Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Silk was the trading product that best encompasses the history of economic and cultural exchange across Eurasia along the Silk Road. Silk was a currency and medium for artistic exchange, as well as a(n) _______________ symbol.
Choose one answer.
a. Political and religious
b. Ethnic and warrior
c. Mystical and military
d. Military and political
Question 2
Fill in the blank. In the Yangshao culture-a Neolithic culture that existed along the central Yellow River in China from around 5,000 BC to 3,000 BC-most people were engaged in _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Subsistence agriculture
b. Intensive farming
c. Industrial manufacturing
d. Industrial laboring
Question 3
Fill in the blank. The Eurasian Steppe is a vast region stretching from ________________ in the west through Ukraine and Central Asia to Manchuria in the east.
Choose one answer.
a. Belgium
b. Poland
c. Hungary
d. Yugoslavia
Question 4
Nomadic pastoralism, a form of agriculture where livestock is herded either seasonally or continuously in order to find fresh pastures on which to graze, was a direct result of which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Invention of the compass
b. Invention of the lighter spoke wheel
c. Invention of the solid, heavy wheel
d. Domestication of animals
Question 5
When did the Chinese lose their monopoly on silk production?
Choose one answer.
a. 1,000 BCE
b. 200 BCE
c. 200 AD
d. 1,000 AD
Question 6
When silk was first discovered, it was reserved exclusively for whose use?
Choose one answer.
a. The emperor, his close relations, and the very highest of his dignitaries
b. The emperor and civil servants
c. The army
d. The artisans
Question 7
When was the "light" spoke wheel discovered in the Near East?
Choose one answer.
a. 5th millennium BCE
b. 4th millennium BCE
c. 3rd millennium BCE
d. 2nd millennium BCE
Question 8
When were horses and camels domesticated?
Choose one answer.
a. ca. 8,000 BCE
b. 4,000-3,000 BCE
c. 2,000-3,000 BCE
d. ca. 100 BCE
Question 9
Who gave the Silk Road its name?
Choose one answer.
a. Genghis Khan, ruler of the Mongol Empire
b. Marco Polo, a 14th century Venetian merchant
c. Ferdinand von Richthofen, a 19th century Austrian geologist
d. St. Francis Xavier, 16th century Christian missionary
Question 10
Several types of domesticated animals were central to the lives of the nomads; animals would be important depending on local geography and ecology. Which two animals were particularly "key" to the development of the Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. Horse and camels
b. Sheep and goats
c. Yak and water buffalos
d. Cow and bulls
Question 11
Fill in the blanks. The Maritime Silk Road, opened under the rule of Emperor Han Wudi, connected China to the ________________ via India.
Choose one answer.
a. Gulf of Oman
b. Roman Empire
c. Ethiopian Empire
d. Maghreb
Question 12
Under which dynasty did the Maritime Silk Road originate?
Choose one answer.
a. Tang dynasty
b. Han dynasty
c. Zhou dynasty
d. Qing dynasty
Question 13
When Emperor Han Wudi opened the maritime routes that provided access to the Roman Empire via India, he had created which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The first and earliest slave route in the world
b. The first oceanic route as well as the earliest maritime trading route in the world
c. The last oceanic route as well as the last maritime trading route in the world
d. The last slave route in the world
Question 14
Which book kept the first complete record on China's boats following the Maritime Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. The Tang Shu Record (also known as The History of the Tang Dynasty)
b. The Qing Shu Record (also known as The History of the Qing Dynasty)
c. The Zhou Shu Record (also known as The History of the Zhou Dynasty)
d. The Han Shu Record (also known as The History of the Han Dynasty)
Question 15
Which of the following products was NOT usually traded in the Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. Silk
b. Lapis lazuli
c. Marble
d. Rubies
Question 16
Which of the following products was NOT usually traded in the Maritime Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. Pearls
b. Silk
c. Tobacco
d. Colored glazes
Question 17
Which of the following statements best describes the Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. The Silk Road is composed by a network of routes connecting Asia with the Mediterranean, as well as North and Northeast Africa and Europe.
b. The Silk Road is composed by two parallel routes connecting China with the Red Sea.
c. The Silk Road is a single route connecting China with Eurasia.
d. The Silk Road is a single route connecting China with India.
Question 18
Which route of the Silk Road began at Jade Gate outside of Dunhuang, proceeded to the oasis of Turgan, followed the southern foothills of the Tien-shan mountains to Karashahr to Aksu, and ended in Kashgar?
Choose one answer.
a. The northern route
b. The southern route
c. The peripheral route
d. The direct route
Question 19
Which route of the Silk Road began at the Yang-kuan Gate outside of Dunhuang, continued to oases on the southern rim of the Takla Makan desert, and followed to the Kun-lun mountains to Khotan and Kashgar?
Choose one answer.
a. The peripheral route
b. The northern route
c. The southern route
d. The direct route
Question 20
Fill the blanks. The Silk Road is usually divided into______________ and ________________ routes.
Choose one answer.
a. Western, eastern
b. Northern, southern
c. Central, peripheral
d. Direct, indirect
Question 21
Consider the following statements, and then answer the question. Early Chinese historian Sima Qian (145-90BCE) described the Xiongnu as pastoral nomadic people who did not engage in agriculture. He also states that the Xiongnu men were formidable warriors, trained from an early age to hunt on horseback with bow and arrow. Thus, which of the following empires did the Xiongnu most likely serve as a prototype for?
Choose one answer.
a. The Qian Shu
b. The Mongols
c. The Han Shu
d. The Zhou Shu
Question 22
Generally in the Silk Road, how were goods moved?
Choose one answer.
a. By caravans in stages, passing through the hands of both different owners and caravan drivers
b. By caravans in stages, passing through the hands of different caravan drivers
c. By caravans in stages but always in the hands of the same caravan driver
d. By caravans in a single journey
Question 23
In Chinese tradition, jade has always been empowered with magical properties. Which moniker is used to describe this imperial stone?
Choose one answer.
a. The Stone of Heaven
b. The Stone of the Sea
c. The Stone of Earth
d. The Stone of Fire
Question 24
In Chinese tradition, jade has always been empowered with magical properties. By 200 B.C., when the Book of Songs was written during the Zhou dynasty, the stone was established as which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. A symbol of fertility for young women
b. An aid to achieving immortality in burial rituals
c. An amulet to ward off evil spirits
d. A symbol of femininity
Question 25
Little is known about India's relationships with its Eastern neighbors during the early half of the classical period, but clearly there was contact. Our word "China" derives from the Sanskrit-Indo-Aryan language, cina or mahacina, which derives from what Chinese word?
Choose one answer.
a. Jīng, the word for "essence"
b. Shi, the word for "poetry" or "poem"
c. Ch'i, which means "air" or "breath," referring to the energy flow or life force
d. Qin, the name of the Qin dynasty which ruled China in the third century BCE
Question 26
The Central-Asian steppe was for centuries the home of nomad tribes who roamed across the plains, incidentally attacking the urbanized countries to the south, east, and west. Who was the first western historian to describe the lifestyle of these tribes?
Choose one answer.
a. Plato
b. Aristotle
c. Herodotus
d. Pliny the Elder
Question 27
The oasis city of Khotan has long been an important strategy and trading center between China and Central Asia since the third millennium B.C. What does its name, Khotan, mean?
Choose one answer.
a. City of Jade
b. City of Silk
c. City of Heaven
d. City of Trade
Question 28
Who was the biggest threat to the Han Empire?
Choose one answer.
a. The Romans
b. The Buddhist
c. The Hindus
d. The Xiongnu
Question 29
Who was Zhang Qian?
Choose one answer.
a. A military commander sent by Han emperor Wudi in two diplomatic missions to locate allies against the Xiongnu
b. An envoy sent by Han emperor Gao Zu in two diplomatic missions to Rome
c. A missionary sent by Buddhist monks to preach across the Silk Road
d. A farmer who successfully led a revolt against the Qin dynasty (221-206 BCE)
Question 30
Why was the Great Wall of China, a series of fortifications in northern China, originally built?
Choose one answer.
a. To protect the northern lands against fires
b. To protect the northern lands against flood waters
c. To protect the northern borders against the Roman armies
d. To protect the northern borders against intrusions by nomadic groups
Question 31
By approximately 190 BCE the Seleucid Empire consisted of Syria, Mesopotamia, and most of the Iranian plateau; subsequently, they were able to dominate which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The city of Samarkand
b. The city-oasis of Khotan
c. The overland trade between China and India
d. The overland trade between the Mediterranean and Asia
Question 32
For the first century following the Roman conquest, what happened to Egypt?
Choose one answer.
a. Egypt functioned in the Mediterranean world as an active and prosperous Roman province.
b. Egypt became the poorest of the Roman provinces.
c. Egypt became depopulated.
d. Egypt became the most populated province of the Roman Empire.
Question 33
The Parthian Empire (247 BC-224 AD) was a major political and cultural power in Iran. Which culture was the main foreign influence to the Parthian Empire?
Choose one answer.
a. Indian
b. Hellenistic
c. Roman
d. Chinese
Question 34
The Roman craze for Chinese silk led the Senate to issue several edicts that did which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Encouraged traders and store owners to advertise silk products
b. Prohibited traders and store owners from advertising silk products
c. Encouraged the wearing of silk
d. Prohibited the wearing of silk
Question 35
What was "Alexandria Eschatê"?
Choose one answer.
a. The city founded by Alexander III of Macedon in 229 BCE as his most westerly base in Central Asia
b. The city founded by Alexander the Great in 329 BCE as his most easterly base in Central Asia
c. The city founded by Alexander the Great in 329 BCE as his most northerly base in Central Asia
d. The city founded by Alexander III of Macedon in 229 BCE as his most southerly base in Central Asia
Question 36
When did Rome annex Egypt?
Choose one answer.
a. 3,000 BCE
b. 1,000 BCE
c. 300 BCE
d. 30 BCE
Question 37
When did the first ambassadorial mission of Romans to China take place?
Choose one answer.
a. 250 BCE
b. 166 BCE
c. 166 AD
d. 250 AD
Question 38
When historians write about "Rome's Eastern Trade," they are referring to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The Roman Empire's trade with the silk-growing country of northern China
b. The Roman Empire's trade with India
c. The Roman Empire's trade with India, the silk-growing country of northern China, and the Arabian Peninsula
d. The Roman Empire's with the silk-growing country of northern China and India
Question 39
Which of the following statements does NOT describe the Han empire?
Choose one answer.
a. The Han empire retreated from a centralized rule by establishing vassal principalities in some areas.
b. The Han empire contracted, particularly westward as far as the rim of the Tarim Basin.
c. The Han empire favored Confucian ideals.
d. Intellectual, literary, and artistic endeavors revived and flourished in the Han empire.
Question 40
How did Alexander III of Macedon, also known as Alexander the Great, shape the Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. By establishing settlements in conquered regions
b. By converting all conquered tribes to Buddhism
c. By isolating conquered lands from the west
d. By isolating conquered lands from the east
Question 41
Buddhism reached its apogee during the Tang dynasty. During this period, were other religions tolerated?
Choose one answer.
a. Yes, Tang emperors prided themselves as patrons of all religions.
b. Yes, but only Taoism and Zoroastrianism.
c. Yes, but only Taoism and Nestorianism.
d. No, other religions were not tolerated under the Tang emperors.
Question 42
During the Tang dynasty, thriving commerce attracted merchants from every corner of the world. Which one of the following goods was NOT being imported to China?
Choose one answer.
a. Crystals and agates from Samarkand
b. Cotton from Turfan
c. Slaves from Byzantium
d. Horses from Karashar and Kucha
Question 43
Fill in the blank. The Göktürks were a Turkic people of ancient Central Asia. The Göktürks succeeded the _________________ as the main Turkic power in the region and took hold of the lucrative Silk Road trade during the 6th century.
Choose one answer.
a. Han dynasty
b. Mongols
c. Xiongnu
d. Tang dynasty
Question 44
Fill in the blank. The initial use of the sea route linking the Mediterranean and India took place during the _________________. Between the 1st and 6th centuries, ships were sailing between the Red Sea and India.
Choose one answer.
a. Hellenistic Era
b. Roman Era
c. Mongol Era
d. Assyrian Era
Question 45
The Kushan Empire, originally formed in the 1st century AD in the territories of ancient Bactria, brought a period of great wealth marked by extensive mercantile activities and flourishing urban life. Cultural exchanges flourished, encouraging the fusion of elements from which two cultures?
Choose one answer.
a. Roman and Buddhist
b. Roman and Taoist
c. Hellenistic and Taoist
d. Hellenistic and Buddhist
Question 46
Which empire was the first to acquire the secret of silk manufacture from the Chinese in 553-554?
Choose one answer.
a. The Uighur Empire
b. The Sassanid Empire
c. The Samanid Empire
d. The Byzantine Empire
Question 47
Which of the following actions was NOT taken by the Tang?
Choose one answer.
a. They created a land distribution program.
b. They created an administrative system comprised of four departments.
c. They compiled the first Chinese code of law that still exists.
d. They instituted the first compulsory military service in the world.
Question 48
Which of the following statements does NOT describe Sogdiana?
Choose one answer.
a. Sogdiana was a major crossroads region in the overland trade routes.
b. Sogdiana was a military culture.
c. Sogdiana was an oasis culture.
d. Sogdiana was situated between the two extremes of the Silk Road.
Question 49
Which Turkic nomads living north of the Gobi Desert, who ruled over a powerful empire between 744 and 840, saved the Tang dynasty against the Lu-shan rebellion(755-763) in exchange for rich payments of silk and other Chinese goods?
Choose one answer.
a. The Romans
b. The Bactrians
c. The Uighurs
d. The Mongols
Question 50
Which one of the following statements does NOT describe the Tang Era?
Choose one answer.
a. It was a period of political instability in China.
b. It was a period of domestic peace that would last virtually for three centuries.
c. It was a period of unprecedented military and political dominance of the Asian continent.
d. It was a period of great material prosperity.
Question 51
Fill in the blank. In late antiquity, the Silk Road was characterized by religious diversity; however, Manichaeism, one of major Iranian Gnostic religions originating in Sassanid Persia, posed such a serious threat to its religious competitors (the Buddhists) that in 732 the Tang emperor issued an edict that did which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Prohibited Manichaeism from being taught to foreigners, but native Chinese were allowed to practice the faith
b. Prohibited Manichaeism from being taught to native Chinese, but foreigners were allowed to practice the faith
c. Prohibited Buddhism from being taught to foreigners, but native Chinese were allowed to practice the faith
d. Prohibited both Manichaeism and Buddhism to be taught to native Chinese
Question 52
Gandhara was an ancient province of India, which is known for its splendid art. Ganharan art is often referred to as the Greco or Roman Buddhist school. This school is generally credited with what?
Choose one answer.
a. The first representation of the Buddha in human form
b. The first representation of Greek and Roman gods in human form
c. The first representation of Greek civilians in god form
d. The first representation of Buddhists in god form
Question 53
In one of the caves in Dunhuang in 1900, archaeologists found a great library. Among handwritten copies of the Diamond Sutra, an important Buddhist text, there was one copy printed from woodblocks on sheets of paper joined end to end to form a long scroll. This copy of the Diamond Sutra is considered to be which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The oldest printed book in existence in the world
b. The oldest printed book in existence in Asia, but not in the world
c. The most recent printed book in the world
d. The most recent printed book in existence in Asia, but not in the world
Question 54
The city of Dunhuang is home to incredible caves that contain a treasure trove of Buddhist art. What is another common name used to refer to these grottoes?
Choose one answer.
a. The Tang caves
b. The Thousand Buddha caves
c. The Hundred Buddha caves
d. The Qing caves
Question 55
The widespread adoption of Islam beyond the Arab peninsula is recorded in some older histories as starting as early as the mid-seventh century. When did the "true" Islamization of the Silk Routes begin?
Choose one answer.
a. Early 8th century
b. Mid-8th century
c. Late 8th century
d. Early 9th century
Question 56
The "Church of the East" is a Christian church, part of the Syrian tradition of Eastern Christianity. Very early on, it spread widely through Asia, and in the 9th-14th centuries it was the world's largest Christian church in the world. What other name is used for this church?
Choose one answer.
a. The Eurasian Church
b. The Asian Church
c. The Nestorian Church
d. The Augustan Church
Question 57
What is the reason for the close relationship between Buddhism and trade?
Choose one answer.
a. The reliance of the Buddhist monastic community on Buddhist texts and manuscripts brought back to China by caravan merchants.
b. The reliance of the Buddhist monastic community on donations from lay supporters, such as caravan merchants and wealthy bankers.
c. The reliance of caravan merchants and wealthy bankers on financial advice from the Buddhist monastic community.
d. The reliance of caravan merchants and wealthy bankers on trade waivers by the Buddhist monastic community.
Question 58
When was gunpowder invented?
Choose one answer.
a. 850 BCE
b. 250 BCE
c. 250 AD
d. 850 AD
Question 59
Which of the following inventions is NOT of Chinese origin?
Choose one answer.
a. Silk
b. The astrolabe
c. Gunpowder
d. Paper
Question 60
Who were Faxian (337-ca.422) and Xuanzang (c.602-664)?
Choose one answer.
a. Two famous Chinese generals
b. Two famous Chinese Buddhist monks
c. Two famous Chinese emperors
d. Two famous Chinese rebels
Question 61
During the Mongol rule of China, Nestorianism and Roman Catholicism enjoyed a period of toleration, and Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism) flourished. What was the Mongols' view on Taoism?
Choose one answer.
a. Taoism endured Mongol persecutions.
b. Taoism was favored in China.
c. Taoism was favored in India.
d. All of the above
Question 62
Fill in the blank. Under Mongol rule, merchants had a higher status than they had in traditional China. During their travels, merchants could rest and secure supplies through a ________________ system that the Mongols had established.
Choose one answer.
a. Bank-station
b. Inn-station
c. Postal-station
d. Hostel-station
Question 63
Kublai Khan (1215-94), a grandson of Genghis Khan and the supreme leader of all Mongol tribes, is credited with what?
Choose one answer.
a. Establishing the first alien dynasty to rule all Europe
b. Establishing the first alien dynasty to rule all Thailand
c. Establishing the first alien dynasty to rule all India
d. Establishing the first alien dynasty to rule all China
Question 64
What does the phrase "Pax Mongolica" or "Mongol Peace" describe?
Choose one answer.
a. The peace treaty signed between the Mongols and Roman Empire
b. The peace treaty signed between the Mongols and the Chinese Empire
c. The peace treaty signed between the Mongols and the Byzantine Empire
d. The stabilizing effects of the conquest of the Mongol Empire on Eurasia
Question 65
What was the Mongols' mark on the history of commerce and the Silk Road?
Choose one answer.
a. The establishment of banks along the Silk Road
b. The establishment of inns along the Silk Road
c. The abolishment of taxes
d. The establishment of merchant associations
Question 66
What was the Mongols' view on foreigners?
Choose one answer.
a. They were disdainful of foreigners, which led to cultural isolation.
b. They were disdainful of foreigners, but they allowed foreign merchants to travel along the Silk Road.
c. They were relatively open to foreigners, but they banned foreign missionaries from Eurasia.
d. They were relatively open to foreigners, which promoted cultural exchange.
Question 67
Which of the following statements is true of the Mongols' view on trade?
Choose one answer.
a. They were disdainful of trade and merchants.
b. They disliked trade and merchants, so they banned the trade of silk.
c. They were indifferent to trade and merchants, and they banned the trade of jade.
d. They favored trade and merchants.
Question 68
Which Turkic conqueror (1336-1405) was chiefly remembered for the barbarity of his conquests from India and Russia to the Mediterranean Sea and for the cultural achievements of his dynasty?
Choose one answer.
a. Amir Kazgan
b. Amir Husayn
c. Timur
d. Genghis Khan
Question 69
Who was William Rubruck (Willem van Ruybroeck, ca. 1210-1270)?
Choose one answer.
a. A 19th century Flemish archaeologist, who found the grave of Genghis Khan
b. A 19th century Flemish writer, who wrote the first biography of Genghis Khan
c. A Flemish general, who led the most successful campaign against the Mongols
d. A Flemish Franciscan monk, who wrote the most detailed of the early Western accounts of the Mongols
Question 70
Who was Genghis Khan (ca.1162-1227)?
Choose one answer.
a. The ruler of the Qing Empire.
b. The ruler of the Tang Empire.
c. The ruler of the Mongol Empire.
d. The ruler of the Uighur Empire.
Question 71
Akbar (1542-1605)-emperor of the Mughal Empire-developed a new religion he called Din-I Ilahi, or "The Religion of God," which he hoped would synthesize the world's religions into a single religion. What was the main religious influence of Akbar's new religion?
Choose one answer.
a. Catholicism
b. Islam
c. Protestantism
d. Judaism
Question 72
In 1370, the city of Samarkand became the capital of which empire?
Choose one answer.
a. Timur
b. Indian
c. Chinese
d. Roman
Question 73
In 711, Arab military forces conquered the Indus Delta region in Sindh and established an Indo-Muslim state there. What role did the Sindh play in the trading world?
Choose one answer.
a. It became an Islamic outpost where the Arabs established trade links with Russia.
b. It became an Islamic outpost where the Arabs established trade links with North Africa.
c. It became an Islamic outpost where Arabs established trade links with Northern Europe.
d. It became an Islamic outpost where Arabs established trade links with the Middle East.
Question 74
Many Muslim, Indian, and Western historians see Akbar as the greatest ruler in Indian history. Which of the following is NOT a reason for this admiration?
Choose one answer.
a. Akbar developed one of the most efficient bureaucracy systems in the world.
b. From a religious standpoint, Akbar built his state on the principle of "universal tolerance."
c. Akbar created the first Muslim university in the world.
d. Akbar developed a more efficient and just tax collection system.
Question 75
One of the best accounts of the western half of the Silk Road was written in the 15th century by an ambassador to Tamerlane by King Henry II of Castile and Leon in Spain. What was his name?
Choose one answer.
a. Jose Perez de Guadalajara
b. Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo
c. Pedro de Almanzar
d. Juan Saenz de Aznar
Question 76
The disintegration of the Mongol Empire left a power vacuum in Central Asia. Which notorious empire-builder of all time then took over?
Choose one answer.
a. Khanum
b. Kublai Khan
c. Akbar
d. Timur
Question 77
What is the name of the famous 17th century French physician and adventurer whose observations of India would influence generations of Europeans?
Choose one answer.
a. Jean Colbert
b. Pierre Gassendi
c. Jean-Baptiste Tavernier
d. François Bernier
Question 78
Which of the following is NOT considered a direct cause of the 1857 Sepoy mutiny?
Choose one answer.
a. Hindu troops objected to the addition of Gurka, Sikh, and lower-caste soldiers to their ranks.
b. Landowners were required to pay all their taxes.
c. The economic policy of the Raj, which had a debilitating effect on families.
d. The use of animal grease on the cartridges utilized by the Enfield rifles.
Question 79
Who were the Mamluks?
Choose one answer.
a. A military class which ruled Egypt (1250-1517) and Syria, including Palestine (1260-1516)
b. A group of Buddhist scholars
c. An Indian aristocratic group that sponsored Islamic culture and art
d. A military group that confronted the Crusaders in Palestine in 1382
Question 80
The Mongol Empire was created by Genghis Khan (d. 1127), when he unified the Mongol tribes in 1206. Which "unofficial" title did he use after this date?
Choose one answer.
a. Universal Emperor
b. Asian Emperor
c. Indian Emperor
d. Uighur Emperor
Question 81
According to Catholic scholars and sociologists, how many "Catholic evangelizations" have there been in China?
Choose one answer.
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
Question 82
The Treaty of Nerchinsk (1689) was signed by which two nations?
Choose one answer.
a. Russia and China
b. Russia and India
c. China and India
d. Russia and Great Britain
Question 83
When was the Dutch East India Company founded?
Choose one answer.
a. In the 14th century
b. In the 15th century
c. In the 16th century
d. In the 17th century
Question 84
Which three regions are linked by the "Siberian Road"?
Choose one answer.
a. Siberia, India, and European Russia
b. Siberia, India, and China
c. Siberia, China, and European Russia
d. Siberia, China, and the Ukraine
Question 85
Who is generally known as "the patron saint of Christian missions to Asia"?
Choose one answer.
a. St. Ignatius of Loyola
b. St. Francis Xavier
c. St. John Bosco
d. St. Paul of Tarsus
Question 86
Who was John of Montecorvino (1246-1328)?
Choose one answer.
a. The first Christian merchant to travel across the Silk Road to what is now Xi'an
b. The second Christian merchant to travel across the Silk Road to what is now Xi'an
c. The first Roman Catholic missionary to China and archbishop of Peking
d. The second Roman Catholic missionary to China and archbishop of Peking
Question 87
Who was Marco Polo (c.1254-1324)?
Choose one answer.
a. A Christian physician who became the personal assistant of the third Mongol Emperor
b. A Venetian missionary who through his letters introduced Europeans to China
c. A merchant and author of Il Milione, which introduced Europeans to Central Asia and China
d. A Vatican envoy to Kublai Khan
Question 88
Why is the year of 1715 so important for the city of Canton in China?
Choose one answer.
a. In 1715, the Chinese government made Canton the only port of foreign trade.
b. In 1715, the Chinese government made Canton the capital of China.
c. In 1715, the Chinese government expelled all foreign traders from the city.
d. In 1715, the Chinese government made Canton the only port where weapons could be traded.
Question 89
Why was the discovery of the "Cape of Good Hope" by Bartolomeu Dias so important?
Choose one answer.
a. Because Europeans could trade diamonds and other precious stones directly with Africa
b. Because Europeans could trade slaves directly with Africa
c. Because the "Cape of Good Hope" is one of the most important fisheries in Africa
d. Because Europeans could trade directly with India and Asia bypassing the overland route through the Middle East
Question 90
The mid-to-late 15th century has been called the Age of Exploration and Discovery. It was an age in which European sailors left the Old World and embarked on their adventure of the vast "green sea of darkness." All of the following are direct motives for why Europeans took to the ocean EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Because of willingness to learn and understand other cultures
b. Because of a desire to find new weaponry and technology.
c. Because of the lure of spices and the necessity of finding a direct route to India and the Far East
d. Because of the religious desire to save souls
Question 91
At the end of the Second Anglo-Afghan War, British India withdrew from Afghanistan. How did the end result of this war affect Afghanistan?
Choose one answer.
a. Afghanistan maintained internal sovereignty but ceded control over Maiwand to the British.
b. Afghanistan maintained internal sovereignty but ceded control over their army to the British.
c. Afghanistan maintained internal sovereignty but ceded control of its foreign relations to Great Britain.
d. Afghanistan became a province of Great Britain.
Question 92
Fill in the blank. Many historians believe that the negotiations during the Anglo-Russian Entente (1907) served to forge a political alliance in fear of growing _______________ strength and influence.
Choose one answer.
a. German
b. Japanese
c. Chinese
d. British
Question 93
For how long did the British East India Company rule India?
Choose one answer.
a. 25 years
b. 50 years
c. 100 years
d. 200 years
Question 94
The Anglo-Russian Entente (1907) had many consequences. Which nation's hope for autonomy was crushed by this agreement?
Choose one answer.
a. Tibet
b. Afghanistan
c. Persia
d. India
Question 95
The First Anglo-Afghan War was fought between British India and Afghanistan during which time period?
Choose one answer.
a. 1839-1842
b. 1839-1855
c. 1842-1855
d. 1855-1859
Question 96
The First Anglo-Afghan War was one of the first major conflicts during the "Great Game," the competition for power and influence in Central Asia between United Kingdom and Russia. How did the result of this war affect the United Kingdom?
Choose one answer.
a. It was the greatest victory by the British in the region.
b. It was the worst setback inflicted on British power in the region.
c. It led to the definitive downfall of the British Empire.
d. It re-invigorated the British Empire.
Question 97
The Second Anglo-Afghan War was fought between British India and Afghanistan during which time period?
Choose one answer.
a. 1870-1878
b. 1870-1890
c. 1878-1879
d. 1878-1880
Question 98
When was the study of the Silk Road "rediscovered" by Western scholars?
Choose one answer.
a. At the end of the 18th century
b. At the beginning of the 19th century
c. In the mid-19th century
d. At the end of the 19th century
Question 99
Which agreement signed in 1907 in St. Petersburg, Russia, solidified the boundaries that identified British and Russian control in Persia, Afghanistan, and Tibet?
Choose one answer.
a. The Reinsurance Treaty
b. The Triple Entente
c. The Entente Cordiale
d. The Anglo-Russian Entente
Question 100
"The Great Game" is the term used to describe the strategic rivalry and conflict for supremacy in Central Asia in the 19th and early 20th centuries between which two empires?
Choose one answer.
a. The British and Spanish empires
b. The British and Russian empires
c. The British and Portuguese empires
d. The Russian and Portuguese empires