For which of the following sequences do we not know a closed-form formula?
Choose one answer.
a. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...
b. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ...
c. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ...
d. 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, ...
Question 2
How many prime numbers are there, and why?
Choose one answer.
a. Finitely many, because once you reach a certain size, every number factors into smaller primes.
b. We do not know, because computers aren't powerful enough to compute as large as we need.
c. Infinitely many, otherwise you could simply take the product of all of them and add one.
d. Infinitely many in theory, as you could theoretically extend the Sieve of Eratosthenes indefinitely.
Question 3
How many prime numbers have integers as their square roots?
Choose one answer.
a. 0
b. 1
c. 7
d. infinitely many
Question 4
Suppose we know that 3 divides a product , but do not know the precise values of and . Which statement must be true?
Choose one answer.
a. 3 must divide one of or .
b. 3 divides neither nor .
c. 3 divides both and .
d. We do not know if 3 divides or .
Question 5
Suppose we know that 6 divides a product , but do not know not the precise values of and . Which statement must be true?
Choose one answer.
a. 6 must divide one of or .
b. 6 divides neither nor .
c. 6 divides both and .
d. We do not know if 6 divides or .
Question 6
The trapezoidal number is the number of pebbles you get when arranged in a two-row trapezoid with pebbles on the bottom row and pebbles on the row above. Find a concise formula for the trapezoidal number.
Choose one answer.
Question 7
What is the largest value that we must use to identify primes smaller than with the Sieve of Eratosthenes?
Choose one answer.
Question 8
Which of the following is not a property of the Fibonacci numbers ?
Choose one answer.
Question 9
Which of the following number systems is not a ring?
Choose one answer.
a. the natural numbers
b. the integers
c. the set of linear residues modulo 8
d. the set of algebraic numbers
Question 10
Which of the following orderings is not a linear ordering?
Choose one answer.
a. ... < -1 < 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < ...
b. ... > -1 > 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > ...
c. if and only if
d. {} < {a}, {b} < {a,b}
Question 11
Why do prime numbers recur in nearly every number theoretic problem?
Choose one answer.
a. Composite numbers can be rewritten as products of prime numbers.
b. Prime numbers have only a few properties, which are however very powerful.
c. It is harder to study prime numbers, but more rewarding.
d. It is easier to determine whether a number is prime.
Question 12
Find the greatest common divisor of -2805 and 1287.
Choose one answer.
a. 3
b. 33
c. 99
d. 187
Question 13
Find the greatest common divisor of 34529 and 32923.
Choose one answer.
a. 9
b. 473
c. 11
d. 803
Question 14
For which integer values of does the equation have integer solutions for ?
Choose one answer.
a. no integer values of
b. only
c. only
d. all integer values of
Question 15
For which integer values of does the equation have integer solutions for ?
Choose one answer.
a. no integer values of
b. only
c. only
d. all integer values of
Question 16
If the final steps of the Euclidean algorithm for gives us the equations , then which of the following would be a possible final result of finding Bezout's formula for ?
Choose one answer.
Question 17
If the final steps of the Euclidean algorithm for gives us the equations , then which of the following would be a result of the first few steps towards acquiring Bezout's formula for ?
Choose one answer.
Question 18
Suppose divides and . What can we say about ?
Choose one answer.
a. divides if and only if
b. We can find integers such that .
c. divides or divides .
Question 19
Suppose divides , but does not divide . What relationship can we establish between and ?
Choose one answer.
a. no relationship without more information
c. divides
Question 20
Suppose divides and , while divides . What relationship can we establish between and ?
Choose one answer.
a. only that divides
b. that
c. that
d. that
Question 21
Suppose . Which integers can be expressed in the form , where and are integers?
Choose one answer.
a. all integers
b. multiples of
c. multiples of
d. multiples of
Question 22
Suppose . Which integers can be expressed in the form , where and are integers?
Choose one answer.
a. all integers
b. even integers
c. odd integers
d. multiples of
Question 23
What relationship can we establish for ?
Choose one answer.
c. divides
d. no relationship without more information
Question 24
Which of the following Diophantine equations has a solution?
Choose one answer.
Question 25
Which of the following integer sequences is not guaranteed to have infinitely many primes?
Choose one answer.
Question 26
You want to find the gcd of a 15-digit number and a 20-digit number. How many divisions will it take to compute the gcd using the Euclidean algorithm?
Choose one answer.
a. at most 75
b. at most 100
c. at most 175
d. at most 35
Question 27
A simultaneous solution exists for the two linear congruences listed below. What third congruence could we add, and still obtain a solution?

Choose one answer.
Question 28
A simultaneous solution exists for the two linear congruences listed below. What third congruence could we add, and still obtain a solution?

Choose one answer.
Question 29
Find a simultaneous solution to the following system of linear congruences.

Choose one answer.
a. 4
b. 6
c. 19
d. 24
Question 30
Find a simultaneous solution to the following system of linear congruences.

Choose one answer.
a. 75
b. 87
c. 105
d. no solution
Question 31
Suppose a 7-digit number has digits (left to right). Which rule will allow us to check if the number is divisible by 12?
Choose one answer.
a. The number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
b. The sum is divisible by both 2 and 3.
c. The sum is divisible by 12.
d. There is no such rule.
Question 32
Suppose a 7-digit number has digits (left to right). Why can we check if is divisible by 7 by checking whether ?
Choose one answer.
a. You can always check divisibility by rotating through positive and negative remainders.
b. The coefficient of each are congruent to powers of ten that correspond to its digit.
c. You can always check divisibility by by rotating through prime numbers smaller than .
d. This is one of those random coincidences in mathematics that you simply have to accept.
Question 33
What is the multiplicative inverse of , modulo ?
Choose one answer.
d. There is none.
Question 34
What is the multiplicative inverse of , modulo 23?
Choose one answer.
d. There is none.
Question 35
Which of the following congruences has a solution?
Choose one answer.
Question 36
Which of the following statements about congruence is not always true?
Choose one answer.
a. If , then .
b. If , then .
c. If , then .
d. If , then .
Question 37
Which of the following statements about congruence is not always true?
Choose one answer.
a. If , then or .
b. If divides , then has at least one solution.
c. If , then .
d. If is congruent to , but not to , then is not congruent to .
Question 38
Compute the product of and .
Choose one answer.
Question 39
Essentially, what property of , where is prime, makes it irrational?
Choose one answer.
a. Writing it as a ratio of two integers leads to a contradiction.
b. Its decimal expansion is infinite, but repeating.
c. Its decimal expansion is infinite, with factorial zeros.
d. Writing it as a ratio of two algebraic numbers leads to a contradiction.
Question 40
Essentially, what property of Liouville's number makes it transcendental?
Choose one answer.
a. Its decimal expansion is finite.
b. Its decimal expansion is infinite, but repeats.
c. Its decimal expansion is infinite, and does not repeat.
d. Its decimal expansion is infinite, with factorial zeros.
Question 41
What is the geometric effect of multiplying a Gaussian integer by ?
Choose one answer.
a. Rescaling the vector that represents .
b. Reversing the vector that represents .
c. Rotating the vector that represents by 90 degrees.
d. Shifting the vector that represents vertically by 1.
Question 42
What is the smallest ring that contains all solutions to linear integer equations , given that ?
Choose one answer.
a. the integers
b. the rational numbers
c. the algebraic numbers
d. the real numbers
Question 43
Which of the following numbers is algebraic and irrational?
Choose one answer.
a. Liouville's number
Question 44
Which of the following rings contains all algebraic roots of positive integers?
Choose one answer.
a. the rational numbers
b. the algebraic numbers
c. the integers
d. any finite field
Question 45
Which of the following rings does not satisfy the zero product property?
Choose one answer.
a. the integers
b. the Gaussian integers
c. the set of linear residues modulo -5
d. the set of linear residues modulo 8
Question 46
Find the continued fraction expansion for 3/5.
Choose one answer.
a. [0;1,1,2]
b. [2;1,1]
c. [3;5]
d. [0;3,5]
Question 47
What is the correct continued fraction expansion for 5/3?
Choose one answer.
a. [1;1,1]
b. [1;1,2]
c. [1;2,3]
d. [5;3]
Question 48
Which continued fraction is the only possible candidate for the cube root of a prime number?
Choose one answer.
a. [2;1,5,2,2,7,1,16,4,1,8,10,...]
b. [2;1,5,2,2,7]
c. [2;1,5,2,2,7,1,5,2,2,7,...]
d. [2;0]
Question 49
Which continued fraction is the only possible candidate for the square root of a prime number?
Choose one answer.
a. [4;1,3,1,8]
b. [4;0]
c. [4;1,3,1,8,1,3,1,8,...]
d. [4;1,3,1,8,1,4,1,16,...]
Question 50
Which of the following continued fractions is rational, but not integer?
Choose one answer.
Question 51
Which of the following continued fractions is rational?
Choose one answer.
Question 52
According to Fermat, which of the following is a good candidate for a large prime number?
Choose one answer.
Question 53
According to Mersenne, which of the following is a good candidate for a large prime number?
Choose one answer.
Question 54
Evaluate .
Choose one answer.
a. -1
b. 0
c. 1
d. undefined
Question 55
Evaluate .
Choose one answer.
a. -1
b. 0
c. 1
d. undefined
Question 56
Evaluate .
Choose one answer.
a. 361
b. 702
c. 1170
d. 2592
Question 57
Evaluate .
Choose one answer.
a. 117
b. 401
c. 1170
d. 2916
Question 58
Evaluate .
Choose one answer.
a. 24
b. 96
c. 120
d. 300
Question 59
Evaluate .
Choose one answer.
a. 16
b. 25
c. 160
d. 200
Question 60
In the RSA algorithm, what property of the modulus helps ensure the algorithm's correctness?
Choose one answer.
a. It is very difficult to factor at the present time.
b. Most numbers smaller than are relatively prime to .
c. Computing exponents modulo is relatively easy.
d. Bezout's formula guarantees an inverse modulo .
Question 61
The RSA encryption scheme would be in danger if we could only find an "easy" method to perform which of the following problems?
Choose one answer.
a. compute large primes
b. compute large exponents modulo a prime
c. compute the greatest common divisor
d. factor large integers
Question 62
Use Euler's formula to solve .
Choose one answer.
a. 1
b. 5
c. 25
d. No solution
Question 63
Use Euler's formula to solve .
Choose one answer.
a. 1 and -1
b. 3 and -3
c. 9
d. No solution
Question 64
We want to encrypt the message, EU LE RR OX, using the RSA algorithm. For our modulus, we will use . The public key is 31. Find the private key.
Choose one answer.
a. 302
b. 511
c. 792
d. 851
Question 65
What class of number is useful for computing perfect numbers?
Choose one answer.
a. Fibonacci numbers
b. the Golden ratio
c. Mersenne primes
d. Fermat primes
Question 66
Which of the following is always true for a multiplicative function ?
Choose one answer.
a. for every integer and
c. If does not divide , then does not divide .
d. If and are relatively prime, then .
Question 67
Which of the following is not always true for a multiplicative function f?
Choose one answer.
a. =
c. If divides , then divides .
d. If and are relatively prime, then .
Question 68
Which of the following is not an aspect of the RSA encryption scheme?
Choose one answer.
a. The communicating parties exchange encryption and decryption keys.
b. The communicating parties build large prime numbers.
c. The communicating parties perform exponentiation modulo a large composite number.
d. The communicating parties would be in danger if integer factorization were "easy".
Question 69
Which of the following numbers is perfect?
Choose one answer.
a. 2
b. 8
c. 102
d. 496
Question 70
Which of the following numbers is very closely related to discovering perfect numbers?
Choose one answer.
a. Composite numbers
b. Fermat numbers
c. Fibonacci numbers
d. Mersenne numbers