How can the role of the European Court of Justice best be summarized?
Choose one answer.
a. As the de facto European Union constitutional court
b. As the primary appeals court for national courts
c. As the human rights court for European citizens
d. As the primary European criminal court
e. As the United Nation's regional court in Europe
Question 2
On what currency was the Euro most closely based?
Choose one answer.
a. The Greek drachma
b. The British pound
c. The Spanish peseta
d. The French franc
e. The German mark
Question 3
What has been the dominant form of government established in Eastern Europe since the collapse of Communism?
Choose one answer.
a. Authoritarian regime
b. Theocracy
c. Parliamentary democracy
d. Presidential democracy
e. Technocracy
Question 4
What industry is gaining ground in Europe as a way to offset carbon emissions?
Choose one answer.
a. Hydroelectric power
b. Nuclear power
c. Solar power
d. Oil-fired refining
e. Coal-fired power plants
Question 5
What major ethno-national group has recently been the subject of increasingly harsh immigration policies in France?
Choose one answer.
a. Bulgarians
b. Kurds
c. Palestinians
d. British
e. Roma
Question 6
What policy did the European Union create to allow free movement of people within most of its territory?
Choose one answer.
a. The Common Foreign and Security Policy
b. The Schengen Agreement
c. The European Security Identity
d. The European Monetary Union
e. The Committee of the Regions
Question 7
Which aspect of national economic policy was NOT ceded to the European Union by the member states who adopted the euro?
Choose one answer.
a. The ability to set national tax policy
b. The ability to print national currencies
c. The ability to control interest rates
d. The ability to devalue currencies in times of economic hardship
e. The ability to have a central bank beholden to the government
Question 8
Which country suffered a devastating terrorist attack on its subway and bus system on July 7, 2005, conducted not by foreign terrorists but rather by its own citizens?
Choose one answer.
a. Spain
b. Germany
c. France
d. Britain
e. Greece
Question 9
Which country, as one of the hardest hit in Europe, has an unemployment rate of 23% (almost double the rate of the rest of the Eurozone)?
Choose one answer.
a. Greece
b. Britain
c. Spain
d. Iceland
e. Ireland
Question 10
Which EU-level student exchange program has made the idea of a "European" identity among young people much more likely, or at least possible?
Choose one answer.
a. The Schengen Agreement
b. The Lifelong Learning program
c. The German Marshall Fund fellowship program
d. The Fulbright Fellowship program
e. The Stimson Fellowship program
Question 11
Which European philosopher foresaw the optimism of the European Union to avoid major-power conflict when he spoke of a zone of "perpetual peace?"
Choose one answer.
a. Nietzsche
b. Leibnitz
c. Kant
d. Hobbes
e. Locke
Question 12
Which major climate agreement was signed by the European Union but was not signed by the United States or other major global powers?
Choose one answer.
a. The Montreal Protocol
b. The Lisbon Agreement
c. The Rio Treaty
d. The Kyoto Protocol
e. The Baghdad Pact
Question 13
Which of the British Houses of Parliament is the highest criminal appeals court in the land?
Choose one answer.
a. The House of Commons
b. The House of the People
c. The House of Lords
d. The House of Peers
e. The House of the Rising Sun
Question 14
The invasion of which neutral country in August 1914 was a major factor in the outbreak of World War I?
Choose one answer.
a. The Netherlands
b. Luxembourg
c. Belgium
d. Poland
e. Moldova
Question 15
What 1968 event was a short-lived period of freedom of expression in Eastern Europe?
Choose one answer.
a. The Hungarian uprising
b. Prague Spring
c. Arab Spring
d. The Paris Uprising
e. The Tottenham Riots
Question 16
What alliance between three emperors was committed primarily to maintaining the balance of power in Europe in the 1870s and 1880s?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Union
b. The Council of Europe
c. The European People's Party
d. The Dreikaiserbund
e. The Andean Pact
Question 17
What country was known as the crown jewel of the British Empire?
Choose one answer.
a. The United States
b. Morocco
c. Senegal
d. South Africa
e. India
Question 18
What event prompted the dissolution of the first German Reich?
Choose one answer.
a. The start of World War II
b. The end of the Cold War
c. The end of World War I
d. The events of 9/11/2001
e. The invasion of Iraq
Question 19
What organization was founded in 1975 as a means to keep the superpowers talking during the Cold War?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Union
b. The Western European Union
c. The Council of Europe
d. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
e. The Warsaw Pact
Question 20
What political movement arose after World War II that envisioned a United States of Europe as the only way to avoid World War III?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Federalists
b. The Gaullists
c. The Conservative Party
d. The Greens
e. The Communist Party
Question 21
What was the biggest impact of the so-called "lost generation" of World War I?
Choose one answer.
a. European music failed to keep up with American styles
b. European fashion stagnated until the 1960s
c. European industry did not keep up with advances in Asia and Latin America
d. Europeans who would have made a dynamic contribution to their national cultures did not survive to do so
e. Immigration to Europe skyrocketed from a previous low point
Question 22
What were the "industries of war" that led "the Six" to form the precursor to the European Union in 1951?
Choose one answer.
a. Iron and Rye
b. Rubber and Textiles
c. Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals
d. Coal and Steel
e. Transportation and Telecommunications
Question 23
Which European country suffered years of division and then an economically painful reunification in 1990?
Choose one answer.
a. Portugal
b. Spain
c. The United Kingdom
d. Germany
e. The Netherlands
Question 24
Which European country, as a result of alleged Communist infiltration, was the impetus for what would be called the Truman Doctrine?
Choose one answer.
a. Greece
b. Spain
c. Portugal
d. France
e. Italy
Question 25
Which European trade arrangement gives non-EU but still European members favorable terms of trade relative to the rest of the world?
Choose one answer.
Question 26
Which French monarch is generally considered to be the "Father of Europe?"
Choose one answer.
a. Napoleon
b. Louis XVI
c. Louis XIV
d. Charlemagne
e. Henri II
Question 27
Which German Chancellor is known as the "unification Chancellor?"
Choose one answer.
a. Gerhard Schroeder
b. Angela Merkel
c. Konrad Adenauer
d. Ludwig Erhard
e. Helmut Kohl
Question 28
Which global crisis almost shattered the European Union in the 1970s, as each individual member state chose its own economic path in response to the crisis?
Choose one answer.
a. The Persian Gulf War
b. Vietnam
c. The Cold War
d. The Arab oil embargoes of 1973 and 1979
e. The Six-Day War
Question 29
Which major European power was NOT a founding member of the Concert of Europe?
Choose one answer.
a. The United Kingdom
b. Russia
c. France
d. Prussia
e. Austria-Hungary
Question 30
Which major military alliance was founded to "keep the Americans in, the Soviets out, and the Germans down?"
Choose one answer.
a. The OSCE
b. The Warsaw Pact
e. The WEU
Question 31
Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the German defeat in WWI?
Choose one answer.
a. Hyperinflation
b. The Weimar Republic
c. The Fourteen Points
d. The Treaty of Rome
e. The eventual rise to power of Nazism
Question 32
Which river, flowing through central Europe, was key to the development of commerce in early modern Europe?
Choose one answer.
a. The Rhine
b. The Rhone
c. The Elbe
d. The Danube
e. The Volga
Question 33
Which supra-national arrangement was, until the European Union, the largest political entity in Europe?
Choose one answer.
a. The Athenian Empire
b. The Holy Roman Empire
c. The Carpathian Empire
d. The British Empire
e. The Axis
Question 34
Which treaty was seen by Hitler as inherently unfair to Germany, prompting him to embark on the secret remilitarization of Germany leading to WWII?
Choose one answer.
a. The Treaty of Rome
b. The Treaty of Paris
c. The Treaty of Amsterdam
d. The Versailles Treaty
e. The Messina Treaty
Question 35
Which two European states were promised a missile defense shield by the Bush administration but were then denied it by the Obama administration?
Choose one answer.
a. Britain and France
b. Poland and the Czech Republic
c. Hungary and Slovakia
d. Turkey and Greece
e. Denmark and Sweden
Question 36
European legislation that has to be incorporated into national legislation is known as a ________________:
Choose one answer.
a. Regulation
b. Directive
c. Communication
d. White Paper
e. Mandate
Question 37
The inability of European institutions to connect with everyday Europeans is generally known as the _________________:
Choose one answer.
a. "Voter gap"
b. "Trust insufficiency"
c. "Integrity deficiency"
d. "Democratic deficit"
e. "Credibility failure"
Question 38
What is meant by the phrase "the Commission proposes, the Council disposes?"
Choose one answer.
a. The Commission proposes ideas and the Council throws them away
b. The Commission initiates legislation and the Council acts on it
c. The Commission works to ensure equal access and the Council discriminates
d. The Commission mandates policies and the Council vetoes
e. The Commission forms a European government and the Council blocks it
Question 39
What is the blanket EU term for cooperation in immigration, policing, and general crime enforcement at an EU level?
Choose one answer.
b. Euro-FBI
c. Justice and Home Affairs (JHA)
d. Scotland Yard
e. The Foreign Legion
Question 40
What is the name of the eighteen military units that the European Union operates under the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), and which can be deployed within 10 days of activation by the EU Council?
Choose one answer.
a. Battlegroups
b. Rapid Reaction Force
c. Eurozone
d. European special forces
e. Rangers
Question 41
What is the name of the EU principle of "taking decisions closest to the citizen?"
Choose one answer.
a. Direct effect
b. Direct applicability
c. Proportionality
d. Subsidiarity
e. Regulation
Question 42
What is the name of the voting principle of the European Union's Council of Ministers?
Choose one answer.
a. Majority voting
b. Unanimous voting
c. Plurality voting
d. Consensus voting
e. Qualified majority voting
Question 43
What is the terminology for an area that is more economically integrated than a free trade area but less than an economic union?
Choose one answer.
a. Common area
b. Special Economic Zone
c. Single currency
d. Common market
e. Dual currency area
Question 44
What major European policy actor controls the monetary policy of the 17 Eurozone member states?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Ombudsman
b. The Committee of the Regions
c. The Council of Ministers
d. The European Commission
e. The European Central Bank
Question 45
What major principle of EU law was settled in the Cassis de Dijon case, where it was ruled that products sold in one country must be accepted by all other countries of the EU?
Choose one answer.
a. The principle of mutual recognition
b. The principle of direct effect
c. The principle of EU legal supremacy
d. The principle of proportionality
e. The principle of equality before the law
Question 46
What policy, adopted by the European Union in the 1960s, is designed to help former colonies with development assistance by importing their products into the EU at a reduced tariff level?
Choose one answer.
a. The Marshall Plan
b. The White Paper
c. The Delors Report
d. The African, Caribbean, and Pacific (ACP) Program
e. The Libya Manifesto
Question 47
What was the High Authority?
Choose one answer.
a. The supranational executive of the European Free Trade Area
b. The intergovernmental debating forum of the Council of Europe
c. The command structure of NATO
d. The supranational executive of the European Coal and Steel Commission
e. The coordinating body of the European Open Skies Initiative
Question 48
What was the primary rationale for the European Union expansion to Greece, Portugal, and Spain in the 1980s?
Choose one answer.
a. The consolidation of democracy in formerly autocratic regimes
b. The contribution of these economies to the overall economic welfare of the EU
c. The growth of the business sector in each economy
d. The establishment of civil society in each country
e. The linkage of scientific communities among the three countries
Question 49
Which European statesman's declaration paved the way for the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community and later the European Union?
Choose one answer.
a. Robert Morgan
b. Ernest Blevin
c. Robert Schumann
d. Jean Monnet
e. Valery Giscard d'Estaing
Question 50
Which European treaty gave Britain and Denmark an "opt-out" from the single European currency known as the euro?
Choose one answer.
a. The Treaty of Rome
b. The Treaty of Paris
c. The Treaty of Amsterdam
d. The Treaty of Maastricht
e. The Treaty of Nice
Question 51
Which European Union (EU) budget item at one point took up nearly two-thirds of the entire EU budget, and still takes up almost half of the budget?
Choose one answer.
a. The Common Foreign and Security Policy
b. The Common Fisheries Policy
c. The Common Energy Policy
d. The Common Agricultural Policy
e. The Common Fiscal Policy
Question 52
Which European Union institution has begun to erode the traditional nation-state boundaries by promoting and advocating interaction exclusively between sub-state actors?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Commission
b. The European Court of Justice
c. The European Court of Human Rights
d. The European Council
e. The Committee of the Regions
Question 53
Which European Union institution has the power to force the resignation of the European Commission (but only as a bloc, not individually)?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Parliament
b. The Council of Europe
c. The European Court of Justice
d. The Council of Ministers
e. The European Ombudsman
Question 54
Which European Union institution pushes for "more Europe" in the form of ever-increasing integration?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Commission
b. The European Council
c. The Council of Ministers
d. The European Court of Justice
e. The European Parliament
Question 55
Which institution of the European Union is responsible for the overarching vision and direction of the organization?
Choose one answer.
a. The European Council
b. The Council of Europe
c. The Council of Ministers
d. The European Parliament
e. The European Commission
Question 56
Which Mediterranean island became an EU member in 2004 as part of the largest expansion in EU history?
Choose one answer.
a. Corsica
b. The Maldives
c. The Hebrides
d. The Balearics
e. Malta
Question 57
Which of the following is generally considered to be the founding treaty of the European Union?
Choose one answer.
a. The Treaty of Maastricht
b. The Treaty of Nice
c. The Treaty of Paris
d. The Lisbon Treaty
e. The Treaty of Rome
Question 58
Which three institutions did the Merger Treaty of 1967 unite?
Choose one answer.
a. The United Nations, NATO, and the Warsaw Pact
b. The European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and the European Economic Community (EEC)
c. The World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank
e. The International Postal Union, the International Whaling Commission, and the Antarctic Treaty Secretariat
Question 59
Which Treaty created the "pillar and temple" model of the European Union, which for the first time brought foreign and security policy and justice and home affairs into the EU, albeit in an intergovernmental fashion?
Choose one answer.
a. The Lisbon Treaty
b. The Merger Treaty
c. The Treaty of Rome
d. The Treaty of Maastricht
e. The Constitutional Treaty
Question 60
"Above the level of the nation-state" is a concise definition for which concept which describes some European Union policies?
Choose one answer.
a. Individuality
b. Intergovernmentalism
c. Supranationalism
d. Liberalism
e. Statism
Question 61
After much of its leadership was killed in a plane crash in 2010, the peaceful transition to a new government showed that which country had become a consolidated democracy?
Choose one answer.
a. Slovakia
b. Poland
c. Hungary
d. Slovenia
e. Turkey
Question 62
During the Cold War, which Central European country embraced a more market-oriented style of communism known as "Goulash Communism"?
Choose one answer.
a. Hungary
b. Poland
c. Czechoslovakia
d. Slovenia
e. Yugoslavia
Question 63
For the assistance of which country's "Arab Spring" uprising did President Nicolas Sarkozy of France advocate using military force in the form of NATO forces?
Choose one answer.
a. Libya
b. Syria
c. Egypt
d. Tunisia
e. Iran
Question 64
The president of which country refuses to free its former prime minister, a key figure in the Orange Revolution but imprisoned on corruption charges since October 2011?
Choose one answer.
a. Russia
b. Poland
c. Ukraine
d. Czech Republic
e. Hungary
Question 65
What French leader called a referendum on his popularity and resigned when the results showed his unpopularity?
Choose one answer.
a. François Mitterrand
b. Charles de Gaulle
c. Napoleon III
d. Jacques Chirac
e. Nicolas Sarkozy
Question 66
What German labor policy allows for industry harmony by requiring firms to reserve a seat on their boards of directors for labor representative?
Choose one answer.
a. Collaboration
b. Codecision
c. Cooperation
d. Co-determination
e. Co-opt
Question 67
What German political party adopted as its informal slogan the phrase "Kinder, Kirche, Küche?"
Choose one answer.
a. The Greens
b. The Social Democratic Party
c. The Christian Democratic Party
d. The Christian Social Party
e. The Left Party
Question 68
What is NOT one of the underlying reasons for the East/West split in newly independent Ukraine?
Choose one answer.
a. The linguistic division between Russian speakers and Ukrainian speakers
b. The cultural division between Russophiles and Ukrainian nationalists
c. The gender division between males and females
d. The geographic distinction between Lvov in the West and Kharkov in the East
e. The political division between supporters of reunification with Russia and those who favor continued independence of Ukraine
Question 69
What is the collective name for the three former Soviet republics who after independence first joined NATO and later the European Union?
Choose one answer.
a. The Balkans
b. The Caucasus
c. The Baltics
d. The Iberian Peninsula
e. The Hebrides
Question 70
What is the formal name of the current French state?
Choose one answer.
a. The Second Empire
b. The Fifth Republic
c. The Dual Monarchy
d. The Third Estate
e. The First Directorate
Question 71
What island's continued divided status between Muslim and Christians as a result of its civil war is perhaps the single biggest obstacle to Turkey's accession to the European Union?
Choose one answer.
a. Malta
b. Mallorca
c. Menorca
d. Cyprus
e. Crete
Question 72
What job description was used as a shorthand reference for Eastern European immigrants coming to France and stealing French jobs, which led to the 2005 defeat of the Constitution Treaty?
Choose one answer.
a. The "Polish Plumber"
b. The "Slovenian Seamstress"
c. The "Bulgarian Butcher"
d. The "Czech Cook"
e. The "Hungarian Haberdasher"
Question 73
What major international crisis almost spelled the end of the "special relationship" between the United States and Great Britain?
Choose one answer.
a. The Skybolt Crisis
b. The Suez Crisis
c. The Profumo Affair
d. The Arab Oil Embargo
e. The Persian Gulf War
Question 74
What role did Solidarity play in the demise of Polish communism?
Choose one answer.
a. It allowed the Pope to claim Polish communism was immoral and corrupt
b. As the first non-communist trade union in a communist country, it gave people hope that collective organization against the state was possible.
c. It gave Poland an advance entry into NATO
d. It gave Poland an advance entry into the EU
e. It made it easier for Poland to defy the Soviet Union and break away
Question 75
What single factor has played an overweighted role in the decline of Russian male lifespan since the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the Soviet Union?
Choose one answer.
b. Drug addiction
c. Alcoholism
d. Military service
e. Suicide
Question 76
What US-designed but German-based medium-range nuclear ballistic missile system caused a major foreign policy rift between the two countries in the 1980s?
Choose one answer.
a. Pershing II
b. Polaris
c. Poseidon
d. MX
e. Sabre
Question 77
Which 2010 policy decision will in time fundamentally change the nature of the postwar German military?
Choose one answer.
a. Germany pulling out of the NATO alliance
b. Germany ending conscription and moving to an all-volunteer force
c. Germany invading Libya
d. Germany radically expanding the armed forces
e. Germany radically downsizing the armed forces
Question 78
Which controversial French politician came in a surprising second place in the first round of the 2002 presidential elections?
Choose one answer.
a. Lionel Jospin
b. Nicolas Sarkozy
c. Jean-Marie Le Pen
d. Charles de Gaulle
e. Segolene Royal
Question 79
Which country has been an associate member of the European Union since 1963 but has not become a full member (and may never become one)?
Choose one answer.
a. Slovenia
b. Albania
c. Serbia
d. Turkey
e. Estonia
Question 80
Which country's recent Foreign Minister (1998-2005) was in earlier days a radical left-wing ideologue but during his government service was forced to commit troops to foreign military action?
Choose one answer.
a. Germany
b. France
c. Italy
d. The Netherlands
e. Belgium
Question 81
Which European country, originally out of a desire for energy independence, gets about 2/3 of its energy from its 58 nuclear power plants?
Choose one answer.
a. Germany
b. Italy
c. Portugal
d. Spain
e. France
Question 82
Which foreign policy move by the German government has been highly controversial from the start?
Choose one answer.
a. The expenditure of billions of Euros for reconstruction of the Palestinian Authority headquarters
b. The commitment of German troops to the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan
c. The demolition of ancient Buddha statues in northern Afghanistan
d. The forced removal of Roma immigrants from German cities
e. The ban on religious iconography in German schools and in German embassies abroad
Question 83
Which French president has been convicted of corruption based on acts he committed as Mayor of Paris in the 1990s?
Choose one answer.
a. François Mitterrand
b. Georges Pompidou
c. Nicolas Sarkozy
d. Jacques Chirac
e. Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
Question 84
Which of these features is NOT a characteristic of the British/American "special relationship?"
Choose one answer.
a. Intelligence sharing
b. Joint participation in the International Criminal Court (ICC)
c. Economic policy
d. Shared military bases
e. Military weapons procurement
Question 85
Which phrase best describes the relationship between the German central government and the Lander (states)?
Choose one answer.
a. Strong center, weak states
b. Strong states, weak center
c. Equal power between center and states
d. Somewhat more power for the federal government
e. Somewhat more power for the state governments
Question 86
Which Polish Prime Minister has sought to repair relations with Russia and Germany?
Choose one answer.
a. Donald Tusk
b. Jaroslaw Kaczynski
c. Jerzy Buzek
d. Leszek Miller
e. Tadeusz Mazowiecki
Question 87
Which political issue has caused recent tensions between France and Turkey to reach their highest level in a generation?
Choose one answer.
a. The French legislature's passage of a bill calling the 1915 mass killings of Armenians in Turkey a "genocide"
b. The Turkish government's recent move toward more radical Islam
c. The Paris mayor's banning of religious iconography in civic buildings
d. The Lyon mayor's closure of a Muslim enclave in the city center
e. President Sarkozy's recent crackdown on illegal Roma immigration
Question 88
Which Russian president famously stood on a tank and defied Moscow coup-plotters in 1991?
Choose one answer.
a. Mikhail Gorbachev
b. Boris Yeltsin
c. Andre Zuganov
d. Vladimir Putin
e. Vitaly Cherkin
Question 89
Which two countries fought a war in 1973, even though both were members of NATO at the time?
Choose one answer.
a. Turkey and Greece
b. Israel and Egypt
c. Sweden and Norway
d. The Soviet Union and the United States
e. Germany and France
Question 90
Who was the first Chancellor of postwar West Germany?
Choose one answer.
a. Karl Marx
b. Angela Merkel
c. Helmut Kohl
d. Willy Brandt
e. Konrad Adenauer
Question 91
Why is 1968 such an important year in French political history?
Choose one answer.
a. It marked the creation of a new French calendar
b. It was characterized by a period of mass political unrest, with enormous social consequences
c. It was the year of the first French astronaut to walk on the moon
d. It marked the start of a new French Empire in Europe
e. It coincided with the 1000th anniversary of Charlemagne's coronation as Holy Roman Emperor
Question 92
After the shooting massacre of 16 children and one adult in 1995, which country passed public policy legislation banning the personal ownership of handguns?
Choose one answer.
a. Italy
b. Spain
c. France
d. The United Kingdom
e. Sweden
Question 93
European pension plans generally rely on which assumption, no longer proving to be true as demographic shifts take place across the continent?
Choose one answer.
a. Current workers pay for their own retirement
b. Current workers pay for yesterday's retireesC. Current workers pay for tomorrow's retirees
c. Yesterday's retirees pay for tomorrow's retirees
d. Yesterday's retirees pay for their own retirement
Question 94
Refugees from which country were forcibly sent back from Italy when they attempted to seek asylum there in 2004 and 2005?
Choose one answer.
a. Serbia
b. Greece
c. Iceland
d. Libya
e. Poland
Question 95
The assassination of a parliamentarian in this country caused a massive shift in immigration policy, from one of Europe's most open to one of its most restrictive?
Choose one answer.
a. Ireland
b. Denmark
c. The Netherlands
d. Italy
e. Spain
Question 96
The terrorist organization ETA of which country recently renounced violence and declared a unilateral ceasefire?
Choose one answer.
a. Ireland
b. Germany
c. Britain
d. Italy
e. Spain
Question 97
What contemporary security issue is hampering Europe's ability to relax border controls on some of its newest members?
Choose one answer.
a. Exotic bird smuggling
b. Ivory smuggling
c. Human trafficking
d. Copyright infringement via pirated DVDs
e. Illegal dumping of toxic waste
Question 98
What demographic pressure is causing European welfare states to face major funding crises, global financial crisis notwithstanding?
Choose one answer.
a. Rising sea levels
b. Falling incomes
c. Aging populations
d. Unemployment
e. Bank robberies
Question 99
What European defense position caused a major rift between European NATO members and the United States?
Choose one answer.
a. Refusal to support the United States in the war in Afghanistan
b. Refusal to support the United States in the war in Iraq
c. Overspending on defense by European countries
d. Recognition of Israel as the only legitimate claimant to its territory
e. Imposition of flight bans across Europe on American defense aircraft
Question 100
What is the term used to describe someone who has a negative impression of the process of European integration (either in general or specifically as manifested by the European Union)?
Choose one answer.
a. Eurodoubter
b. Eurocynic
c. Eurohater
d. Eurosceptic
e. Europhile
Question 101
What is the "national anthem" of the European Union?
Choose one answer.
a. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy"
b. Handel's "Water Music"
c. Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nachtmusik"
d. Bach's "Toccata and Fugue"
e. Mahler's "Symphony No. 7"
Question 102
Which country's entire political system collapsed in 1992 as a result of an investigation that revealed widespread corruption at all levels of government?
Choose one answer.
a. Sweden
b. Italy
c. Denmark
d. Russia
e. Spain
Question 103
Which demographic challenge is one of the major dilemmas facing Europe in the 21st century?
Choose one answer.
a. Low birth rates do not enable Europe to renew its population
b. High birth rates are causing Europe's population to expand too quickly
c. Immigration to Europe from the United States is causing increased jobs pressure on European industry
d. Increased European immigration to China is causing a decline in European industrial competitiveness
e. European "one-child" policies are provoking a surge in illegal second children in rural households
Question 104
Which European legislation passed in 1995 is currently undergoing a revision process as new trends like social media, Twitter, and Facebook change the face of European public policy?
Choose one answer.
a. Animal welfare
b. Consumer health and safety
c. Data protection and privacy
d. Information security
e. Bank account security
Question 105
Which industry's transit medium passes through Ukraine on the way to Western Europe, and which ended up causing pain in Western Europe when tensions flared between Russia and Ukraine?
Choose one answer.
a. Oil
b. Natural gas
c. Water
d. Electricity
e. Telecommunications
Question 106
Which of these political parties is NOT affiliated with the larger movement known as social democracy, which promotes social justice?
Choose one answer.
a. The British Labour Party
b. The French Socialist Party
c. The German Free Democratic Party
d. The Swedish Social Democratic Party
e. The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party
Question 107
Which one of these items is most plausibly evidence of an emergent "pan-European" culture?
Choose one answer.
a. The Venice Biennale
b. European-hosted NFL games
c. The World Cup soccer tournament
d. The Eurovision song contest
e. European Parliament elections
Question 108
Which political crisis, the largest in Europe since the end of World War II, ended with the Dayton Peace Accords of 1995?
Choose one answer.
a. The war in Iraq
b. The war in Bosnia-Herzegovina
c. The war in Belgium
d. The war in Sicily
e. The war in Ireland
Question 109
Which public health issue was addressed by the European Union by requiring warning labels on all packages that read (with modification for local language) "_______ can kill."?
Choose one answer.
a. Guns
b. Dogs
c. Mosquitoes
d. Cars
e. Cigarettes
Question 110
Workers from which country were invited to Germany in the 1960s as temporary labor to help foster the "German economic miracle," but instead remained and established a permanent presence there?
Choose one answer.
a. Kenya
b. Nigeria
c. Turkey
d. France
e. Poland