According to Joesph Nye, which is true concerning the relationship between unilateralism and multilateralism?
Choose one answer.
a. No issues faces by states are solved solely by universalism or multilateralism.
b. Under all circumstances, a multilateral approach is superior to unilateral approach in solving collective good problems.
c. Some issue are inherently multilateral in nature and are not well addressed by a unilateral approach.
d. All of the above
Question 2
Amnesty International is an example of a _____ because__________.
Choose one answer.
a. IGO / its membership is made up only of states.
b. state / its membership is made up of citizens.
c. NGO / its membership is made up or citizens and not states.
d. None of the above
Question 3
An International Governmental Organization:
Choose one answer.
a. does not have states as members.
b. has states as members.
c. is immune from international law.
d. None of the above
Question 4
Following the Treaty of Westphalia, no International Organizations appeared until the 19th century. Why is this the case?
Choose one answer.
a. There was insufficient contact between states.
b. There was little recognition of problems arising from interdependence among states.
c. There was no perceived need for institutionalized mechanisms to manage international relations.
d. All of the above
Question 5
Following World War II, International Organizations:
Choose one answer.
a. decreased in number.
b. included the League of Nations.
c. included the United Nations, the IMF, and World Bank.
d. focused only on issues of human rights.
Question 6
Global governance is most effective:
Choose one answer.
a. when driven by hard power.
b. when authoritarian.
c. when it is more integrated than specialized.
d. when it is unable to span national and sectorial boundaries.
Question 7
Global governance:
Choose one answer.
a. is a process of cooperative leadership that brings together national governments, multilateral public agencies, and civil society to achieve commonly accepted goals.
b. involves only state actors.
c. has become less relevant in the early 21st century.
d. involves only non-state actors.
Question 8
Choose one answer.
a. is associated with the use of hard power by states.
b. is always more effective in meeting states’ policy goals than unilateralism.
c. is by definition ineffective when addressing global collective action problems.
d. is a mechanism to get other countries to share the burden of providing public goods.
Question 9
Several 21st century dynamics challenge global governance. These include:
Choose one answer.
a. decreases in poverty.
b. ad hoc attempts at multilateralism.
c. increases in communication abilities.
d. the reduction in the number of nation states in the international system.
Question 10
Sources of international law include:
Choose one answer.
a. international conventions and international customary law.
b. general principles of law and highly qualified judicial decisions and teachings.
c. A and B
d. None of the above
Question 11
The most important International Organization today is the:
Choose one answer.
a. United Nations.
b. Organization of American States.
c. The World Bank
d. Red Cross
Question 12
What was the major contribution of the League of Nations to the history of International Organizations?
Choose one answer.
a. It established the concept of sovereignty.
b. It was the first example of collective security in the history of the international system.
c. It established the World Bank.
d. It established the Doha Round and the World Trade Organization.
Question 13
What was the primary focus of International Organizations in the 19th century?
Choose one answer.
a. Aversion of war.
b. Outlawing slavery.
c. Coordinating increased economic interdependence.
d. All of the above
Question 14
Why was The Treaty of Westphalia important?
Choose one answer.
a. It established the principle of national sovereignty.
b. It established the first real ordering principal among states.
c. It provided the basis for a horizontal international order necessary for the development of international organizations.
d. All of the above
Question 15
Why was the “Congress system” that arose out of the Congress of Vienna a turning point in the history of international relations and International Organizations?
Choose one answer.
a. It created a systematic and institutionalized approach to managing issues of war and peace in the international system.
b. It established the United Nations.
c. It solved the collective goods problem that face states in the international system.
d. It introduced the concept of deterrence to international politics.
Question 16
A focus on ‘masculinized cultures’ and its impact on International Organizational behavior would draw from which theoretical tradition?
Choose one answer.
a. Feminism
b. Marxism
c. Realism
d. Liberalism
Question 17
According to regime theory:
Choose one answer.
a. cooperation is not compatible with state behavior.
b. decentralized cooperation can be an equilibrium outcome.
c. only zero sum games apply to International Organizations.
d. states always cooperate via International Organizations.
Question 18
Contemporary themes in International Relations drawn from Marxism include:
Choose one answer.
a. the theory of the Prisoner’s Dilemma.
b. the theory of collective action.
c. the theory of group think in International Organizations.
d. the theory of imperialism.
Question 19
For constructivists, the following is true:
Choose one answer.
a. Only states matter in the international systems.
b. Norms and identity are key to explaining outcomes in the international system.
c. NGOs have little impact on the international system.
d. The role of socialization is minimal in understanding the behavior of International Organizations.
Question 20
Functionalists maintain that International Organizations:
Choose one answer.
a. are born out of normative concerns.
b. are driven initially by norms and identity.
c. are first formed out of necessity to solve collective goods problems.
d. All of the above
Question 21
How would a Feminist oriented scholar focus on International Organizations?
Choose one answer.
a. He would examine the role of formal interactions only.
b. He would focus exclusively on the role of class in shaping the character of International Organizations.
c. He would focus on intrastate balance of power issues.
d. He would focus on the role of gender roles in shaping the international system and International Organizations.
Question 22
In Realist theory:
Choose one answer.
a. the primary actor is the citizen.
b. the primary actor is the state.
c. the primary actor are IGOs.
d. states will never act in their best interest.
Question 23
International Organizations are essential in promoting norms in the international system that sometimes do not serve the interests of powerful states. This statement is theoretically drawn from which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Constructivism
b. Marxism
c. Feminism
d. World System Theory
Question 24
International Organizations perpetuate laws, ideas, and conditions that support the interests of the transnational capitalist class. This statement is theoretically drawn from which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Neoliberal Institutionalism
b. Neo-Marxism
c. Regime Theory
d. Constructivism
Question 25
Liberal Internationalism, Liberalism, and Neoliberal theory contend:
Choose one answer.
a. that International Organizations have no agency and power separate of the interests of states.
b. that International Organizations exhibit a vital role in a world characterized by zero sum games.
c. that International Organizations do little to promote trust and reciprocity among states.
d. that International Organizations play a vital role in an international system characterized by complex interdependence.
Question 26
Realist theory argues:
Choose one answer.
a. that International Organizations have agency and power separate of the interests of states.
b. that International Organizations are merely the extension of powerful state interests.
c. that International Organizations have eclipsed states as the most important actor in the international system.
d. that International Organizations play a vital role in an international system characterized by complex interdependence.
Question 27
Regime theory explains cooperation as follows.
Choose one answer.
a. States seek relative, rather than absolute gains.
b. States only have short term time horizons.
c. States act exactly like economic actors who seek wealth.
d. All of the above
Question 28
Regime theory is built on the following two concepts:
Choose one answer.
a. Capitalism and poverty.
b. Gender and oppression.
c. Interdependence and institutions.
d. Zero sum games and hegemony.
Question 29
Which of the following is true concerning the primary actor in Liberal oriented IR theory?
Choose one answer.
a. The primary actors is the state.
b. The primary actor has short time horizons in calculating cost/benefit analysis.
c. The primary actor has both short and long time horizons when calculating cost/benefit analysis.
d. The primary actor can never cooperate.
Question 30
Which of the following statements is true concerning Dependency Theory and its understanding of International Organizations?
Choose one answer.
a. We should expect International Organizations to reinforce an unequal global status quo.
b. We should expect International Organizations to undermine an unequal global status quo.
c. We should expect International Organizations to represent the interests of the global South.
d. All of the above
Question 31
According functionalist theory, the European Union had its origins in:
Choose one answer.
a. a multilateral desire to overcome the tensions that remained following World War II in Europe.
b. attempts by European states to better integrate trade and their economies. .
c. a desire to build a European identity.
d. None of the above
Question 32
Bretton Woods institutions include:
Choose one answer.
a. the IMF and World Bank.
b. the United Nations and World Trade Organization.
c. the World Bank and World Trade Organization.
d. the IMF and the United Nations.
Question 33
For critics of the WTO, there is concern that:
Choose one answer.
a. its ruling on domestic trade disputes supports national sovereignty.
b. the institution does not support free trade.
c. the institution is focused on unilateralism rather than multilaterialism.
d. its ruling on domestic trade disputes undermines national sovereignty.
Question 34
Multipurpose IGOs include:
Choose one answer.
a. the International Red Cross.
b. the World Bank.
c. the United Nations.
d. Amnesty International.
Question 35
Single purpose IGOs include:
Choose one answer.
a. the IMF.
b. GreenPeace.
c. the United Nations.
d. multinational corporations.
Question 36
Specific to issues of global governance, both the World Bank and IMF are controversial due to the fact that:
Choose one answer.
a. their decisions always favor rich nations over poor nations.
b. poor states have no representation in either institution.
c. voting share in each institution is proportional to amount of money contributed producing a dynamic where rich states have a higher share of votes than poor states.
d. All of the above
Question 37
Specific to issues of global governance, in WTO trade negotiations, poor countries are often concerned about the fact that rich countries:
Choose one answer.
a. subsidize agriculture and textile production.
b. have not opened up their service sectors.
c. do not enforce intellectual property rights.
d. have not reduced tariff on manufacturing goods since the WTO was formed.
Question 38
Specific to issues of global governance, in WTO trade negotiations, rich countries are often concerned about the fact that poor countries:
Choose one answer.
a. subsidize agriculture and textile production.
b. have not opened up their service sectors.
c. do not enforce intellectual property rights.
d. have not reduced tariff on manufacturing goods since the WTO was formed.
Question 39
Specific to regional governance issues, one of the biggest impediments to European Union stability is that member states:
Choose one answer.
a. are asked to coordinate monetary policy but not fiscal policy.
b. have not developed continent wide military force.
c. must deal with low unemployment and low educational attainment.
d. All of the above
Question 40
The International Monetary Fund:
Choose one answer.
a. coordinates international currency exchange and give short term loans for countries in economic crisis.
b. makes long term development loans to poor countries.
c. negotiates free trade agreements.
d. regulated international environmental standards.
Question 41
The Organization of American States is characterized by:
Choose one answer.
a. little discord around policy issues related to Cuba.
b. sporadic tension between the United States and other members from Latin America and the Caribbean.
c. a focus solely on human rights.
d. a focus primarily on economic issues.
Question 42
The World Bank does which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Coordinates international currency exchange and give short term loans for countries in economic crisis.
b. Makes long term development loans to poor countries.
c. Negotiates free trade agreements.
d. Regulated international environmental standards.
Question 43
The World Trade Organization (WTO):
Choose one answer.
a. gives out developmental loans to poor countries.
b. is a global IGO designed to promote, monitor, and adjudicate international trade.
c. does not engage with most favored nation concept in interstate trade negotiations.
d. has not been successful in reducing global tariff levels.
Question 44
What undermines cohesion among member states in OPEC?
Choose one answer.
a. Members have different alliances and relationships with Western oil consuming states.
b. Oil production increases have lowered prices.
c. China’s rising influence as an oil producer.
d. None of the above
Question 45
Which of the following is a regional IGO?
Choose one answer.
a. The Organization of American States
b. The United Nations
c. The World Trade Organization
d. The International Monetary Fund
Question 46
Which of the following is a sub-regional IGO?
Choose one answer.
a. The Organization of American States
b. African Union
c. The Economic Community of West African States.
d. The European Union
Question 47
Which of the following statements is true concerning the European Union?
Choose one answer.
a. All members of the European Union must adopt the euro currency.
b. The European Union currently has 20 members.
c. The European Union has created a common market for its members.
d. The European Union did not grow with collapse of Communism.
Question 48
A For the first time, a small group of wealthy nations has pledged to reduce poverty.
Choose one answer.
a. It ignores issues of development.
b. It ignores issues of gender equity.
c. 189 countries have signed up to significantly reduce global poverty by 2015.
Question 49
A lobbying Security Council members around issues of international peace.
Choose one answer.
a. outlining environmental issues.
b. linking those working on national, regional, and global food initiatives.
c. supporting work focused on limiting modern day slavery.
Question 50
A Multilateral and multifaceted.
Choose one answer.
a. Unilateral.
b. Unconcerned with collective public goods.
c. Focused on short term environmental benefits only.
Question 51
All states that are members of the United Nations are also members of the:
Choose one answer.
a. General Assembly.
b. Security Council.
c. Secretariat.
d. International Court of Human Rights.
Question 52
How has the Committee on the Rights of the Child recently strengthened the ability of children to challenge domestic law?
Choose one answer.
a. It now allows individual children to submit complaints regarding specific violations of their rights.
b. It now allows children to take their cases to the World Court.
c. It now allows individual children to take their cases to the International Criminal Court.
d. It now allows children to take their cases to the Security Council.
Question 53
In what ways has the United Nations improved global human rights since its creation?
Choose one answer.
a. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has served as one pillar of international law focused on issues of human torture and government abuse.
b. It has broadened human rights to include issues focused on economic security.
c. It has passed laws drawing attention to issues of government genocide.
d. All of the above
Question 54
Some calls for reform of the Security Council to better serve collective security include:
Choose one answer.
a. decreasing the number of permanent members.
b. increasing the ability of the Secretary General to veto Security Council decisions.
c. increasing the number of permanent members.
d. None of the above
Question 55
The current Secretary General of the United Nations is:
Choose one answer.
a. Ban Ki-moon.
b. Hillary Clinton.
c. Kofi Annan.
d. U Thant.
Question 56
The five permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations include:
Choose one answer.
a. China, United States, United Kingdom (Britain), France, and Germany.
b. Russia, USA, United Kingdom (Britain), Germany, and India.
c. Russia, China, USA, United Kingdom (Britain), and France.
d. Russia, China, USA, United Kingdom (Britain), and Italy.
Question 57
The General Assembly, rather than the Security Council, has the power to:
Choose one answer.
a. enforce international law.
b. approve the budget of the United Nations.
c. veto international police actions.
d. remove justices from the World Court.
Question 58
The International Labor Organization focuses on three primary constituents in promotion of global job growth and economic security. These include:
Choose one answer.
a. Labor unions, corporations, and religious institutions.
b. Corporations, government, and the non-profit sector.
c. Employers, unions, and government.
d. None of the above
Question 59
The Security Council of the United Nations:
Choose one answer.
a. can pass a resolution with seven votes.
b. is comprised of five permanent members and ten rotating members.
c. will veto a resolution if one permanent member votes against it.
d. All of the above
Question 60
The United Nations:
Choose one answer.
a. was founded after World War II.
b. has six primary organs including the Security Council and the General Assembly.
c. promotes multilateralism.
d. All of the above
Question 61
What are the roles of the General Assembly and Security Council regarding the Secretary- General?
Choose one answer.
a. The General Assembly appoints the Secretary General upon recommendation from the Security Council.
b. The Security Council appoints the Secretary General upon recommendation from the General Assembly.
c. The Security Council has no role concerning the Secretary General.
d. The General Assembly has no role concerning the Secretary General.
Question 62
What is a primary role of the General Assembly of the United Nations?
Choose one answer.
a. It considers and makes recommendations on the general principles of cooperation for maintaining international peace and security.
b. It enforces international law.
c. It approves international police actions.
d. It adjudicates breaches of international law.
Question 63
What is the primary institutional role of the Secretary General?
Choose one answer.
a. The Secretary General vetoes or approves Security Council resolutions.
b. The Secretary General vetoes or approves General Assembly resolutions.
c. The Secretary General is the chief administrative officer of the United Nations.
d. The Secretary General presents annual budgets to the General Assembly for approval.
Question 64
What is the primary role of the Security Council of the United Nations?
Choose one answer.
a. It considers and makes recommendations on the general principles of cooperation for maintaining international peace and security.
b. It established peacekeeping operations, international sanctions, and the authorization of military action.
c. It oversees global trade negotiations.
d. It adjudicates breaches of international law.
Question 65
What is the primary role of the World Health Organization?
Choose one answer.
a. Coordination of public health policy in the developing world.
b. Coordination of public health policy and initiatives in the United Nations system.
c. Coordination of mental health issues only.
d. None of the above
Question 66
Which of the following accurately captures current critiques of the United Nations in respect to collective security?
Choose one answer.
a. The General Assembly has too much power in international peace keeping efforts.
b. The structure of the Security Council favors the interests of a powerful minority of states over a less powerful majority.
c. The structure of the Security Council favors the interests of a powerful majority of states over a less powerful minority.
d. The Secretary General should be granted veto power over Security Council.
Question 67
Why is CEDAW significant in regard to women’s rights?
Choose one answer.
a. It has broadened women’s rights to include issues focused on religious freedom.
b. It is the only human rights treaty which affirms the reproductive rights of women.
c. It has passed laws drawing attention to issues of genital mutilation.
d. It has been accepted by all member states as the foundation of domestic anti-discrimination laws.
Question 68
With respect to collective security:
Choose one answer.
a. the General Assembly has assumed a larger role in peace keeping activities in the last decade.
b. the United Nations no longer support international peace keeping forces.
c. the Security Council remains the primary.
d. It now allows children to take their cases to the Security Council.
Question 69
Among some INGOs, there is concern that increased access and participation in the United Nations could:
Choose one answer.
a. undermine their ability to act impartially.
b. increase the power of the General Assembly.
c. increase the power of the Secretary General.
d. rewrite international law.
Question 70
As demonstrated by International Women for Women, present day INGOs focused on women’s issue argue that:
Choose one answer.
a. a singular focus is most effective in promoting the status of women.
b. women play a non-vital role in the social and economic health of communities.
c. women are an integral and foundational component of a healthy global society.
d. social issues, rather than economic issues, are the most important.
Question 71
As demonstrated in the Greenpeace case, the office of the Secretary General sees INGOs as:
Choose one answer.
a. unimportant and unable to influence public opinion.
b. an important and fundamental to changing global norms.
c. naïve.
d. All of the above
Question 72
As seen with the case of Amnesty International and the United Nations, human rights INGOs:
Choose one answer.
a. have the most effective influence on the General Assembly.
b. have the most effective influence on the Security Council.
c. have the most effective influence on the Secretary General.
d. have no influence.
Question 73
INGOs play a unique role in international governance in that they:
Choose one answer.
a. represent state based interests.
b. always promote policies more congruent with local preferences.
c. serve as “norm entrepreneurs” and push states and individuals to change policy.
d. represent IGO interests.
Question 74
Choose one answer.
a. have seen their numbers increase since World War II.
b. are not affiliated with nation-states.
c. are seen as a counterpoints of power to IGOs.
d. All of the above
Question 75
Choose one answer.
a. focus only on human rights law.
b. are diverse in their focus areas.
c. only exist in rich countries.
d. play no substantial part in shaping international norms and values.
Question 76
The general consensus concerning how INGOs can be most effective includes the idea that:
Choose one answer.
a. horizontal, multitasking approaches work best to address issues.
b. vertical approaches work best to address issues.
c. INGOs are only able to function in democratic societies.
d. INGOs are only able to function in authoritarian societies.
Question 77
Which of the following accurately describes the unique role of INGOs?
Choose one answer.
a. Their impartiality relative to member state preference allows them to take on issues that nation states or IGOs are unable to address.
b. They only are effective with global environmental issues.
c. Their lobbying efforts undermine collective goods.
d. Their reduced numbers has produced concentrated circles of decision making within the global governance community.
Question 78
Which of the following statement accurately describes the relationship between human rights INGOs and state authorities in the African and Middle East region?
Choose one answer.
a. INGOs are seen as allies and important to state authorities.
b. INGOs are seen as supporting state authorities in promoting democracy.
c. INGOs are seen as undercutting state authorities and are deemed dangerous to national security.
d. INGOs are seen as representing growing Chinese influence in the region.
Question 79
Which of the following statements most accurately describes the impact of INGOs on international governance in the last three decades?
Choose one answer.
a. They have had little impact on international governance.
b. INGOs have seen their influence and leverage increase due in part to globalization.
c. INGOs have seen their influence and leverage decrease due in part to globalization.
d. All of the above
Question 80
With respect to the United Nations, INGOs:
Choose one answer.
a. are unable to participate.
b. may be granted “observer status” and participate at various levels short of voting.
c. have seen their influence decrease in the era of globalization.
d. have informally taken over the role of the Security Council.
Question 81
As seen in the AAAS case, epistemic communities see one of their primary roles as:
Choose one answer.
a. supporting the United Nations.
b. highlighting human rights abuses that target scientists.
c. reforming the International Criminal Court.
d. redefining global educational standards.
Question 82
Based on current trends in global economics and information communication, we would expect that the influence of TNGOs will ________ over the next twenty years.
Choose one answer.
a. decrease
b. increase
c. stay the same
d. increase, then decrease
Question 83
Based on the evidence from “Fair Trade” movements, what can we conclude about TNGO impact on economic issues?
Choose one answer.
a. They have undermined local and regional attempts to improved labor conditions.
b. They have become more powerful that transnational corporations in setting global economic policy.
c. They have supported ruling handed down by the World Trade Organization.
d. They have raised awareness, particularly in rich countries, on living and labor conditions across much of the developing world.
Question 84
Epistemic communities:
Choose one answer.
a. are transnational “knowledge networks.”
b. are focused strictly on scientific advance.
c. are sub-regional in origin.
d. None of the above
Question 85
How has transnationalizing capitalism (“globalization”) shaped TNGOs?
Choose one answer.
a. It has had no impact on TNGOs.
b. It has reduced the number of issues that TNGOs focus on.
c. It has increased the number of issues that TNGOs focus on, particularly around labor rights and working conditions.
d. All of the above
Question 86
How have TNGOs impacted international governance?
Choose one answer.
a. Their increasing power organized outside the nation-state system challenges state based authority.
b. Their decreasing power has strengthened INGOs.
c. TNGOs have had no impact on international governance.
d. None of the above
Question 87
Terrorist organizations, as TNGOs, have:
Choose one answer.
a. reinforced the power of the state in international governance.
b. undermined the concept of asymmetrical, illegitimate collective violence in pursuit of political goals.
c. reinforce the concept of asymmetrical, illegitimate collective violence in pursuit of political goals that stands outside or above the nation-state.
d. None of the above
Question 88
TNGOs differ from INGOs in what respect?
Choose one answer.
a. They have had little impact on international governance.
b. The number of TNGOs has decreased while the number of INGOs has increased.
c. TNGOs work across national boundaries and by definition could exist without states.
d. TNGOs only impact international human rights and environmental standards.
Question 89
Why are epistemic communities important?
Choose one answer.
a. They undermine state and INGO authority.
b. They are the foundation of transnational scientific collaboration.
c. They are the source of human rights norms.
d. They reinforce state authority.
Question 90
Based on the evidence, the effectiveness of INGOs since WW II in impacting policy choices in wealthy states:
Choose one answer.
a. is varied.
b. is uniform.
c. is decreasing.
d. None of the above
Question 91
How has the growth of INGOs and IOs increased the influence of domestic based NGOs?
Choose one answer.
a. INGOs and IOs provide potential resources for domestic NGOs that previously didn’t exist.
b. INGOs and IOs compete with domestic NGOs.
c. INGOs and IOs regard domestic NGOs as unimportant to issues of global governance.
d. None of the above
Question 92
How has the relative decline of US power and hegemony reshaped global governance?
Choose one answer.
a. It has had no impact on global governance.
b. It has weakened global norms supportive of liberal, integrated, and multilateral governance.
c. It has strengthened global norms supportive of liberal, integrated, and multilateral governance.
d. None of the above
Question 93
How has the relative increase of Chinese power and hegemony reshaped global governance?
Choose one answer.
a. It has had no impact on global governance.
b. It has weakened global norms supportive of liberal, integrated, and multilateral governance.
c. It has strengthened global norms supportive of liberal, integrated, and multilateral governance.
d. None of the above
Question 94
The United Nations has been a key INGO responsible for the increased influence of domestic NGOs. Why?
Choose one answer.
a. It has placed NGO observers on the Security Council.
b. It has incorporated domestic NGOs into peace keeping operations.
c. It has funded NGO projects and supported NGO capacity building.
d. None of the above
Question 95
What IGO has played a key role in the post 2008 era in reshaping norms around what constitutes appropriate economic development and the role of NGO and INGOs in achieving this goal?
Choose one answer.
a. The IMF
b. The ICC
c. The WTO
d. The Security Council
Question 96
What is the impact of the G-20 on INGOs and NGOs focused on problems in the developing world?
Choose one answer.
a. Given that the G-20 represents only Western states, it has raised the profile of INGOs and NGOs in rich countries.
b. It has little impact on INGO and NGO influence in global governance outcomes.
c. The G-20’s focus on increasing protectionism has reframed trade issues that resonates with INGOs and NGOs in the global South.
d. Given that the G-20 represents in part emerging economies, it has raised the profile of INGOs and NGOs in poor and middle income countries.
Question 97
When state based institutions are expanding, they offer an opportunity for INGOs to increase their influence. Why is this?
Choose one answer.
a. Increased state capacity allows for less communication among citizen groups.
b. Increased state capacity often translates into decreased political opportunity structures.
c. Increased state capacity often translates into increased political opportunity structures.
d. Capacity of state based institutions had no impact on the influence of INGOs.
Question 98
Which of the following factors has not increased the power of INGOs and NGOs since World War II?
Choose one answer.
a. The United Nations
b. The end of the Cold War
c. Globalization
d. None of the above
Question 99
Which of the following is a primary variables currently undermining successful global governance?
Choose one answer.
a. Strong leadership in the United Nations
b. The internet
c. Globalization
d. Crisis of representation in IGOs
Question 100
Why does the Doha Round represent current tensions in global governance and international organizations?
Choose one answer.
a. It demonstrates the growing power of voices and interests of the global South previously ignored or downplayed.
b. It demonstrates the growing power of voices and interests of the global North previously ignored or downplayed.
c. It demonstrates the growing power of the United States to unilaterally dictate global governance norms.
d. It demonstrates the growing power of China to unilaterally dictate global governance norms.