According to John McCrone’s “The Discovery of Fire,” what determines human use of fire?
Choose one answer.
a. Environmental benefits
b. History
c. Instinct
d. Culture
Question 2
According to Kevin Rosario, which statement about catastrophe is true?
Choose one answer.
a. Catastrophes are always opportunities.
b. Advanced technology has made people view catastrophes as opportunities.
c. Americans less and less view catastrophe as opportunity.
d. In the past, Americans viewed catastrophe as evidence of evil.
Question 3
According to Kevin Rosario’s lecture, which is NOT a synonym for the word “catastrophe?”
Choose one answer.
a. Downturn
b. Opportunity
c. Fulcrum
d. All of the above
Question 4
Fill in the blank. Environmental history as a discipline is best described as ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. narrowly scientific
b. interdisciplinary
c. very old
d. studying ecosystems without humans
Question 5
Taming wild species to be controlled by humans describes which process?
Choose one answer.
a. Husbandry
b. Domestication
c. Horticulture
d. Agriculture
Question 6
What is meant by the term “Pleistocene die-off?”
Choose one answer.
a. Mass extinctions of large mammals that occurred in North America about 10,500 years ago
b. Mass extinctions that forced Paleoindians to cross the Bering Land Bridge
c. Mass death caused by disease transmission after European colonization of the Americas
d. Mass death caused by the Black Death in Europe
Question 7
What kind of disaster is NOT related to a “dust veil event?”
Choose one answer.
a. Famine
b. Plague
c. Flood
d. Social Disruption
Question 8
Which body of water shows evidence of a flood that could be the historical antecedent of the Noah’s Flood story?
Choose one answer.
a. The Caspian Sea
b. The Black Sea
c. The Mediterranean Sea
d. The Aral Sea
Question 9
Which is the correct evolutionary sequence?
Choose one answer.
a. Horticulture to husbandry
b. Husbandry to hunting
c. Horticulture to agriculture
d. Agriculture to horticulture
Question 10
Which of the following is a correct description of Thomas Malthus’s social theory?
Choose one answer.
a. Malthus correctly predicted the future population and resources crisis.
b. Malthus’s theory is so powerful that no one has ever criticized it.
c. According to Malthus, positive checks and preventive checks are two means of controlling population, which grows in an exponential rate.
d. Malthus sees poverty as a consequence of moral unworthiness.
Question 11
Which of the following is NOT a prehistoric use of fire?
Choose one answer.
a. To defend against animal attacks
b. To cook food
c. To clear brush
d. To prepare tablets for writing
Question 12
Which of the following statements about agriculture is true?
Choose one answer.
a. Agriculture evolved first in Africa.
b. Agriculture evolved after writing.
c. Agriculture is a feature of hunting and gathering societies.
d. Agriculture is a cultural phenomenon.
Question 13
Which of the following statements about environmental history is INCORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. Ecology and interdisciplinary methods are two important features of environmental history.
b. Environmental history studies the human perceptions, ethics, laws, and other mental constructions related to the natural world.
c. Environmental history studies the changes of the natural world itself.
d. As historians are not supposed to deal with natural sciences, nature is separate from culture in the study of environmental history.
Question 14
Which of the following statements about the Mayan civilization is false?
Choose one answer.
a. The Mayans used canals to travel to the Pacific Ocean.
b. The Mayans used canals as part of their agricultural plan.
c. The Mayan civilization may have been wiped out by drought.
d. The Mayan civilization perished before European colonization.
Question 15
William Cronon’s theory of British colonization of New England rejected which long-held belief?
Choose one answer.
a. That the British actively participated in genocide of Native Americans
b. That Native Americans lived in an undisturbed wilderness
c. That Native Americans helped the Pilgrims when food was short
d. That the British colonists were more efficient than Native Americans
Question 16
According to J. Donald Hughes, which of the following statements is true about the environmental problems of the ancient Greeks and Romans?
Choose one answer.
a. The ancient Greeks and Romans were not aware of the environmental problems.
b. Governments made no efforts in alleviating the problem of deforestation.
c. It was climate change and disease, not the human activities, that led to the end of classical civilization.
d. Metallurgy and the ceramic industry caused significant air pollution and deforestation.
Question 17
According to Pekka Masonen, which of the following statements about the ancient trans-Saharan trade is true?
Choose one answer.
a. The Africans were reluctant to contact with other civilizations of the ancient world
b. Internal trade rather than external trade prepared the wealth for the founding of the first West African states
c. The trans-Saharan sporadic contracts and trade started only after the Arabs conquered the Northern Africa in the seventh century
d. The Arabs violently conquered West Africa in order to exploit the gold mines in this region
Question 18
How does Derrick Jensen define “civilization” in “Endgame?”
Choose one answer.
a. Cities that require the importation of resources
b. Cities based on sustainable agriculture
c. Societies that make agreements that avoid war
d. Societies that are not based on violence
Question 19
In Donald Worster’s article “Attitudes toward Water,” he discusses two human attitudes towards water and points out that there are a series of cultural wars going on over nature – “wars of ideas, values, perceptions.” Which of the following is Donald Worster’s position on “the culture war” over nature?
Choose one answer.
a. Nature has an intrinsic purpose outside of human ideas.
b. Nature exists for humans to exploit.
c. People are ethically justified in protecting nature from exploitation.
d. Humans cannot control nature forever.
Question 20
In the Babylonian “Epic of Gilgamesh,” who civilized the wild Enkindu?
Choose one answer.
a. The woman Shamhat from Uruk
b. Gilgamesh the King
c. A trapper
d. The goddess Aruru
Question 21
Tin is used in smelting which alloy?
Choose one answer.
a. Iron
b. Bronze
c. Steel
d. Aluminum
Question 22
What is the nature of the Mesopotamian Seven Evil Spirits?
Choose one answer.
a. They were earthquakes.
b. They were volcanoes.
c. They were storms.
d. They were chaos.
Question 23
What was the Phoenician civilization famous for regarding its uses of natural resources?
Choose one answer.
a. For the mining of tin
b. For the mining of gold
c. For trade networks
d. For the city building
Question 24
Which ancient civilization had the most advanced sewer systems?
Choose one answer.
a. Rome
b. Hellenic Greece
c. Mesopotamia
d. Indus Valley
Question 25
Which is NOT a reason why human health worsened in the first urban centers when technologies of agriculture and pastoralism became more complex?
Choose one answer.
a. Soil depletion
b. Burning of fossil fuels
c. Social stratification
d. Water supply contamination
Question 26
Which is the earliest form of ancient irrigation?
Choose one answer.
a. Diversion dams
b. Canals
c. Aqueducts
d. Buckets
Question 27
Which of the following is a most intensive use of wood in pre-modern history?
Choose one answer.
a. Shipbuilding
b. Smelting
c. Homebuilding
d. Paper
Question 28
Which of the following is NOT an element of shamanism?
Choose one answer.
a. A person chooses whether or not to be a shaman.
b. A shaman travels into the spirit world to receive help in healing.
c. Shamanism is a kind of mysticism.
d. Shamanism is common in the world today.
Question 29
Fill in the blank. Scarcity in _________ was the primary cause of short life expectancy among the nobility in the Middle Ages.
Choose one answer.
a. Calories
b. Knowledge
c. Physicians
d. Vitamins
Question 30
What prompted medieval landowners go to the great expense of land reclamation from wetlands?
Choose one answer.
a. Reclamation lessened the impact of floods.
b. Soils were nutrient poor and reclaimed land had bigger yields.
c. Population pressures required more homesteads.
d. Overgrazing caused soil erosion.
Question 31
What was the most important energy source in Medieval Europe?
Choose one answer.
a. Coal
b. Wood
c. Wind
d. Water
Question 32
Which group used scorched earth policies in the 1066 invasion of England?
Choose one answer.
a. The Normans
b. The Vikings
c. The French
d. The English
Question 33
Which of the following was a social result of the Black Death?
Choose one answer.
a. Sterilization
b. The French Revolution
c. The Peasant Revolt
d. Forced labor
Question 34
Which statement below was NOT a factor in creating milk shortages in England after 1660?
Choose one answer.
a. A movement to enclose and privatize open grazing land became popular.
b. Cows must be pregnant to lactate.
c. Cows are more valuable to small farmers than bulls.
d. Rising wheat prices made cow keeping too expensive.
Question 35
Which was at the top of the medieval three orders?
Choose one answer.
a. Nobles
b. Priests
c. Soldiers
d. Peasants
Question 36
Which was NOT a characteristic of the Black Death?
Choose one answer.
a. It was extremely virulent.
b. It killed 50 to 70 percent.
c. It killed swiftly.
d. It affected mostly the poor.
Question 37
Which was NOT an element of the medieval agricultural revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. Irrigation
b. Tripartite field system
c. Horseshoes
d. Heavy plow
Question 38
Who had exclusive rights to use medieval forests?
Choose one answer.
a. Nobles
b. Priests
c. Foresters
d. Peasants
Question 39
Who synthesized pre-Christian observational science into Medieval European thought?
Choose one answer.
a. St. Thomas Aquinas
b. St. Augustine
c. St. Jerome
d. Cicero
Question 40
European cultural ideas during colonization created which change in the American landscape?
Choose one answer.
a. They burned brush to make park-like areas in the forests.
b. A belief in tidiness and uniformity led to monoculture fields instead of horticulture intercropping.
c. A belief in monotheism led to genocide of polytheistic Native Americans.
d. They built dams to tame wild rivers.
Question 41
On the dramatic decline of the Native American population in the sixteenth century, which of the following issues has the history community disagreed on?
Choose one answer.
a. Whether the arrival of the Europeans triggered a drastic reduction in the number of Native Americans
b. Whether Europeans intentionally sought the deaths of the Native Americans at a large scale
c. Whether the Old World diseases played an important role in the defeat of the Native Americans by the Europeans
d. Whether the Native Americans had the same immunity to the Old World diseases as the Europeans did
Question 42
Which animal species did Europeans introduce to the Americas?
Choose one answer.
a. Cod
b. Horses
c. Bison
d. Mosquitoes
Question 43
Which continent was NOT involved in the Triangle Trade?
Choose one answer.
a. North America
b. South America
c. Africa
d. Asia
Question 44
Which contribution from Africa during the Columbian Exchange had the most profound impact in the Triangle Trade?
Choose one answer.
a. Culture
b. Manufactured goods
c. Technology
d. Crops
Question 45
Which crop was NOT native to the Americas?
Choose one answer.
a. Coffee
b. Corn
c. Tomatoes
d. Potatoes
Question 46
Which disease did Europeans import from the Americas in the Columbian Exchange, according to Alfred Crosby’s study?
Choose one answer.
a. Smallpox
b. Cholera
c. Syphilis
d. Bubonic plague
Question 47
Which of the following plants is NOT a New World crop that was introduced to Europe?
Choose one answer.
a. Barley
b. Maize (corn)
c. Potato
d. Manioc
Question 48
Which of the following statements is false about the life of Olaudah Equiano?
Choose one answer.
a. He was kidnapped and enslaved at an early age.
b. He purchased his own freedom.
c. He was an advocate of the anti-slavery movement.
d. In his memoir, he describes that the slavery in Africa had no fundamental differences from that in the Americas.
Question 49
Which resource imported from the Americas during the Columbian Exchange was the most profitable?
Choose one answer.
a. Slaves
b. Gold
c. Corn
d. Tobacco
Question 50
Which statement about English colonization in North America is false?
Choose one answer.
a. Lord Jeffrey Amherst provided tribes with smallpox-infected blankets at the siege of Pittsburgh.
b. Colonists believed that working the land conferred value and therefore ownership.
c. Thomas Jefferson saw equality in gender roles in Native American societies.
d. Many colonizing farmers moved into the wilderness and became de facto separatists.
Question 51
Which was an anxiety-producing environmental issue in the British Empire?
Choose one answer.
a. Replacement of indigenous populations with colonists would collapse labor forces.
b. Tropical climates were not healthy for European procreation.
c. Encountering new species of trees like eucalyptus would spread disease.
d. Introduced species would destabilize production of raw materials.
Question 52
Why did the Virginia Company establish a colony at Jamestown?
Choose one answer.
a. To export tobacco to Europe
b. To import slaves into America
c. To escape religious persecution in England
d. To find gold and a sea route to China
Question 53
According to John Comlos, which statement about the Industrial Revolution (IR) in Europe is accurate?
Choose one answer.
a. Continental European economies lagged far behind England in technology and production.
b. Malthusian forces of population density injured the spread of industrialization.
c. One major difference about the post-1760 IR was that its economic growth was permanent.
d. The IR created a major subsistence crisis.
Question 54
In which nation did the first industrial revolution occur?
Choose one answer.
a. The United States
b. Britain
c. France
d. Spain
Question 55
What caused “neurasthenia” as diagnosed in nineteenth-century America?
Choose one answer.
a. Over stimulation from city life
b. Over work on assembly lines
c. Lack of light and air in factories
d. Exposure to fertilizer in massive agriculture
Question 56
What does Frederick Engels criticize in the chapter “The Great Towns” from “The Condition of the Working Class in England?”
Choose one answer.
a. Labor shortages
b. The communist revolution
c. Living conditions
d. Working conditions
Question 57
What was the technological advance that extended and entrenched slavery in the U.S.?
Choose one answer.
a. The steam engine
b. The cotton gin
c. The power cotton baler
d. Railroads
Question 58
Which issue is addressed by “The Machine in the Garden” thesis?
Choose one answer.
a. Religion versus industrialization
b. The U.S. as a natural paradise versus as an industrial powerhouse
c. England as an industrial powerhouse versus as a pastoral island paradise
d. Village life versus city life
Question 59
Which name is most closely linked with the idea of urban green spaces?
Choose one answer.
a. Frederick Law Olmstead
b. John Muir
c. John James Audubon
d. Jack London
Question 60
Which natural resource fueled the industrial revolutions?
Choose one answer.
a. Wind
b. Water
c. Coal
d. Petroleum
Question 61
Which of the following is NON-RENEWABLE energy?
Choose one answer.
a. Natural gas
b. Wind
c. Solar
d. Wood
Question 62
Which of the following labor conditions was NOT a feature of the Industrial Revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. Child labor in mines
b. Women’s labor in factories
c. Men assuming the duties as sole provider
d. Male unemployment in favor of women and children
Question 63
Which of the following was NOT a Progressive Era environmental value?
Choose one answer.
a. Pristine wilderness
b. Labor as a natural resource
c. Air pollution
d. Individual property rights as a natural resource
Question 64
Which one of the following statements best captures the effects of the Industrial Revolution (IR)?
Choose one answer.
a. The IR greatly improved the living standards of the working class people.
b. Workers in big cities enjoyed higher wages as well as better working and living conditions.
c. The positive effects of the IR were offset by the negative effects of other historical events that accompanied the IR, including wars, population growth, and environmental pollution.
d. There was no increase at all in real income for the working class during the years of IR.
Question 65
Which statement about emigration from Europe in the nineteenth century is accurate?
Choose one answer.
a. The poorest European countries had the largest rates of emigration.
b. The best explanation for emigration was better wages in America.
c. Previous emigration had no impact on later emigration rates.
d. Rising prosperity prompted emigration.
Question 66
Which statement about urban sprawl is accurate?
Choose one answer.
a. Urban sprawl is an American phenomenon.
b. Urban sprawl is a product of the invention of the automobile.
c. Urban sprawl is as old as cities.
d. Mass transit in 19th-century London created urban sprawl.
Question 67
Which statement below about the Industrial Revolution (IR) in England is accurate?
Choose one answer.
a. The IR was widespread and erupted simultaneously in all major cities.
b. England’s well-developed credit market helped the IR.
c. The industry most responsible for England’s rise as an industrial nation was weapons manufacture.
d. The IR destroyed the English middle class.
Question 68
According to environmental law specialist Daniel Esty, which of the following is true of environmental protection?
Choose one answer.
a. It will always be less lucrative than polluting technologies.
b. Its solutions are usually more complex than polluting.
c. It is best driven by private economic incentives.
d. It is most effectively accomplished by the EPA.
Question 69
According to history professor Bill Lang, which of the following statements about the Columbia River is false?
Choose one answer.
a. The Columbia River Basin is the most hydroelectrically developed river system in the world.
b. Dam constructions on the Columbia River have significantly influenced the fish population in the river.
c. Fur-trading on the Columbia used to be one of the most lucrative businesses for the British.
d. The Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Act was initiated by American merchants to protect natural resource and transportation industries on the Columbia.
Question 70
According to plant geneticist Nina Federoff, which is true about genetically modified (GM) foods?
Choose one answer.
a. Genetic modification is a feature of the 21st century.
b. GM foods will lead the complex system of the world ecosystem into entropy.
c. Seedless oranges are the result of cloning.
d. Recombinant DNA is dangerous to the food supply.
Question 71
Complete the following statement. According to food policy specialist Michael Pollan, fortifying foods with vitamins is:
Choose one answer.
a. a good way to supplement poor food choices
b. necessary in processed food
c. the best way to get nutrients
d. never a good idea
Question 72
In which city was the first United Nations summit on the environment held?
Choose one answer.
a. Johannesburg, South Africa
b. Kyoto, Japan
c. Stockholm, Sweden
d. Seattle, Washington, USA
Question 73
In which war was trench warfare so damaging to the environment?
Choose one answer.
a. The U.S. Civil War
b. World War I
c. World War II
d. Vietnam
Question 74
Which of the following statements about microcredit is false?
Choose one answer.
a. Sometimes microcredit does not involve actual currency.
b. China wants to be seen as a developing country by the World Trade Organization.
c. An applicant must convince other microcredit beneficiaries that an idea is sound before it is funded.
d. Microcredit only works in developing countries.
Question 75
Which of the following was NOT a feature of economic “liberalism” in the nineteenth century?
Choose one answer.
a. Altruism is immoral.
b. A minimum wage will drive unemployment.
c. Welfare encourages the poor to have more children.
d. Economies should be regulated by governments.
Question 76
Which statement about struggle for freshwater in the Andean mountains of Peru is incorrect?
Choose one answer.
a. Small communities suffer from corruption over freshwater delivery.
b. Outside expertise is not essential to sustainability.
c. Ancient Andean technologies are out of date and destructive.
d. Andean villagers resist new technologies as destructive of ancient traditions.
Question 77
Which statement about traditional land use in Europe is true?
Choose one answer.
a. Traditional agricultural land use created rich biodiversity.
b. Overgrazing created patches of desert.
c. Traditional land use involves large, industrial fields.
d. Most European land use techniques date from the end of World War II (1945).
Question 78
Why were highways originally developed in America?
Choose one answer.
a. To provide easy escape from a city under nuclear attack
b. To make commuting easier
c. To allow troops to move around the country
d. To allow penetration into the continent
Question 79
According to the Idaho Forest Products Commission, which kind of forest type does the following statement describe: “‘park-like,’ or ‘open old growth,’ these forests have large, widely spaced trees with open forest floors that are often covered with grass or small shrubs?”
Choose one answer.
a. Savanna
b. Open
c. Understory
d. Complex
Question 80
In their 2009 article “The Return of the Population Bomb,” what did biologists Paul and Anne Ehrlich argue?
Choose one answer.
a. The rapid population growth would create food crisis and lead to mass starvation.
b. The birthrates have been declining in much of the world, so there is nothing to worry about the population growth.
c. Even though population growth has not led to world famine yet, it still threatens the environment by creating other problems, such as pollution, greenhouse gases emissions, and resources scarcity.
d. When population grows to a certain level, it will be checked by wars, natural disasters, and epidemics.
Question 81
The largest open diamond mine in the world is in which country?
Choose one answer.
a. Canada
b. South Africa
c. Russia
d. Zimbabwe
Question 82
The largest river delta in the world is located in which country?
Choose one answer.
a. Vietnam
b. Egypt
c. The U.S
d. Bangladesh
Question 83
Water diversion has severely altered the volume of which bodies of water?
Choose one answer.
a. The Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea
b. The Aral Sea, Lake Chad, the Salton Sea
c. Lake Baikal, Lake Tahoe, and the Ionian Sea
d. The Red Sea, the Dead Sea, and the Sea of Galilee
Question 84
What is the leading cause of deaths from indoor air pollution?
Choose one answer.
a. Cigarette smoking
b. Burning solid fuel
c. Household chemical use
d. Household pet hair/dander
Question 85
Which invasive species was introduced into the U.S. intentionally?
Choose one answer.
a. Kudzu vine
b. Zebra Mussel
c. West Nile virus
d. Mediterranean fruit fly
Question 86
Which method has been successful in restoring fish populations following overfishing?
Choose one answer.
a. Bycatching
b. Targeted-species fishing
c. Tariffs
d. Fishing bans
Question 87
Which of the following statements about the “Love Canal Tragedy” is false?
Choose one answer.
a. The project was initially conceived to generate power.
b. The canal became an industrial and municipal chemical dumpsite in the 1920s.
c. The chemical wastes in the Love Canal were cleaned up twenty-five years after the Hooker Chemical Company stopped using the canal as an industrial dump.
d. The liability issue is still unclear regarding the accidents caused by chemical wastes disposed of previously.
Question 88
Which of the following statements is an inaccurate description of the impacts of climate change on human health?
Choose one answer.
a. Climate change may allow some diseases to spread more easily.
b. Climate change increases the frequency of abnormal climatic events (such as floods, droughts, and hurricanes) that affect human health more drastically.
c. Climate change likely has negative effects on air quality.
d. A standardized scheme should be launched to combat climate change regardless geographical locations.
Question 89
Which pandemic disease originates in the largest river delta in the world?
Choose one answer.
a. Malaria
b. Smallpox
c. Cholera
Question 90
According to Pare Lorentz’s film, what was “the final frontier”?
Choose one answer.
a. California
b. The Great Plains
c. Space
d. Oceans
Question 91
According to the Yale Forum of Religion and Ecology, which religious tradition holds the following view about the Earth: “The Earth is not subservient to humankind, and it should not be administered and exploited irresponsibly”?
Choose one answer.
a. Islam
b. Christianity
c. Buddhism
d. Shinto
Question 92
According to Thomas Friedman, what is the single most important issue regarding innovation in the U.S.?
Choose one answer.
a. Big government
b. A crisis of imagination
c. Lack of entrepreneurial spirit
d. Short-term outlook
Question 93
What is the Hudson River School?
Choose one answer.
a. A school founded to teach the ecological impact of New York City
b. A style of painting
c. A style of writing characterized by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau
d. An institution dedicated to riparian ecology
Question 94
What is the most important element of environmental activism according to Bill McKibbons?
Choose one answer.
a. Scientific background
b. Environmental history
c. The idea of nature as valuable
d. Political awareness
Question 95
Which environmental issue did Rachael Carson address in her book, Silent Spring?
Choose one answer.
a. Wildlife extinction
b. Noise hazard
c. Chemical pesticides
d. Nuclear radioactive waste
Question 96
Which issue facing the environment does the Kyoto Accord address?
Choose one answer.
a. Nuclear energy
b. Overfishing
c. Mercury poisoning of fish
d. Climate change
Question 97
Which major polluting nation did NOT ratify the Kyoto Accord?
Choose one answer.
a. Germany
b. The United States
c. France
d. Iran
Question 98
Which of the following statements about fire conservation is accurate?
Choose one answer.
a. Fire is always harmful to parks like Yosemite.
b. The issue of whether or not to fight forest fires is not controversial.
c. Human habitation is the only determinant of when to fight fire in national parks.
d. Species of plants and animals coexist in a statistical pattern of burning.
Question 99
Which of the following statements about the conservation movement in America 1850–1920 is NOT accurate?
Choose one answer.
a. The question of endangered species became a matter for public policy.
b. Birds were driven into extinction to make fancy hats.
c. Conservation efforts were focused at reserving green spaces for social elites.
d. Travel writing and photography were key to conservation efforts.
Question 100
Which river is notorious for being so polluted it caught fire?
Choose one answer.
a. The Thames in London
b. The Nile in Egypt
c. The Cuyahoga River in Ohio
d. The Potomac River in Washington, D.C.