According to the writings of Montesquieu, in order to ensure liberty in a government, there should be "separation of powers." What did Montesquieu mean by this?
Choose one answer.
a. That the power should be shared by the people and the government
b. That power should be separated between the sovereign and the king
c. That power should be divided into three branches: executive, legislative and judicial
d. That power should be separated from the individuals that are chosen to rule
e. That power should be distributed to society's elite
Question 2
Based on Professor Smith's lectures and the "Leviathan" reading, Hobbes can be seen as introducing what concept into the political discourse?
Choose one answer.
a. Civil society
b. Individuality
c. Membership
d. Social contract
e. Monarchy
Question 3
During the Revolutionary War period, Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" was important for which of the following reasons?
Choose one answer.
a. Because it described a military plan for defeating England
b. Because it outlined a detailed plan for a new form of government
c. Because it explained the need for the Articles of Confederation
d. Because it persuaded many undecided Americans to support efforts for independence
e. Because it advocated for the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution
Question 4
The concept of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," in Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence, can be traced back to whose writings?
Choose one answer.
a. Aristotle
b. Montesquieu
c. Locke
d. Rousseau
e. Hobbes
Question 5
What concept was first born out of John Winthrop's 1630 "Model of Christian Charity," when he quoted the Bible and called the Mass Bay Colony "the city upon the hill?"
Choose one answer.
a. American Exceptionalism
b. Christian Fundamentalism
c. Religious Dogmatism
d. Both B and C
e. None of the above
Question 6
Which of the following describes the general theme found in both the Mayflower Compact and John Winthrop's "Model of Christian Charity?"
Choose one answer.
a. The importance of rugged individualism
b. The need to conquer native tribes in New England
c. The ideal of religious tolerance
d. The importance of banning together for the good of all settlers in the community
e. To work hard for material gain
Question 7
Which of the following DOES NOT describe the beliefs of Roger Williams expressed in "The Bloody Tenet of Persecution?"
Choose one answer.
a. Religious freedom and tolerance is allowed in a peaceful state.
b. Church and civil state (government) should be connected.
c. A uniform Christian religion in society is ideal.
d. Religion has served as a means of persecution and unnecessary violence.
e. Both B and C
Question 8
Which of the following is a major argument for American independence found in many Revolutionary War era writings, including the Declaration of Independence?
Choose one answer.
a. The British stopped participating in the slave trade.
b. The British deprived Americans of their natural rights.
c. The British censored American representatives in Parliament.
d. The British refused to sell products to the colonies.
e. The British wages war with the colonies.
Question 9
Which philosopher is most associated with influencing American politics through the concept of the "social contract?"
Choose one answer.
a. Locke
b. Rousseau
c. Montesquieu
d. Hobbes
e. Aristotle
Question 10
The Mayflower Compact is important to the foundation of democracy in American political thought, because it did which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Was an effort by colonists to use force to resist the king
b. Established universal suffrage
c. Expressed the importance of colonial self-government
d. Created an early alliance with the Wampanoag Indians
e. Established freedom of religion
Question 11
Complete the following statement. All of the following principles are protected under the Bill of Rights, EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Separation of church and state.
b. Freedom of the press.
c. Trial by jury of one's peers.
d. The right to vote for all citizens.
e. The right to bear arms.
Question 12
In order to strike a balance between states' rights and federal authority, the government outlined under the Constitution established which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Federalism, a system of shared powers between the states and the federal government
b. Confederalism, a system where power was shared by a loose alliance between the states
c. Monarchism, a system where absolute power is given to the king
d. Socialism, a system where all the power is in the hands of individuals
e. None of the above
Question 13
James Madison's "Federalist 10" articulated the belief of the founding fathers that the Constitution would do which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Lead to a tyranny of the majority
b. Promote the growth of political parties
c. Control the effects of factions
d. Allow the states to maintain their preeminence
e. Lead to a tyranny of the minority
Question 14
The Great Compromise appeased states with a large population, like Virginia, and states with a small population, like New Jersey, by doing which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Establishing the Articles of Confederation
b. Creating a bicameral legislature, where the number of seats in the lower house were determined by population, and seats in the upper house were equal among all states
c. Determining that the New Jersey plan was the best fit for the national government and provided all states equal number of representatives in Congress
d. Continuing the practice of states' rights and limiting the amount of power given to the national legislature
e. Determining that 3/5 of a state's slave population would be counted in determining representation
Question 15
The phrase, "We the people," in the preamble of the Constitution illustrates the influence of Rousseau on the founding fathers in shaping their belief about which political philosophy?
Choose one answer.
a. Popular sovereignty
b. Direct election of senators
c. Democratic republicanism
d. Confederacy
e. Socialism
Question 16
What was Hamilton's main criticism of the Articles of Confederation in the "Deficiencies of the Confederation?"
Choose one answer.
a. It failed to limit the powers of the president.
b. It did not provide adequate powers for the central government (Congress).
c. It gave too little power to the states.
d. It created a monarchy with too much absolute power.
e. All of the above
Question 17
Which of the following describes a major concern of the Anti-Federalists as expressed in the "Brutus No.2" reading?
Choose one answer.
a. A desire to strengthen the central government
b. A fear that foreign governments would try to overpower the new nation
c. A fear that the states would maintain their dominance under the new government
d. A belief that a strong chief executive was necessary
e. A desire to see a bill of rights guaranteeing the protection of individual rights added to the Constitution
Question 18
Which of the following states one way that the United States Constitution differed from the Articles of Confederation?
Choose one answer.
a. The Constitution created a national government having three branches.
b. The Constitution provided for the direct election of the president by the voters.
c. The Constitution made the amendment process more difficult.
d. The Constitution increased the powers of the states.
e. The Constitution abolished the federal judiciary system.
Question 19
"In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this, you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself." This passage from James Madison's "Federalist 51" refers to the need for which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. A strong executive
b. A system of checks and balances
c. An independent military
d. A national education system
e. States' rights
Question 20
What was the underlying political philosophy of the Articles of Confederation?
Choose one answer.
a. That the king should remain in power
b. That the United States should be a monarchy
c. That the states should have more power than the central government
d. That the executive branch should hold more power than the legislative branch
e. That states with a larger population should have more of a say in national politics
Question 21
Based on the rulings in Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court under John Marshall did which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Ruled in favor of increasing states' rights
b. Supported an increased role of the federal government
c. Made rulings that supported a more federalist political perspective
d. Both A and C
e. Both B and C
Question 22
Fill in the blank. The procedure of judicial review was clearly established in ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Article III of the Constitution
b. Plessy v. Ferguson
c. Marbury v. Madison
d. McCulloch v. Maryland
e. The Preamble of the Constitution
Question 23
Fill in the blank. Under the leadership of Chief Justice John Marshall, the decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court tended to strengthen the power of __________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Federal government
b. State governments
c. Labor unions
d. Citizens
e. Racial minorities
Question 24
In the McCulloch v. Maryland ruling, the Marshall Court made which decision?
Choose one answer.
a. That state laws are superior to federal laws
b. The federal government had the authority to establish the National Bank
c. States do not have the power to tax the federal government
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C
Question 25
Under the case, McCulloch v. Maryland, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the power to create the National Bank for which reason?
Choose one answer.
a. Because Congress has the ultimate power over the American economy
b. Because the creation of the National Bank was deemed "necessary and proper"
c. Because the states failed to create a viable bank
d. Because the "power to tax involves the power to destroy"
e. Because the president gave Congress the authority
Question 26
Under the practice of judicial review, the Supreme Court can do which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Serve as long as they maintain good behavior
b. Apply stare decisis when making decisions
c. Have appellate jurisdiction
d. Be the supreme law of the land
e. Declare a congressional act unconstitutional
Question 27
What key principle is supported by the Supreme Court's ruling in Marbury v. Madison?
Choose one answer.
a. Popular sovereignty
b. Democratic republicanism
c. Checks and balances
d. Judicial inferiority
e. Stare decisis
Question 28
What was one of the biggest disagreements between Hamilton and Jefferson, as demonstrated in the debate over the National Bank?
Choose one answer.
a. That Hamilton supported states' rights over federal authority
b. That Hamilton did not support the creation of the National Bank
c. That Jefferson believed it was the obligation of the federal government to take on the debt incurred by states
d. That Hamilton believed in a strong central government
e. None of the above
Question 29
Which of the following is one key theme expressed in Jefferson's first inaugural address?
Choose one answer.
a. The need for political parties
b. The importance of controlling government through the presidency
c. The spirit of bi-partisanship
d. The hope of ending individual freedoms
e. The mission of limiting the power of states
Question 30
In his farewell address, George Washington offered which of the following as advice to the young nation?
Choose one answer.
a. To avoid permanent alliances with other foreign nations
b. To avoid the creation of national political parties
c. To protect the continuance of the Union under the Constitution
d. All of the above
e. A and C only
Question 31
Based on the essay "Self-Reliance," which of the following statements would Ralph Waldo Emerson AGREE with?
Choose one answer.
a. Society hinders someone from being truly "self-reliant."
b. In matters of principle, it is best to conform to societies' expectations.
c. Government enables individuals to have maximum freedom and self-reliance.
d. It is the job of government to provide for the needs of individuals.
e. All of the above
Question 32
During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the spoils system resulted in which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Federal laws being nullified by the states
b. Elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs
c. All free males given the right to vote
d. The end of political corruption in the federal government
e. The creation of a merit based system for positions in the government
Question 33
Emerson and Thoreau would most likely be in agreement when it comes to which of the following philosophies?
Choose one answer.
a. The benefits of a strong central government
b. The importance of liberty and individuality
c. The importance of the presidency
d. Both A and C
e. None of the above.
Question 34
Jackson's Bank Veto Message demonstrates which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. His support for past U.S. Supreme Court rulings
b. His support for elites and wealthy businessmen
c. His belief in the continuation of the Bank is "necessary and proper"
d. His support for states' rights and the protection of individual liberties
e. His support for federal involvement in the economy
Question 35
Which of the following best describes the policy adopted by President Jackson toward American Indians?
Choose one answer.
a. Voluntary relocation
b. Forced removal
c. Integration into American society
d. Increasing educational opportunities
e. None of the above
Question 36
Which of the following does Tocqueville argue for being a central feature of American democracy?
Choose one answer.
a. Local government
b. Civic associations
c. The presence of religion
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
Question 37
Which of the following is one major difference between the philosophies of Rousseau and Tocqueville?
Choose one answer.
a. Rousseau believed in the benevolent power of monarchies, and Tocqueville believed in the power of the aristocracy.
b. Rousseau was French and therefore supported the French king.
c. Rousseau trusted the "general will," where as Tocqueville was somewhat suspicious of universal suffrage.
d. Both agreed in popular sovereignty, but Tocqueville felt it was more important to have all of the power in the hands of the middle class.
e. There are no major differences between the two.
Question 38
Which of the following statements captures the sentiments of Jackson's presidency and his impact on American political thought?
Choose one answer.
a. The president should serve as a strong leader acting as a champion of the people.
b. The federal government should have little involvement in economic affairs.
c. States' rights and individual liberty are important components of American politics.
d. Elections should have increased democratic political participation.
e. All of the above
Question 39
Why does Tocqueville believe that democracy makes us "gentler?"
Choose one answer.
a. He believes that democratic governments have less capital punishment.
b. He believes that aristocracy creates equality.
c. He believes that a democratic system fosters a sense of "alikeness" and empathy.
d. He believes that democracy creates a system of perpetual inequality.
e. All of the above
Question 40
Which of the following is NOT an accurate description of the "Age of Jackson."
Choose one answer.
a. An era of expanded voting rights
b. A time of increased popular political participation
c. The political roots of the modern political system
d. A time when elites dominated politics
e. An era of factions and partisanship
Question 41
In the Plessy v. Ferguson United States Supreme Court decision, what precedent was set to define racial policy from 1896 until 1954?
Choose one answer.
a. All freed slaves were given the right to vote.
b. Former slaves were considered property and therefore did not have legal rights as citizens.
c. Former slaves were granted citizenship.
d. Slaves could not be treated unfairly by racially motivated Jim Crow laws.
e. Separate facilities for the races were permissible, providing that they were equal.
Question 42
The Grimke sisters, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott all made convincing arguments for abolition of slavery and women's suffrage by doing which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Appealing to the moral and religious roots of the American public.
b. Appealing to American's sense of liberty by adapting the Declaration of Independence.
c. Appealing to the biological differences between men and women.
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Question 43
The sentiments expressed in the "Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society" most clearly relates to which group of individuals?
Choose one answer.
a. Slave owners
b. Southern congressmen
c. The federal government
d. States' rights advocates
e. Abolitionists
Question 44
What is the major argument that Fitzhugh makes in "Cannibals All, or Slaves without Masters?"
Choose one answer.
a. Slavery is morally wrong.
b. Negro slaves are better than slaves of other races in the past.
c. Opponents of southern slavery are hypocrites, because slavery, in a sense, exists in both free society and slave society.
d. Slavery is clearly in line with the American ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence and therefore should continue to exist.
e. Slavery is unique to the American experience and therefore is an important part of the American legacy.
Question 45
What is the underlying theme of Frederick Douglas' speech, "What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"
Choose one answer.
a. Americans fought for justice and equality on the Fourth of July.
b. Justice and equality are present throughout American society.
c. Slaves usually partake in Fourth of July celebrations on plantations.
d. The Fourth of July is a clear reminder of the hypocrisy of slavery in America.
e. American independence from Britain was well-deserved.
Question 46
What was South Carolina's major justification for seceding from the Union?
Choose one answer.
a. The federal government's violation of states' rights
b. The federal government's obligation to protect slaves
c. The election of Abraham Lincoln
d. Their right to support the British government
e. Their desire to end slavery
Question 47
Which of the following characterized the topics of American political thought portrayed in the writings of Frederick Douglass, the Grimke sisters, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and Lucretia Mott?
Choose one answer.
a. Universal suffrage
b. Minority Rights
c. Slavery
d. All of the above
e. A and C only
Question 48
Which of the following represents the major argument in defense of slavery in the United States in the early 1800s?
Choose one answer.
a. That the Southern economic system relied on the existence of slavery
b. That slaves were provided all the comforts and necessities by their masters
c. That slavery was tied to historic Biblical and colonial roots
d. That African slaves are by nature inferior and need to be protected
e. All of the above
Question 49
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on…to bind up the nation's wounds…to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations." (Abraham Lincoln, 1865) This quote from Lincoln's second inaugural address, exemplifies which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Lincoln's anger towards southern states for seceding from the Union
b. Lincoln's belief that the sectional differences between the North and South could not be healed
c. Lincoln's commitment to instilling the prestige of the presidency
d. Lincoln's justification for emancipating the slaves
e. Lincoln's desire to protect and restore the Union
Question 50
Based on the text of the Fugitive Slave Act (1850) and The Dred Scott Case (1857), which of the following is a true statement?
Choose one answer.
a. Although slavery existed, the American government recognized slaves as citizens.
b. In the mid-1800s, the American government did not firmly support the rights of slaves.
c. In the mid-1800s, it is clear that the Anti-Slavery Society was winning the debate.
d. Slaves celebrated their freedom along with all other Americans on the Fourth of July.
e. The federal government was not willing to legislate on the issue of slavery.
Question 51
According to the Wells Barnett reading, which of the following depicts a fair conclusion about race relations in the United States at the end of the 1800s?
Choose one answer.
a. Even though slavery has ended, blacks are still denied many freedoms, especially in the South.
b. Blacks and whites are treated the same way under the law, especially in the South.
c. Whites and blacks mostly agree on using mob-rule lynching to enforce punishments for horrible crimes.
d. Blacks are still greatly protected by the federal government from being mistreated, especially in the Southern states.
e. None of the above
Question 52
Andrew Carnegie's "Gospel of Wealth" advocates for which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The importance of saving one's riches
b. The paternalistic duty of the rich to take care of the less fortunate
c. How the Bible outlines the best way to become wealthy
d. Adam Smith's religious viewpoints
e. The role that money plays in politics
Question 53
The 19th-century philosophy of Social Darwinism maintained which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. That the government should have control over the means of production and the market
b. That all social class distinctions in American society should be eliminated
c. That economic success comes to those who are the hardest working and most competent
d. That wealth and income should be more equally distributed
e. That luck is more important than ability when it comes to economic success
Question 54
The market principles advocated by Adam Smith and other capitalists most likely appealed to which of the following core American beliefs?
Choose one answer.
a. Equality and cooperation
b. Separation of church and state
c. Laissez-faire and liberty
d. States' rights and independence
e. Socialism and planned economy
Question 55
The underlying principles of capitalism coincide with which of the following core American political theories?
Choose one answer.
a. Socialism
b. Equality
c. Independence
d. Individualism
e. Cooperation
Question 56
Which concept from the Industrial Age greatly shaped American political thought and government actions in the late 1800s?
Choose one answer.
a. Imperialism
b. Nativism
c. Immigration
d. Racism
e. All of the above
Question 57
Which of the following concepts from the Industrial Age is expressed in Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden?"
Choose one answer.
a. Racism
b. Imperialism
c. Immigration
d. Both A and B
e. Both B and C
Question 58
Which political theory is best portrayed by the American "Open Door Policy" in China?
Choose one answer.
a. Liberty
b. Imperialism
c. Anti-Imperialism
d. Socialism
e. Communism
Question 59
Speaker A: "In order to preserve true American traditions and culture, we should not allow immigrants with vastly different origins into our country."
Speaker B: "Immigrants to the United States must be well educated in order to gain admission."
Speaker C: "The new flow of unskilled foreign-born workers into the country has negatively impacted the wages of the American worker."
Speaker D: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Which statement above most likely disagrees with Francis Walker's sentiments on immigration?
Choose one answer.
a. Speaker A
b. Speaker B
c. Speaker C
d. Speaker D
e. All of the above
Question 60
Both Frederick Jackson Turner and Josiah Strong would agree on which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. That America and its people possess an exceptional quality unlike any other nation
b. That Americans are not as strong as their European ancestors
c. That the American government lacks true sovereignty
d. That American resources have not shaped the American experience and culture
e. None of the above
Question 61
According to Herbert Hoover, which of the following would be part of a society with "true liberalism?"
Choose one answer.
a. Decentralized self-government
b. Capitalism
c. Equal Opportunities
d. Individual Freedom
e. All of the above
Question 62
Although the Populist Party failed to elect its candidates to the presidency, the party impacted American politics by doing which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Creating a socialist regime that valued government distribution of wealth
b. Implementing practices that benefitted business and hindered the progress of the labor movement
c. Insisting the federal government takes some responsibility for the well-being of citizens
d. Changing the way Americans felt about the concerns of southern and mid-western farmers
e. None of the above; most would argue that the Populist Party was insignificant in American politics
Question 63
How did American involvement in WWII follow the patterns of international relations policy of the past?
Choose one answer.
a. At first, the American government tried to maintain neutrality, but they were increasing drawn into the war in Europe.
b. The American government supported European allies from the start and immediately joined in the fight along their side.
c. Americans were able to maintain isolationism throughout the European conflict.
d. Americans, like in previous wars, fought to prevent the spread of communism.
e. None of the above
Question 64
How did Henry Cabot Lodge's speech on the League of Nations reflect the advice of President Washington in his farewell address?
Choose one answer.
a. Both Lodge and Washington believed in keeping the United States free from foreign entanglements.
b. Both Lodge and Washington believed in the importance of making the world safe for democracy.
c. Both Lodge and Washington believed in supporting American European allies unconditionally.
d. Both Lodge and Washington supported the importance of fighting for one's ideals.
e. Both Lodge and Washington supported the creation of an international peace organization, like the League of Nations.
Question 65
How did Keynesian economics impact American public policy during the New Deal era?
Choose one answer.
a. It advocated a hands-off approach by the government to solve the economic crisis of the Great Depression.
b. It advocated government sponsorship of laissez-faire economic policies.
c. It supported an increase of taxes and a decrease of wages to prevent people from overconsumption.
d. It advocated an increase in government spending and programs to increase demand and employment in the public and private sectors.
e. It advocated a complete government take-over of the economy and business until full-employment was established once again.
Question 66
How did the message conveyed in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" exemplify the spirit of the Progressive Era?
Choose one answer.
a. It conveyed the problems of deforestation in the South American rainforest and the need for conservation.
b. It conveyed the problems of the meatpacking industry and the need for government involvement in reforming industry.
c. It conveyed life in the cities and the need for better wages.
d. It conveyed the need for people to become vegetarian and save animals.
e. It conveyed the need for industry to be owned by the central government to stop business from violating human rights.
Question 67
How did the Progressive Era impact the lives of women in America?
Choose one answer.
a. Women became involved in city government and reform movements outside their traditional domestic realm.
b. The first woman was elected president, and then social and political reforms were put in place to give women more rights.
c. The fight for women's suffrage finally came to an end with the implementation of the 19th Amendment.
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Question 68
How did Truman's "Speech before Congress" (1947) and the Marshall Plan demonstrate a clear shift in American thought on international relations?
Choose one answer.
a. Neither showed a shift in the American philosophy of "steering clear of entangling alliances."
b. Both speeches demonstrated American commitment to aiding freedom and democracy around the world.
c. Both speeches support a continued American presence in Europe.
d. Both speeches underscore the need for continued economic interests in European markets.
e. Both B and C
Question 69
The Progressive Party Platform of 1912 appeals to which American core political principle?
Choose one answer.
a. Socialism
b. Popular sovereignty
c. Freedom
d. Liberty
e. All of the above
Question 70
What concept best captures the spirit of American involvement in the Western Hemisphere expressed in the Roosevelt Corollary?
Choose one answer.
a. Isolationism
b. Interventionism
c. Independence
d. Socialism
e. Neutrality
Question 71
What is a general theme that can be derived from the Progressive Era and the New Deal Era?
Choose one answer.
a. An end to government involvement in daily life
b. An increase in limited government
c. An increase in the role of government in social and economic life
d. The benefits of the industrial era and big business in American society
e. An end to American isolationism
Question 72
What is one conclusion that can be reached after reading the Sherman Anti-Trust Act resource?
Choose one answer.
a. The government commitment to laissez-faire capitalism had lessened.
b. The government commitment to laissez-faire capitalism had strengthened.
c. The government commitment to laissez-faire capitalism continued.
d. The government no longer supported labor.
e. The government solely supported the continued economic success of big business.
Question 73
Which conclusion can be drawn about the impact of the Populist and the Progressive parties on the United States?
Choose one answer.
a. Both parties influenced the national government to take a more active role in the social well-being of American citizens.
b. The United States has steadily moved from a two-party system to a multiparty system.
c. Religious ideals have most often motivated people to splinter away from major parties.
d. An increasing number of citizens have grown weary of party politics and fail to vote in elections.
e. Third parties, like the Populist and Progressive parties, have had no impact on American politics or American political thought.
Question 74
Which of the following is a main reason that Wilson argues for American entrance into WWI?
Choose one answer.
a. To retaliate for the German attack on Pearl Harbor
b. To avenge the death of all our Europeans allies whose lives had already been lost in the war
c. To end war and create a world that is safe for democracy
d. To serve American's selfish economic interests around the world
e. All of the above
Question 75
According to Lincoln Steffens' "The Shame of the Cities," which of the following is true of city government in the early 1900s?
Choose one answer.
a. It was democratic and provided well for all individuals regardless of race, class, or party affiliation.
b. It was corrupt and run by big business, political machines, and party bosses.
c. It was most like the government found in colonial New England.
d. It was constantly being influenced by the federal government.
e. It dealt extremely well with problems of poverty, immigration, and health.
Question 76
How are Truman's Executive Order 9981, Brown v. Board of Education, and Eisenhower's Executive Order 10730, all related?
Choose one answer.
a. Each demonstrates the government's commitment to states' rights in determining race relations.
b. Each action demonstrates federal actions towards ending segregation.
c. Each action demonstrates the federal government's limited ability to change race relations in the country.
d. Each action demonstrates the use of the military to end segregation.
e. They are not obviously related in any way.
Question 77
The creation of the Peace Corp, the Space Race, and the Cuban Missile Crisis all related to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. American foreign policy to advance democratic government and stop the spread of communism
b. American foreign policy to continue neutrality and isolationism
c. American foreign policy to spread communism in Latin America and Africa
d. American foreign policy to prevent imperialism into capitalistic markets
e. American domestic policy related to the military-industrial-complex
Question 78
Which of the following concepts relates to American Cold War thinking to help prevent the spread of Communism around the world?
Choose one answer.
a. Eisenhower's Military-Industrial-Complex
b. The Truman Doctrine
c. Isolationism
d. Domino Theory
e. Both B and D
Question 79
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." Which conclusion is best supported by this quotation from the inaugural address of President John F. Kennedy in 1961?
Choose one answer.
a. The Cold War was over and the Soviet Union was beginning to unravel.
b. President Kennedy was encouraging a strong foreign policy presence to protect democratic governments in the Cold War era.
c. Compromise and appeasement were the best avenues to world peace.
d. President Kennedy understood the limitations of power, even for a strong nation like the United States.
e. Kennedy was advocating a continuation of isolationist policies.
Question 80
Which of the following describes a similarity between the Red Scare in the 1920s and McCarthyism in the 1950s?
Choose one answer.
a. During each time period, Americans were expelled from the United States for their political beliefs.
b. During each time period, the Communist Party gained many members in the United States.
c. During each time period, government employees were investigated and convicted for sharing secrets with the Soviet Union.
d. During each time period, the fear of communism threatened civil liberties of American citizens.
e. During each time period, pro-immigration sentiments greatly increased.
Question 81
Although Goldwater was not successful in his presidential bid in 1964, his nomination acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in many ways defined the future of conservatism in the Republican Party. Which of the following is a clear ideal expressed in his speech that define the conservative backlash of the 1960s?
Choose one answer.
a. States' rights
b. Fiscal constraint
c. Limited federal government
d. Strong military defense
e. All of the above
Question 82
Although McGovern was unsuccessful in his presidential bid in 1972, his campaign in many ways defined the roots of liberal, progressive principles in the Democratic Party. Which of the following is a clear liberal ideal expressed in the McGovern campaign?
Choose one answer.
a. Ending costly military operations (in Vietnam)
b. Middle-class tax cuts
c. Supporting domestic social programs
d. All of the above
e. A and C only
Question 83
During their presidencies, both FDR and LBJ did which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Used their power as commander-in-chief to implement an all-volunteer military
b. Expanded the role of the federal government to implement social reforms
c. Deregulated business
d. Reduced defense spending
e. Decreased the power of the federal government
Question 84
Fill in the blank. The Equal Rights Amendment was primarily an effort to improve the status of __________________.
Choose one answer.
a. African Americans
b. Native American Indians
c. Migrant workers
d. Women
e. College students
Question 85
How did Malcolm X and "Black Nationalism" mark a clear divergence in the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King?
Choose one answer.
a. The political discourse of Malcolm X was seen as more radical and violent.
b. White society embraced the Black Nationalist movement more than the civil rights movement under MLK.
c. College students were not an active part of the MLK's civil rights movement but were at the core of Black Nationalism.
d. MLK was not interested in achieving civil rights for African Americans, but Malcolm X did.
e. Both groups had similar rhetoric and beliefs about racial equality.
Question 86
Which of the following statements is true of the Port Huron Statement?
Choose one answer.
a. It expressed the sentiments of the Black Nationalist movement.
b. It outlined the sentiments of the SDS regarding civil rights and American foreign policy.
c. It outlined the core beliefs of equality in the women's movement.
d. It was written to undermine the actions of the SNCC.
e. It was a clear criticism of the anti-war and anti-establishment movements.
Question 87
Which of the following would support a strong anti-communist stance, increased military spending, and a limited role of the federal government on social issues?
Choose one answer.
a. George McGovern
b. A Liberal
c. A Conservative
d. Barry Goldwater
e. Both C and D
Question 88
Which political philosophy was demonstrated by the use of sit-ins, boycotts, and protests in the 1960s?
Choose one answer.
a. Desegregation
b. Civil disobedience
c. Radicalism
d. Black nationalism
e. Separatism
Question 89
"In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the 'unalienable Rights of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.' It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked 'insufficient funds.'" (Martin Luther King, Jr., August 28, 1963) What is the focus of this passage from MLK's speech?
Choose one answer.
a. His belief that Americans had become blind to racial differences
b. His belief that violence was often necessary for the protection of civil liberties
c. His belief that civil disobedience will stop segregation in the South
d. His belief that equal rights for all were guaranteed by the founders of this nation
e. His belief that civil rights for African Americans would create more money for the government
Question 90
Which organization categorized "radical" political thinking in the 1960s?
Choose one answer.
a. National Organization of Women (NOW)
b. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
c. Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party
d. Christian Coalition
e. Both A and B
Question 91
Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. Many of the platforms in the Republican Contract with America resonate with the general public's _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Distrust in the federal government
b. Support of government spending
c. Opposition to tax cuts
d. Complete trust in federal government
e. Neutrality on political matters
Question 92
In the aftermath of the 2010 election, which of the following is true of the current political climate?
Choose one answer.
a. The anti-establishment, libertarian constituency of the 1960s, has in many ways manifested itself into a winning Republican coalition, known as the TEA Party.
b. Now that Obama's role is to govern and not campaign, many liberals and independents have become disillusioned by his campaign rhetoric.
c. Regardless of the political climate, the state of the economy is a major factor in determining elections.
d. Partisanship is a major aspect of the modern American political system.
e. All of the above
Question 93
What characteristic is common to the war rhetoric of President Reagan during the Cold War and President Bush after September 11th?
Choose one answer.
a. Both convey a sense of American "right and might."
b. Both acknowledge lessons learned from American failures.
c. Both demonstrate American commitment to fighting for American safety and principles around the world.
d. Both A and B
e. Both A and C
Question 94
What consistent theme is found in the early speeches of Barack Obama?
Choose one answer.
a. Partisanship
b. Bi-partisanship
c. Unity
d. Military strength
e. Both B and C
Question 95
What core conservative issue and major part of the modern Republican platform was championed by the Reagan Administration?
Choose one answer.
a. States' rights
b. Limited, decentralized government
c. Increased defense spending
d. Tax cuts
e. All of the above
Question 96
What was a lasting effect of the Watergate scandal under President Nixon?
Choose one answer.
a. The system of check and balances was weakened.
b. The scope of executive privilege was broadened.
c. Trust in elected officials was undermined.
d. Presidential responsiveness to public opinion was lessened.
e. Regular impeachment trials of presidents.
Question 97
Which principle was most weakened by the Supreme Court's ruling in United States v. Nixon?
Choose one answer.
a. Congressional immunity
b. Executive privilege
c. Fiscal restraint
d. Judicial review
e. States' rights
Question 98
What has been a major long-term effect of the Vietnam War?
Choose one answer.
a. An end to communist governments in Asia
b. A change in the United States foreign policy from containment to isolationism
c. A reluctance to commit American troops for extended military action abroad
d. A continued boycott of trade with China
e. Continued military support of anti-communist regimes