According to John Hibbing and Christopher Larimer’s “The American Public’s View of Congress,” Congress’s low approval ratings in the beginning of the 21st century can mainly be attributed to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Scandals
b. Overt partisanship
c. Lack of public knowledge about Congress
d. Failed attempts to represent and reconcile diverse interests
Question 2
Agreed upon by the delegates of the Constitutional Convention, who would ratify the new Constitution?
Choose one answer.
a. A general referendum of all citizens
b. State ratifying conventions
c. Congress
d. The House of Representatives
Question 3
Complete the sentence. All of the following are arguments against term limits EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. They are undemocratic.
b. They represent a lack of faith in voters.
c. They reduce the ability of state legislators to do some aspects of their jobs.
d. They encourage more candidates to run for office.
Question 4
Complete the sentence. Powers of Congress include all of the following EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Borrowing money.
b. Regulating foreign and interstate trade.
c. Proposing amendments to the Constitution.
d. Granting pardons.
Question 5
Fill in the blank. In every year since_____________, there has been at least one woman serving in Congress.
Choose one answer.
a. 1776
b. 1890
c. 1922
d. 1966
Question 6
Fill in the blank. The convention plan which advocated a single-house legislature where each state would have an equal vote was called the _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Virginia Plan
b. New Jersey Plan
c. Connecticut Plan
d. Great Compromise
Question 7
Fill in the blank. The convention proposal that called for a legislature with representation in both houses based on population was called the _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Virginia Plan
b. New Jersey Plan
c. New York Plan
d. Great Compromise
Question 8
Fill in the blank. To prevent an "excess of democracy,” the original Constitution restricted direct popular election to ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. The Senate
b. The President
c. Federal judges
d. The House of Representatives
Question 9
Fill in the blank: The “Federalist Papers” were a series of essays published in New York, which______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Advocated against ratification of the Constitution.
b. Advocated for ratification of the Constitution.
c. Called for rebellion against the British King.
d. Called for New York to secede from the other states.
Question 10
Fill in the blanks. According to the Constitution, the minimal age requirements for members of the House and Senate are___________ and ____________ years, respectively.
Choose one answer.
a. 21; 25
b. 25; 30
c. 30; 35
d. 40; 40
Question 11
Representation in Congress takes on which of the following forms?
Choose one answer.
a. Trustee
b. Delegate
c. Politico
d. All of the above
Question 12
What is the constitutional basis for the implied powers of the national government?
Choose one answer.
a. The supremacy clause
b. The necessary and proper clause
c. The due process clause
d. Article II
Question 13
What is the dominant profession for most members of Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. Law
b. Business
c. Education
d. Public service
Question 14
What is the proportion of U.S. House members who are up for reelection every two years?
Choose one answer.
a. One third
b. One half
c. Two thirds
d. All of them
Question 15
What is the proportion of U.S. Senators who are up for reelection every two years?
Choose one answer.
a. 20 percent
b. One-third
c. One-half
d. Two-thirds
Question 16
What religion are the majority of members of the 112th Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. Catholic
b. Jewish
c. Protestant
d. Unitarian
Question 17
What types of bills must originate in the House of Representatives?
Choose one answer.
a. Defense
b. Revenue
c. Education
d. All of the above
Question 18
What was the Constitution’s framers’ rationale for creating a Congress comprised of two houses (bicameral)?
Choose one answer.
a. To limit debate
b. To allow for more representatives
c. To slow down the legislative process
d. To provide one house for each political party
Question 19
What was the original purpose of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia?
Choose one answer.
a. To draft a replacement for the Articles of Confederation.
b. To amend the Articles of Confederation.
c. To discuss surrender to the British Monarchy.
d. To devolve all power to state governments.
Question 20
Which of the following statements comparing the House of Representatives to the Senate is true?
Choose one answer.
a. Compared to the House of Representatives, the Senate has more rules.
b. Compared to the House of Representatives, the Senate is less flexible.
c. Compared to the House of Representatives, the Senate's more prestigious individual members have more power to affect outcomes.
d. Compared to the House of Representatives, the Senate provides less time for debate.
Question 21
A member of Congress generally adopts which type of focus on Capitol Hill?
Choose one answer.
a. Constituent
b. Policy
c. Political
d. All of the above
Question 22
Complete the sentence. All of the following are components of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. A ban on soft money.
b. Increased hard money contribution limits.
c. A ban on candidates from using federal funding for campaigns.
d. Restrictions on issue advocacy advertising.
Question 23
Complete the sentence. All of the following are key assets that contribute to a successful run for Congress EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. An articulate and resonating message.
b. Experience on Capitol Hill.
c. Energy.
d. The ability to raise money.
Question 24
Complete the sentence. All of the following contributed to the historic increase of female members in Congress in 1992 EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Congress’s failure to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment.
b. The controversial confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas.
c. Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign.
d. The unusually large number of open congressional seats that year.
Question 25
Fill in the blank. Reelection rates for members of Congress are typically in the range of ______________ percent.
Choose one answer.
a. 100-110
b. 50-60
c. 10-20
d. 85-95
Question 26
Fill in the blank. The process of redrawing congressional districts to match population shifts in states with more than one representative is called ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Redistricting
b. Reapportionment
c. Restructuring
d. Franking
Question 27
How long are the terms for members of the House of Representatives?
Choose one answer.
a. 2 years
b. 6 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years
Question 28
How long are the terms for members of the Senate?
Choose one answer.
a. 2 years
b. 6 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years
Question 29
In the 2010 congressional election cycle, which special interest group led in overall political donations?
Choose one answer.
a. Lawyers
b. Bankers
c. Retirees
d. Teachers
Question 30
Members of the House represent congressional districts of populations ranging from approximately how many constituents?
Choose one answer.
a. 500,000-900,000 constituents
b. 30,000-50,000 constituents
c. 10,000-20,000 constituents
d. 1,000,000-2,000,000 constituents
Question 31
The redistricting process in the United States can be distinguished from redistricting elsewhere in the world in what fundamental way?
Choose one answer.
a. The process is overtly and acceptably political.
b. American courts have refused to intervene in the process.
c. Redistricting plans are not required to create districts that are relatively equal in population.
d. The redistricting process is overly centralized.
Question 32
What is meant by incumbency advantage?
Choose one answer.
a. Incumbents are usually older and have more experience than their challengers.
b. Incumbents have a great deal of influence in the redistricting process.
c. Incumbents possess many advantages that make their reelection likely.
d. Incumbents usually perform much better in debates against their opponent.
Question 33
What is one of the major duties of a member of Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. To hold fundraisers for their reelection campaign
b. To meet with interest groups
c. To draft and introduce legislation
d. To manage their personal office
Question 34
What is the largest expenditure for congressional candidates running for election?
Choose one answer.
a. Staff
b. Television advertising
c. Candidate filing fees
d. Campaign office expenses
Question 35
What was one of the more notable trends in the 2010 congressional elections?
Choose one answer.
a. Incumbents were more vulnerable than ever before in history.
b. Campaign finance reform laws were a strong deterrent to effective fundraising.
c. Political parties aggressively recruited wealthy candidates, so they could fund their own campaigns.
d. For the first time in history, Democrats raised more money than Republicans.
Question 36
When does redistricting of congressional district lines occur?
Choose one answer.
a. When there is a significant population shift
b. When the state legislature enacts the appropriate provisions
c. Every ten years
d. After each major presidential election
Question 37
When is the term “gerrymandering” used?
Choose one answer.
a. When the political party in control draws district lines to enhance its own political fortunes
b. When the Senate draws lines around racial districts
c. When referring to Supreme Court decisions regarding redistricting
d. When the governor of a state changes voting districts to ensure reelection
Question 38
Which group works to elect members of their political party to Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. Incumbents
b. Election committees
c. Redistricting commissions
d. Campaign committees
Question 39
Which of the following statements about constituency services is true?
Choose one answer.
a. Constituency services involve assisting people in dealing with the bureaucracy.
b. Constituency services are rarely used today.
c. Constituency services are more commonly engaged in by senators than representatives.
d. Constituency services seldom help members of Congress in their reelection bids.
Question 40
Which of the following statements best describes most congressional races?
Choose one answer.
a. Most congressional races are closely contested.
b. Most congressional races are not closely contested.
c. Most congressional races are less contested than state elections.
d. Most congressional races are more contested than local elections.
Question 41
Complete the sentence. Each of the following congressional leadership positions has real substantive authority in its chamber EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Speaker of the House.
b. President of the Senate
c. Senate President Pro Tempore.
d. House Majority Leader
Question 42
Fill in the blank. An organized but informal group of legislators established to promote or advocate a specific shared interest is known as a(n) __________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Interest group
b. Task force
c. Caucus
d. Subcommittee
Question 43
Fill in the blank. Groups of individuals or corporations who want to coordinate their political donations may do so by forming ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Political action committees
b. Interest groups
c. Campaign committees
d. None of the above; coordinating donations is prohibited under law
Question 44
Fill in the blank. If the House and Senate pass different versions of a similar bill and cannot agree, it must go to a _____________committee.
Choose one answer.
a. Standing
b. Special
c. Conference
d. Compromise
Question 45
Fill in the blank. The House ____________ Committee exercises control over what bills are brought to the floor for a vote.
Choose one answer.
a. Rules
b. Ways and Means
c. Appropriations
d. Ethics
Question 46
Fill in the blank. The process by which a senator can defeat a bill by tying up the Senate so long that the measure will never come to a vote is known as _____________.
Choose one answer.
a. A filibuster
b. Senatorial courtesy
c. Gerrymandering
d. Cloture
Question 47
Fill in the blank. The _____________ committee is appointed to deal with an issue or problem before Congress that does not fall within any standing committees’ scope of power.
Choose one answer.
a. Select
b. Conference
c. Joint
d. Special
Question 48
How can Congress override a presidential veto?
Choose one answer.
a. By a two-thirds vote in the Senate
b. By a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate
c. By a majority vote in the House
d. By a majority vote in both the House and Senate
Question 49
If the president signs a bill, what happens to it?
Choose one answer.
a. It dies.
b. It goes back to the House.
c. It goes to the Senate.
d. It becomes a law.
Question 50
What are the main responsibilities of congressional standing committees?
Choose one answer.
a. Working out legislative differences between what the president and their constituents would prefer
b. Appointing and voting on judicial nominees
c. Passing budget resolutions and providing constituency service
d. Writing legislation and providing legislative oversight of government agencies
Question 51
What is one of the most effective ways that members of Congress can demonstrate party loyalty?
Choose one answer.
a. By criticizing the opposing political party
b. By making financial contributions to fellow members
c. By introducing a large number of bills
d. All of the above
Question 52
What is the most important factor in determining a member of Congress's vote?
Choose one answer.
a. Party affiliation
b. Level of education
c. Political philosophy
d. Committee assignments
Question 53
What percentage of bills introduced in Congress actually become law?
Choose one answer.
a. Five percent
b. Thirty percent
c. Seventy percent
d. Ten percent
Question 54
When does most of the lobbying by special interest groups occur?
Choose one answer.
a. When a bill is introduced
b. When a bill passes the House
c. When a bill passes the Senate
d. When a bill is in committee
Question 55
Which congressional officer is in charge of getting members to the floor for important votes?
Choose one answer.
a. Majority Leader
b. Whip
c. President Pro Tempore
d. Speaker of the House
Question 56
Which of the following best describes what happens to most bills introduced in Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. They usually die by inaction at the committee stage.
b. They usually pass one chamber but not the other.
c. They usually are voted down on the floor of the House or Senate.
d. They usually are bottled up in the House Rules Committee.
Question 57
Why do members of the majority in Congress have an important advantage?
Choose one answer.
a. Because they are all incumbents
b. Because they hold all the leadership positions, including committee chairs
c. Because they receive higher salaries than minority-party members
d. Because they have the exclusive right to introduce legislation
Question 58
Why is it so difficult for Congress to pass laws?
Choose one answer.
a. Bills can be defeated at many points in the process.
b. Passing a bill is costly.
c. The sheer size of the institution causes many bills to get lost.
d. Bills have to be approved by party leaders.
Question 59
“Pork barreling” refers to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Congressional assistance to agricultural interests
b. Grants to private lobbying firms and companies
c. Public works projects and grants to specific districts paid for by general revenues
d. Legislation that bestows special benefits on members of Congress
Question 60
Fill in the blank. In Congress, most legislative work is done in _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Full sessions of Congress
b. The legislator’s home district
c. Conference with the president
d. Committees
Question 61
According to the “State of the Media 2011” report, most people get their news from which source?
Choose one answer.
a. Newspapers
b. The Internet
c. Cable television
d. Local television
Question 62
Complete the sentence. All of the following have been the historical trend regarding midterm elections EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. The president’s party usually loses seats in Congress.
b. The president’s party usually gains seats in Congress.
c. They generally reflect voter discontent with the president.
d. Voter turnout is significantly lower than presidential elections.
Question 63
Fill in the blank. According to the video “Congress and the Media,” the media’s coverage of Congress can generally be described as ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Misinformed
b. Inadequate
c. Cynical
d. Trustworthy
Question 64
Fill in the blank. Executive _______________ is the presidential power to keep communications with his staff confidential.
Choose one answer.
a. Immunity
b. Privacy
c. Privilege
d. Referral
Question 65
Fill in the blank. Federal judicial nominees must appear before the _______________ to answer inquiries.
Choose one answer.
a. House Judiciary Committee
b. Senate Judiciary Committee
c. Senate Ethics Committee
d. House Rules Committee
Question 66
Fill in the blank. The congressional staffer in charge of maintaining a positive public image for a member with the news media is a _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Media consultant
b. Policy analyst
c. Press secretary
d. Chief of staff
Question 67
Fill in the blank. The _______________ has the power to confirm presidential nominations.
Choose one answer.
a. House
b. Senate
c. House and Senate
d. Supreme Court
Question 68
If both the president and vice president are unable to fulfill their duties of office, who is the next in line of succession?
Choose one answer.
a. Senate President Pro Tempore
b. Secretary of State
c. Speaker of the House
d. White House Chief of Staff
Question 69
Most studies on bias in the media have found which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Results are inconclusive.
b. Bias in the media is overwhelmingly conservative.
c. Bias in the media is overwhelmingly liberal.
d. Bias does not exist.
Question 70
Presidents have tried to bypass Congress’s judicial confirmation power by doing which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Installing “temporary” judges without congressional approval
b. Not nominating a candidate when the Senate is controlled by the opposing party
c. Issuing an executive order to appoint the nominee without congressional approval
d. Not utilizing senatorial courtesy
Question 71
The House of Representatives has the power to impeach which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. The president
b. Federal judges
c. Cabinet officials
d. All of the above
Question 72
What is the authority of Congress to investigate the executive branch and its agencies called?
Choose one answer.
a. Bicameralism
b. Oversight
c. Legislative review
d. None of the above
Question 73
What was one of the major findings of the 1947 Hutchins Commission report?
Choose one answer.
a. The press needed to improve itself in the name of morality, democracy, and self-preservation.
b. The increasingly concentrated media ownership system had a negative impact on the quality of the news and information Americans received.
c. Public broadcasting had been hindered throughout its existence by political pressures and funding shortages.
d. As the key government agency that oversaw the broadcasting industry, the Federal Communications Commission was poorly managed and in need of significant reform.
Question 74
What was the rationale of the Constitution’s framers for giving Congress the power to declare war?
Choose one answer.
a. To ensure that the president would not conspire with foreign nations
b. Because Congress would, collectively, have more military experience than the president
c. To delay a decision to go to war
d. All of the above
Question 75
What was the “Republican Revolution” of 1994?
Choose one answer.
a. The year the Republicans gained control of both houses of Congress since 1952
b. The year that all Democratic incumbents in Congress were defeated
c. The year that Republican congressional candidates outspent Democratic candidates for the first time in history
d. All of the above
Question 76
When the president refuses to provide confidential executive branch information to Congress, what is usually the result?
Choose one answer.
a. The courts have to resolve the issue.
b. Congress is able to persuade the president to provide the information.
c. The president and Congress will seek a compromise.
d. Congress will pass legislation to expand their executive branch oversight authority.
Question 77
Which of the following is correct about the use of negative campaign advertisements?
Choose one answer.
a. Challengers are more likely to use them than incumbents.
b. Studies have shown that they have very little impact on voters' attitudes and decisions.
c. Voters overwhelmingly dislike them.
d. All of the above
Question 78
Which of the following is NOT considered a congressional check on the judiciary?
Choose one answer.
a. The power to pardon criminals
b. The power to set up the lower federal courts
c. The power to accept or reject presidential nominations to the federal courts
d. The ability to amend the Constitution
Question 79
Which president issued the highest number of presidential vetoes?
Choose one answer.
a. George Washington
b. Abraham Lincoln
c. Franklin Roosevelt
d. Ronald Reagan
Question 80
Who are the only two presidents to ever have been impeached?
Choose one answer.
a. Richard Nixon and Andrew Johnson
b. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton
c. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton
d. Lyndon Johnson and Andrew Johnson
Question 81
Complete the sentence. All of the following are examples of “discretionary” federal spending programs EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Health research.
b. Education.
c. Social Security.
d. Housing.
Question 82
Complete the sentence. All of the following criticisms have been leveled at Congress EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. It is too partisan.
b. The primary concern of most members is getting reelected.
c. It introduces too many bills.
d. It does not police the ethical behavior of its members.
Question 83
Complete the sentence. Congress can make foreign policy in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
Choose one answer.
a. Informal advice to the president.
b. Denial of funds for military/foreign operations.
c. Legislation.
d. Executive agreements.
Question 84
Fill in the blank. After receiving the president’s budget request, Congress will hold hearings through the ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. House Appropriations Committee
b. House and Senate Budget Committees
c. House and Senate Ways and Means Committees
d. Senate Appropriations Committee
Question 85
Fill in the blank. Most budget analysts agree that the main cause of the national debt has been ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Tax cuts for the wealthy
b. Entitlement spending
c. Defense spending
d. 9/11
Question 86
Fill in the blank. The ______________ is a federal agency within the legislative branch that provides economic data to Congress.
Choose one answer.
a. Independent Fiscal Office
b. Office of Management and Budget
c. Congressional Budget Office
d. Congressional Research Service
Question 87
Fill in the blank. The _______________ was passed by Congress in 2002 to provide law enforcement with expanded powers to prevent terrorist attacks.
Choose one answer.
a. 9/11 Defense Act
b. USA Patriot Act
c. Homeland Security Resolution
d. Terrorism Prevention Act
Question 88
In 2008, Congress passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in order to do which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Address the nation’s growing unemployment rate
b. Respond to rapidly deteriorating financial market conditions
c. Reduce the increasing number of the country’s home foreclosures
d. Provide emergency loans to the nearly bankrupt auto industry
Question 89
Scandals can affect congressional elections by doing which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Increasing the likelihood that the incumbent will win reelection
b. Increasing the likelihood that people will vote
c. Decreasing the likelihood that people will vote
d. None of the above
Question 90
The scope of Congress’s power over the federal government’s funds includes which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Expenditures
b. Debt
c. Taxes
d. All of the above
Question 91
The “revolving door” refers to which of the following?
Choose one answer.
a. Members of Congress using their positions to negotiate lucrative private sector jobs and then lobbying former colleagues
b. When a lobbyist pulls together campaign contributions from individuals and then gets the credit from the candidate for delivering the bundle of money
c. When members of Congress retire to collect a lump sum pension then decide to run for re-election
d. When special interest groups are given full privilege access to members of Congress
Question 92
What is the largest expenditure in the federal budget?
Choose one answer.
a. Interest on the national debt
b. Education
c. Defense
d. Entitlement programs
Question 93
When did the “hands off” approach of the media regarding reports on politicians’ private lives end?
Choose one answer.
a. When news coverage became televised in the 1950s
b. When President Clinton was impeached for lying about his affair with an intern
c. When Ronald Reagan refused to grant interviews to media outlets that openly criticized him
d. When the Watergate scandal caused the press to focus more on “watchdog” journalism
Question 94
Which of the following best describes Congress’s role in major health care reform efforts?
Choose one answer.
a. Ideological differences combined with the decentralization of congressional power have made major overhauls of the health care system difficult to achieve.
b. The House and the Senate usually have different proposals which cannot be reconciled.
c. The constituencies of most members of Congress do not want health care reform.
d. Many members do not understand the complexities of the issue.
Question 95
Which of the following is an institutional reform enacted by the 112th Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. Limiting the number of bills a member can introduce
b. Increasing the transparency and reducing the amount spent on earmarks
c. Forbidding members from attending campaign fundraisers on legislative session days
d. Eliminating earmarks in spending bills.
Question 96
Which of the following is true regarding congressional incumbents involved in a scandal?
Choose one answer.
a. More than 50 percent were re-elected.
b. They were all defeated in their primary elections.
c. Over 60 percent were defeated in the general election.
d. With a few exceptions, all of them retired from office.
Question 97
Which of the following statements about the War Powers Resolution is true?
Choose one answer.
a. It has largely been ignored by presidents.
b. It was enacted under President Truman.
c. It has been declared unconstitutional.
d. It gives Congress the power to declare war.
Question 98
Whose support proved critical for passage of the American Recovery and Investment Act by Congress in 2009?
Choose one answer.
a. Senate Democrats
b. Senate Republicans
c. House Republicans
d. House Democrats
Question 99
Why is it often difficult for presidents to consult with Congress on foreign affairs?
Choose one answer.
a. Because Congress is often uninformed about foreign policy
b. Because Congress tends to be heavily influenced by special interests
c. Because Congress can leak sensitive information
d. All of the above
Question 100
Who develops the president’s annual budget request?
Choose one answer.
a. White House staff
b. Office of Personnel Management
c. Office of Management and Budget
d. Senate Appropriations Committee