartan infantry.
d. A Greek traitor showed the Persians a mountain pass that enabled the Persian army to outflank and surround the Spartan army.
Question 35
In Herodotus's Histories, which Greek city-state commanded all Greek allied naval forces during the Persian invasion of 480-479 BCE?
Choose one answer.
a. Sparta
b. Thebes
c. Athens
d. Corinth
Question 36
In Plato's Theory of Forms, Plato emphasized the opposition between:
Choose one answer.
a. a life of pleasure and a life of virtue.
b. the nature of good and evil.
c. the physical world of appearances and the intellectual world of ideas.
d. the physical properties of earth and sky.
Question 37
The original purpose of the Delian League was to drive the:
Choose one answer.
a. Carthaginians out of Sicily.
b. Spartans out of Attica.
c. Gauls out of Italy.
d. Persians out of the Greek cities of the Aegean region.
Question 38
The Peloponnesian War, as recounted by the historian Thucydides, was fought by Athens and its empire against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. When did this war take place?
Choose one answer.
a. 461-404 BCE
b. 431-404 BCE
c. 421-404 BCE
d. 411-404 BCE
Question 39
What did Socrates tell the Athenian jury at his trial, according to Plato in "The Apology"?
Choose one answer.
a. Athenian democracy was corrupt.
b. Sparta possessed a superior system of government.
c. Athens must reject war and violence to achieve true happiness for its citizens.
d. God had required him to question the people of Athens regarding their knowledge claims.
Question 40
What was the outcome of the Thirty Years' Peace Treaty, signed between the ancient Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta in 446-445 BCE?
Choose one answer.
a. The end of the Persian Wars
b. The end of the Trojan War
c. The end of the First Peloponnesian War
d. The end of the Second Peloponnesian War
Question 41
What was the Peloponnesian League?
Choose one answer.
a. A military coalition of Greek city-states formed in the 4th century BCE led by the city of Athens
b. A military coalition of Greek city-states formed in the 6th century BCE led by the city of Sparta
c. A trade coalition of Greek city-states formed in the 6th century BCE led by the city of Troy
d. A trade coalition of Greek city-states formed in the 4th century BCE led by the city of Sparta
Question 42
Which famous philosopher often presented his ideas in the form of dialogues in which the leading part was played by his former teacher Socrates?
Choose one answer.
a. Diogenes
b. Solon
c. Lycurgus
d. Plato
Question 43
Which Greek city-state achieved hegemony in Greece due in part to its elite military force, the Sacred Band?
Choose one answer.
a. Athens
b. Macedon
c. Corinth
d. Thebes
Question 44
Which Greek general led his forces to victory over Sparta and liberated the Helots of Messene?
Choose one answer.
a. Artaxerxes
b. Mausolus
c. Epaminondas
d. Lysander
Question 45
Which of the following statements best describes the Delian League?
Choose one answer.
a. It was an association of 127 Greek city-states under the leadership of the city of Delos.
b. It was an association of 153 Greek city-states under the leadership of the city of Syracuse.
c. It was an association of 137 Greek city-states under the leadership of the city of Sparta.
d. It was an association of 173 Greek city-states under the leadership of the city of Athens.
Question 46
Which of these polices conducted by Sparta stirred up anger and resentment among other Greek city-states at the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War?
Choose one answer.
a. The installation of puppet governments in many Greek city-states
b. The diversion of funds for the war against Persia into the Spartan treasury
c. The drafting of soldiers from subject Greek city-states into the Spartan army
d. The imposition of heavy tribute from subject Greek city-states
Question 47
The Battle of Marathon (490 BCE) took place during which of the following wars?
Choose one answer.
a. The Trojan War
b. The Archidamian War
c. The Peloponnesian Wars
d. The Persian Wars
Question 48
After Alexander III of Macedonia's death, which dynasty ruled Macedonia between 306 and 168 BCE?
Choose one answer.
a. The Seleucid Dynasty
b. The Ptolemaic Dynasty
c. The Attalid Dynasty
d. The Antigonid Dynasty
Question 49
Alexander III of Macedonia (356-323 BCE) was commonly known as:
Choose one answer.
a. Alexander the Great.
b. Alexander the Wise.
c. Alexander the Elder.
d. Alexander the Conqueror.
Question 50
Alexander III of Macedonia developed a deep love and appreciation for Hellenic culture through his personal tutor:
Choose one answer.
a. Aristotle.
b. Plato.
c. Pliny.
d. Socrates.
Question 51
Alexander III of Macedonia was the son of Macedonian King Philip II and Queen Olympias; however, he claimed to be the son of Zeus quite possibly to consolidate his position as ruler in which of the following countries?
Choose one answer.
a. Babylonia
b. Macedon
c. Italy
d. Egypt
Question 52
For Seneca, an adherent of the famous Hellenistic school of Stoic philosophy, anger was:
Choose one answer.
a. the most hideous and ruinous of emotions.
b. a sign of strength.
c. loved by the gods.
d. in harmony with nature.
Question 53
What is the name commonly used to refer to the military and political leaders who, after the death of Macedonian king and conqueror Alexander the Great, fought four full-scale wars for the control of Alexander's empire?
Choose one answer.
a. The Diadochi
b. The Seleucids
c. The Satraps
d. The Parnis
Question 54
Which king of Macedonia restored internal peace to his country and gained domination over all of Greece, laying the foundations for its expansion under his son?
Choose one answer.
a. Philip I
b. Philip II
c. Alexander I
d. Alexander II
Question 55
Who conquered the Achaemenid Empire, commonly known as the Persian Empire, and when?
Choose one answer.
a. Philip II of Macedonia in 331 BCE at the battle of Gaugamela
b. Alexander III of Macedonia in 331 BCE at the battle of Gaugamela
c. Philip II of Macedonia in 316 BCE at the battle of Xerxes
d. Alexander III of Macedonia in 316 BCE at the battle of Xerxes
Question 56
Who was Ptolemy I Soter (367-282 BCE)?
Choose one answer.
a. A Macedonian general of Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Greece and founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty
b. A nobleman and friend of Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Macedonia and founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty
c. A friend and biographer of Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Syria and founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty
d. A Macedonian general of Alexander the Great, who became ruler of Egypt and founder of the Ptolemaic Dynasty
Question 57
In antiquity, Greeks considered Macedonians as:
Choose one answer.
a. not Greek.
b. Greek.
c. not civilized.
d. not militarily advanced.
Question 58
At the beginning of the Republic, Rome was ruled by two magistrates elected to the office for one year. The historian Polybius noted that these officials represented the monarchal element in the Roman Constitution. What was their official title?
Choose one answer.
a. Censors
b. Praetors
c. Quaestors
d. Consuls
Question 59
At the end of the 6th and beginning of the 5th centuries, the Etruscans suffered several crises from which they never fully recovered and would eventually lead to their demise. Which of the following events DID NOT directly affect the Etruscan civilization at this time?
Choose one answer.
a. The expulsion of the Tarquins from Rome (509 BCE)
b. King Xerxes I of Persia marches from Sardis and into Thrace (480 BCE)
c. Hieron I of Syracuse's attack on the Etruscan fleet off Cumae (474 BCE)
d. The Umbro-Sabellian tribes' move from the interior towards the coast
Question 60
In early Roman history, the monarch was given the authority to command and expect obedience. Later in the Republic, certain elected officials were given this same power, which is called:
Choose one answer.
a. magisterium.
b. praetorium.
c. imperium.
d. regnum.
Question 61
In the early Roman Republic, the consuls summoned and presided over the:
Choose one answer.
a. Plebeian Assembly.
b. Centuriate Assembly.
c. 10 Tribunes.
d. Hoplite Assembly.
Question 62
In the pre-Roman period, what was the main function of the Greek colonies along the coast of Southern Italy?
Choose one answer.
a. As farming communities
b. As military outposts
c. As trading stations
d. As fishing communities
Question 63
Romulus and Remus are the two central figures of which traditional myth?
Choose one answer.
a. The founding of the city of Rome
b. The conquest of the Etruscans
c. The creation of the Roman pantheon
d. The discovery of iron
Question 64
Social and political conflict within the Roman Republic led ultimately to a power-sharing partnership between the patricians and the:
Choose one answer.
a. Carthaginians.
b. Phoenicians.
c. Hoplites.
d. plebeians.
Question 65
The Etruscans lived in independent, fortified city-states, just like early Rome. How, as also in the case of Rome, were these city-states ruled?
Choose one answer.
a. First by monarchs and later by dictators
b. First by monarchs and later by oligarchies
c. First by democracies and later by tyrannies
d. First by dictators and later by democracies
Question 66
The growing strength of the plebeians was expressed in the establishment of which political office?
Choose one answer.
a. Equites
b. Pontifex Maximus
c. Consul
d. Tribune
Question 67
In the pre-Roman period, what is the name used to describe the group of ancient Greek cities along the coast of southern Italy?
Choose one answer.
a. Magna Italia
b. Magna Graecia
c. Sybaris
d. Rhegium
Question 68
According to the historian Appian what event initiated the war between Rome and Antiochus III?
Choose one answer.
a. Roman armies invaded Syria.
b. Antiochus led his army into Sicily.
c. Antiochus led his armies into Greece.
d. Roman armies invaded Asia Minor.
Question 69
According to the historian Plutarch, all of the following were reasons for the victory of Rome over King Perseus of Macedon EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Roman soldiers were superior to the Macedonian troops in terms of training and courage.
b. Perseus alienated his allies due to his greed.
c. Aemilius Paulus, the Roman general, was an experienced and daring military leader.
d. At the decisive Battle of Pydna in 168 BCE, King Perseus abandoned his own men on the field as a result of cowardice or an alleged injury.
Question 70
Each of the following was a result of the Samnite Wars EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. the defeated Samnites became allies, or Socii, of Rome.
b. Rome won domination of the Eastern Mediterranean region.
c. Rome constructed the Via Appia.
d. Rome strengthened its military forces by adopting Samnite military tactics.
Question 71
Fill in the blank: Shortly after the Battle of Cannae in 216 BCE, Hannibal made an alliance with ____________ against Rome as recorded by the historian Polybius.
Choose one answer.
a. Antiochus III of Syria
b. Philip V of Macedon
c. Ptolemy IV of Egypt
d. Hiero II of Syracuse
Question 72
Fill in the blanks: The Punic Wars were a series of three wars fought from 264 to 146 BCE by _________________ and __________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Rome, Macedonia
b. Rome, the Etruscans
c. Rome, Carthage
d. Rome, Sparta
Question 73
The First Punic War (264-241 BCE) began over what state would dominate which of these areas?
Choose one answer.
a. North Africa
b. Sicily
c. Northwestern Italy
d. Northeastern Italy
Question 74
The soldiers of the Roman army during the early Republic were largely:
Choose one answer.
a. mercenaries.
b. conscripted from subject nations.
c. citizen militia.
d. slaves.
Question 75
What was the end result of the Punic Wars (264-146 BCE)?
Choose one answer.
a. Rome defeated Carthage, becoming the dominant power in the Mediterranean.
b. Rome defeated Carthage but failed to become the dominant power in the Mediterranean.
c. Carthage defeated Rome, becoming the dominant power in the western Mediterranean.
d. Carthage defeated Rome, becoming the dominant power in the eastern Mediterranean.
Question 76
Which of the following peoples sacked Rome in 390 BCE causing great humiliation and inspiring the Romans to strengthen their military?
Choose one answer.
a. Carthaginians
b. Macedonians
c. Cimbri
d. Gauls
Question 77
The Roman conquest of Italy began in 509 BCE. Who did the Romans ally with to launch their attack against the Etruscans?
Choose one answer.
a. The Greeks
b. Other Latins and the Greeks
c. Other Latins
d. The Phoenicians
Question 78
All of the following were problems facing the Roman Republic at the time of the Gracchi EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. the Roman army was understaffed.
b. large estates, or latifundia, were worked by slaves and owned by Senatorial families.
c. there had been massive slave rebellions.
d. many Roman citizens had been sold as slaves to pay off their large debts.
Question 79
As a great general, Gaius Marius is credited with making the Roman Army both more professional and:
Choose one answer.
a. dependent on the patricians.
b. isolated from civilian control.
c. reliant on German mercenaries.
d. internally divided.
Question 80
As chronicled in Plutarch's biography, the Roman Republic first began to recruit landless men into the Roman army during the war against:
Choose one answer.
a. Jugurtha of Numidia.
b. Cleopatra of Egypt.
c. Mithridates of Pontus.
d. Perseus of Macedon.
Question 81
As recounted by the historian Plutarch, which of the following was the location of the decisive battle in which the army of Julius Caesar defeated their rivals under the command of Pompey?
Choose one answer.
a. Philippi
b. Pharsalus
c. Zama
d. Cannae
Question 82
In 46 BCE, Caesar was appointed dictator for 10 years and given imperium over the Roman Empire. Two years later Caesar declared himself:
Choose one answer.
a. consul.
b. praetor.
c. quaestor.
d. dictator for life.
Question 83
In the biographies of Plutarch, which of these pairs of Roman politicians did NOT oppose each other in Rome's civil wars?
Choose one answer.
a. Marius and Sulla
b. Aemilius Paulus and Scipio Africanus
c. Octavian and Antony
d. Julius Caesar and Pompey
Question 84
Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BCE) was one of the leaders of the assassination conspiracy against Julius Caesar. What happened to Brutus after Caesar's death?
Choose one answer.
a. He was assassinated by Caesar's supporters.
b. He was pardoned, thanks to an amnesty for the assassins by the Senate.
c. He was condemned to exile.
d. He spent the rest of his life in prison in Attica.
Question 85
The army of Julius Caesar became loyal to Octavian because:
Choose one answer.
a. Julius Caesar was Octavian's father.
b. Julius Caesar was Octavian's best friend.
c. Julius Caesar was Octavian's great-uncle and adopted father.
d. Julius Caesar was Octavian's uncle.
Question 86
The First Triumvirate (60 BCE) was established to politically oppose the:
Choose one answer.
a. Populares in the Plebian Assembly.
b. Optimates in the Roman Senate.
c. Helots in the Ekklesia.
d. Tyrants in the Council of 500.
Question 87
Which of the following statements concerning the Optimates is CORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. They strongly supported Julius Caesar in his bid to become consul in 60 BCE.
b. They were behind the Catiline Conspiracy.
c. They supported Sulla over Marius in the Civil War.
d. They fell from power after the fall of the Gracchi.
Question 88
Who formed the Second Triumvirate (43 BCE)?
Choose one answer.
a. Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Octavian
b. Marc Antony, Lepidus, and Pompey
c. Pompey, Lepidus, and Octavian
d. Lepidus, Octavian, and Crassus
Question 89
What did brothers Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus propose that met with violent opposition in the Senate?
Choose one answer.
a. To pass legislation to help the landless and small farmers
b. To pass legislation to help large landowners
c. To pass legislation to increase the power of the Senate
d. To pass legislation to limit the power of the Senate
Question 90
According to the historian Cassius Dio, the Emperor Commodus:
Choose one answer.
a. was an excellent general who devoted much time to waging war against barbarian tribes.
b. wasted his time in chariot races and gladiatorial combats.
c. devoted his reign to the construction of public buildings, such as the Coliseum.
d. conquered Dacia and added it as a province of the Empire.
Question 91
Augustus had a great military mind. One of his greatest military reforms was the substitution of the republican armies, which were raised for specific campaigns, with a(n):
Choose one answer.
a. armed citizen militia.
b. reservist.
c. legion.
d. regular standing army.
Question 92
Between 69 and 96 CE, which Roman dynasty initiated economic and cultural reforms, such as a massive building program, to restore the Roman Empire's finances and, as a result, became the most popular of all imperial dynasties?
Choose one answer.
a. The Julio-Claudian Dynasty
b. The Nerva-Antonian Dynasty
c. The Flavian Dynasty
d. The Antonine Dynasty
Question 93
Emperor Hadrian put a lot of emphasis on construction projects. Over which famous construction project did he preside?
Choose one answer.
a. The Arch of Triumph
b. The Altar of Peace
c. The construction of the Coliseum
d. The protective wall of northern England
Question 94
Emperor Nero - Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus - (37-68 CE) was the last emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. According to the historian Tacitus, what was he infamous for?
Choose one answer.
a. His great military mind and his expansionist foreign policy
b. His perverse mind and his persecution of Christians
c. His artistic mind and his patronage of the arts
d. His religious beliefs and his patronage of the Roman church
Question 95
The Year of the Four Emperors after the fall of the Emperor Nero was recounted by the historian Suetonius and was a year in Roman history in which emperors Galba, Otho, Vitellius, and Vespasian ruled in succession. When did this occur?
Choose one answer.
a. 39 CE
b. 49 CE
c. 59 CE
d. 69 CE
Question 96
Under which Roman emperor did the empire span the greatest amount of territory?
Choose one answer.
a. Hadrian
b. Nerva
c. Trajan
d. Marcus Aurelius
Question 97
Which collective name was used to refer to emperors Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius?
Choose one answer.
a. The Five Warrior Emperors
b. The Five Wise Emperors
c. The Five Bad Emperors
d. The Five Good Emperors
Question 98
Which of the following best describes the Roman historian Tacitus's view of the Christians who were persecuted by Rome in 64 CE?
Choose one answer.
a. He sympathized with the Christians and praised their beliefs.
b. He fully supported the actions of the Roman government.
c. He criticized the Roman government for being too easy on the Christians.
d. He disapproved of the severe treatment of the Christians by the state, but he considered the Christians' beliefs to be superstition.
Question 99
Which of the following was NOT an office, power, or honorary title held by Augustus and subsequent Roman emperors?
Choose one answer.
a. Procurator
b. Princeps Senatus
c. Maius Imperium
d. Pontifex Maximus
Question 100
Which of the following was the ultimate basis for the power of the emperor under the Principate?
Choose one answer.
a. The support of a loyal army
b. Powers granted to the Emperor by the Roman Senate
c. Hereditary succession to the throne
d. Ownership of vast amounts of land and slaves
Question 101
In the arts, the rule of Augustus is considered to be a:
Choose one answer.
a. golden age.
b. dark period.
c. transitional period.
d. neutral period.