Complete the sentence: For Turgot, economic freedom is equated with ____________.
Choose one answer.
a. free trade of goods
b. abolition of the guilds
c. rationalization of the tax system
d. All of the above
Question 2
Jewish Emancipation was primarily a result of:
Choose one answer.
a. The Industrial Revolution.
b. Enlightenment ideas about equality and natural rights.
c. Religious reform.
d. An increase in secular culture in Europe.
Question 3
The Anti-slavery movement was heavily influenced by:
Choose one answer.
a. Enlightenment ideas about natural rights.
b. Religion.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the Above
Question 4
The various strands of thinking and activity collectively known as “the Enlightenment” played a fundamental role in enabling the Age of Revolution. Which of the following was NOT an aspect of the Enlightenment?
Choose one answer.
a. A close intertwining of spiritual and temporal power.
b. Equality before the law.
c. Dare to use your own understanding.
d. Individuals have natural rights.
Question 5
Turgot’s “Reflections on the Formation and Distribution of Wealth” states that the peasant:
Choose one answer.
a. Should be given land equally with the landlords.
b. Is inherently lazy.
c. Is only one link in a complex economy.
d. Is the most important person in the economy.
Question 6
What factor(s) seem(s) most important in fomenting revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. A state financial crisis.
b. Political delegitimation of the existing order through manifestos and other texts.
c. The organization of militants into networks.
d. All of the above
Question 7
Which of the following factors seems most important in explaining the revolutions you have studied in this course?
Choose one answer.
a. Transformations in military strategy
b. The collapse of older, less centralized forms of taxation
c. The Enlightenment
d. Rallying behind a charismatic leader
Question 8
Which of the following was NOT a factor in the crisis of the French monarchy?
Choose one answer.
a. Increasing restrictions on aristocratic privileges.
b. The concentration of monarchical power at Versailles.
c. The way wars were funded.
d. The Enlightenment.
Question 9
Revolution is:
Choose one answer.
a. A cataclysmic change of all social and political relations.
b. An abomination.
c. A replacement of a governing order through mass-mobilization of non-institutional actors and an undermining of political authority.
d. The replacement of a non-representative government with a representative one.
Question 10
Absolute Monarchy in the Age of Enlightenment meant:
Choose one answer.
a. Some form of representation for the people.
b. The King must work in the people’s best interests.
c. The King could do whatever he wanted.
d. Society needed to be protected from change.
Question 11
For Kant, the public use of reason is:
Choose one answer.
a. An exercise of the freedoms necessary for Enlightenment.
b. The exchange of views and information with intellectual peers.
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above
Question 12
In Enlightenment period political theory, what is meant by “limited power”?
Choose one answer.
a. A power that is exercised by a monarch who is personally inclined to self-restraint.
b. Power that the limited by the nature of its military.
c. Power that is legally limited by a notion of universal rights
d. All of the above
Question 13
Kant’s “What Is Enlightenment?” places great emphasis on the circulation of texts (in “The Republic of Letters”) and the idea of public debate/the discussion of ideas. Which of the following statements best characterizes the relation Kant establishes between the circulation of texts and public debate?
Choose one answer.
a. Not everyone of the period knew how to read so public reading was important
b. Democratic debate presupposes a central, public gathering space or Agora.
c. Mass circulation of printed materials had not yet been developed, so public spaces enabled sharing of texts and other types of access.
d. All of the above
Question 14
The Glorious Revolution was important because England moved towards:
Choose one answer.
a. Absolute Monarchy.
b. Constitutional Monarchy.
c. Democracy.
d. World Empire.
Question 15
When Immanuel Kant writes that Enlightenment is “man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity,” he means:
Choose one answer.
a. That people are finally growing up.
b. That people are adopting new leisure activities.
c. That people are learning to interact with information and the world independently of traditional authority.
d. People need to become Athiest.
Question 16
Which of the following statements best characterizes the importance of the idea of universality important for the Age of Revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. Civilizations take different forms, but we are all the same as human beings.
b. Particular traditions and customs are arbitrary, not necessary, not a function of being human but rather of being a human being in this situation.
c. All human beings possess certain basic rights.
d. All of the above
Question 17
Social contract theory states that:
Choose one answer.
a. Governments originally got their sovereignty from the consent of the people.
b. People need a system of strong punishments for society to work.
c. Only Democracies are good government.
d. Kings are necessary for an ordered society.
Question 18
Arguments that the American Revolution wasn’t really a revolution include:
Choose one answer.
a. The same people were in power after the Revolution.
b. Everyone didn’t have equality.
c. American Society was still very much like English society.
d. All of the above
Question 19
Based on the analyses of the American Revolution that you have encountered in this course, which of the following best explains the American victory?
Choose one answer.
a. Strategic mastery on the part of Washington.
b. Logistical difficulties caused by the distance between England and the colonies and the problems they created for supplying the English army.
c. The hostility of the population to an occupying force.
d. All of the above
Question 20
Complete the sentence: The Boston Tea Party resulted in ___________:
Choose one answer.
a. a period that saw escalating actions on both sides that are best understood as political theater.
b. the rise of non-violent civil disobedience.
c. the collective punishment of Boston.
d. All of the above
Question 21
France’s role in shaping the outcome of the Revolution can best be summarized as:
Choose one answer.
a. Relatively minor. The war would have ended the same way without France’s involvement.
b. Important, but not decisive.
c. Decisive. The last phase of the war would not have been won without French assistance.
d. Detrimental: In the long term, having foreign allies hurt the American position.
Question 22
How might Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” have pushed a revolt toward becoming a revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. By suggesting that revolution was already happening.
b. By its systematic demolition of the reasons to remain a colony.
c. By its rhetoric of commons sense and plain facts.
d. All of the above
Question 23
In “Common Sense,” Thomas Paine argues that a constitution should _________.
Choose one answer.
a. Define separations between powers
b. Limit the power of any given part of government
c. Safeguard the rights of society
d. All of the above
Question 24
Some argue that the American Revolution was NOT revolutionary because:
Choose one answer.
a. There were not enough casualties.
b. It was more a tax revolt than a revolution.
c. It did not fundamentally change the social structure.
d. All of the above
Question 25
The American Constitution can be understood as:
Choose one answer.
a. A legal and institutional framework.
b. A set of parameters for the elaboration and interpretation of law.
c. A set of definitions.
d. All the above
Question 26
The American revolution was radical because it popularized the ideas of:
Choose one answer.
a. Liberty, Equality and the rule of law.
b. Rebellion against authority.
c. Sovereignty residing in the people.
d. All of the above
Question 27
The American revolution was the model for:
Choose one answer.
a. The French Revolution.
b. The Haitian Revolution.
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
Question 28
The Declaration of Independence constituted a break with England because:
Choose one answer.
a. The language used in it was entirely new and radical.
b. The language used in it was a forceful statement of a revolutionary break and the document was adopted by the Constitutional Congress.
c. It did not constitute such a break.
d. All of the above
Question 29
The English treated the American colonies as:
Choose one answer.
a. A source of raw materials and market for finished goods.
b. A nuisance.
c. Separate areas that interacted more directly with England than with each other.
d. All the above
Question 30
The formation of the Sons of Liberty and, later, the Committees of Correspondence, were important steps toward revolution because:
Choose one answer.
a. They provided a way for people to work within the system for change.
b. They served as networks through which opposition texts and manifestos were circulated.
c. They were organizations that served as the basis for later militias.
d. All of the above
Question 31
The main advantages of the constitutional system over the Articles of Confederation was/were:
Choose one answer.
a. The 2nd Amendment.
b. Greater power and autonomy was accorded the federal government.
c. Citizenship was clearly defined.
d. All of the above
Question 32
The main result of the French and Indian War was:
Choose one answer.
a. The breaking of British power in North America.
b. The beginning of Washington’s military career.
c. A draining of English resources.
d. British dominance of North America.
Question 33
The Seven Years War, also known as the French and Indian War, is often understood as separate from the American Revolution if the history of the latter is told from a purely American perspective. From a more global viewpoint, however, both wars can be seen as moments of a longer conflict ____________.
Choose one answer.
a. Over religious doctrine
b. For political dominance of North America
c. Between Monarchy and Constitutionalism
d. For control of trade routes
Question 34
The “Imperial Crisis” is best understood as:
Choose one answer.
a. The result of an abrupt end to Salutary Neglect.
b. The result of legal actions by the British that the colonists considered unjust and arbitrary.
c. A consequence of the nature of colonial responses to the Stamp and Townsend Act, which amounted to steps toward self-governance.
d. All of the above
Question 35
Washington accepted the surrender of General Cornwallis at:
Choose one answer.
a. Saratoga
b. Yorktown
c. Guilford Courthouse
d. Lexington
Question 36
What is the significance of the Boston Massacre?
Choose one answer.
a. It was not significant.
b. Intended as a police action to quell dissent, it backfired and galvanized dissent.
c. It was a mistake.
d. All of the above
Question 37
When did the American Revolution end?
Choose one answer.
a. With the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.
b. With the adoption of the Articles of Confederation.
c. With the adoption of the Constitution.
d. All of the above
Question 38
Which of the following best characterizes the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?
Choose one answer.
a. Inadequate powers were given to the central government
b. Incoherent design
c. Factionalism
d. All of the above
Question 39
Which of the following best describes the relation(s) between the English Glorious Revolution and the Imperial Crisis?
Choose one answer.
a. They are unrelated.
b. Traditions of monarchical power
c. Regicide
d. None of the above
Question 40
Which of the following best describes the relation of the “French and Indian War” to the Imperial Crisis?
Choose one answer.
a. The Crisis was a British crackdown on the American colonies in retaliation for dissent.
b. The Crisis resulted from the expense of the French and Indian War, which was a considerable burden on the British crown.
c. The Crisis was driven by factors unrelated to the war.
d. All of the above
Question 41
Which statement best captures the importance of the establishment of the Continental Congress?
Choose one answer.
a. The establishment of the Continental Congress made the break with Britain formal by setting up an alternate government.
b. The establishment of the Continental Congress consolidated the political power of a new elite.
c. The establishment of the Continental Congress provided a political directorate for the revolution.
d. All of the above
Question 42
Why would a monarchist see something dangerous in Adams’ “The Rights of Colonists”?
Choose one answer.
a. The text used the category of natural right.
b. The text challenged the royal authority of the King as the ultimate source of law.
c. The text claimed that a community of people could dissolve the social contract linking them to existing authority if that authority became oppressive.
d. All of the above
Question 43
The relation of the British Crown to the colonies in North America before 1764 is often categorized as one of:
Choose one answer.
a. Total Indifference.
b. Colonial Domination.
c. Salutary Neglect.
d. Hegemonic Dominance.
Question 44
After 1791, the Jews of France were regarded as:
Choose one answer.
a. A religious minority.
b. Foreign aliens.
c. Equal citizens of France.
d. A protected minority.
Question 45
Complete the sentence: The Jacobins developed the Cult of the Supreme Being in an effort to _________.
Choose one answer.
a. Reform the Catholic Church
b. Establish the Revolution as a break with the past by reimagining the order of the cosmos along new lines
c. Practice christianity under a different name
d. All of the above
Question 46
Complete this sentence. The Storming of the Bastille ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Was primarily of symbolic importance
b. Indicated the end of the monarchy
c. Freed hundreds of political prisoners
d. All of the above
Question 47
Historians have argued that the revolt of the French aristocracy grew out of gradual transformation in the relations between the King and the court. Which of the following statements best characterizes this transformation?
Choose one answer.
a. A growing boredom with the whole machinery of the court that was experienced by all sides.
b. Louis XVI was simply not interested in playing as active a role at court as was Louis XIV or Louis XV. He preferred more of a private life. The hold of the court over the upper aristocracy began to fray.
c. The changes in relations between the King and court were not important. What mattered was the default of the bonds.
d. All of the above
Question 48
In 1792, almost all of the major European monarchies declared war on France because ____________.
Choose one answer.
a. They had alliances with the French monarchy
b. They were determined to prevent the revolution from spreading
c. They did not recognize the legitimacy of the revolutionaries, who were acting in the name of France. They believed that only the king could represent France.
d. All of the above
Question 49
In pre-revolutionary France, which social group was also called the Third Estate?
Choose one answer.
a. The nobility
b. The clergy
c. Anyone who is neither nobility nor clergy.
d. None of the above
Question 50
In the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, the National Assembly __________.
Choose one answer.
a. Outlines a series of exceptions to protect the interests of the church
b. Provides a list of civil rights for priests
c. Asserts control over Church land and strips the clergy of their older social status.
d. All of the above
Question 51
Louis XVI’s attempt to flee resulted in ______________.
Choose one answer.
a. The end of attempts to make a constitutional monarchy in France
b. A constitutional crisis
c. His imprisonment
d. All of the above
Question 52
Napoleon believed the ideas of the enlightenment:
Choose one answer.
a. Should guide a monarch.
b. Should form the basis for a new set of laws.
c. Should be spread across Europe.
d. All of the above
Question 53
One lasting effect of the National Constituent Assembly was based on where different factions sat in the Assembly hall. Which of the following political terms originate with this seating arrangement?
Choose one answer.
a. Left/Right
b. Vote/Abstain
c. Front/Back
d. None of the above
Question 54
The Cahiers de Doléances were solicited in March-April 1789. People from all three estates were asked to provide lists of grievances about the existing system. These cahiers were meant to provide the Estates General with material to work with in reforming that system. Instead, the drawing up of the Cahiers produced quite different outcomes because:
Choose one answer.
a. The process of drawing up of the grievances was new to the people of France.
b. The act of creating the lists required that people from all three estates look around and think critically about the situations in which they found themselves
c. The process of drawing up the lists entailed political discussions that began a process of radicalizing the population.
d. All of the above
Question 55
The Civil Constitution of the Clergy called for Bishops to be chosen by:
Choose one answer.
a. The National Assembly.
b. Popular vote.
c. The pope.
d. The Monarch.
Question 56
The crisis of the monarchy began with a default on the repayment of bonds that had been used to finance the American Revolution. Which of the following best explains the default?
Choose one answer.
a. A restive aristocracy.
b. Failure to implement Turgot’s political economic views.
c. The lack of a centralized taxation system and increasing expense of warfare.
d. All of the above
Question 57
The decision to call the Estates General was an important step in the aristocratic revolt because _________________.
Choose one answer.
a. They had not been called since 1614
b. They represented a basic challenge to absolutist monarchy
c. They registered the magnitude of the financial crisis
d. All of the above
Question 58
The Declaration of the Rights of Man _____________.
Choose one answer.
a. Is a statement of universal human rights
b. Abolished social hierarchy based on heredity
c. Is a set of general principles for government
d. All of the above
Question 59
The Declaration of the Rights of Man most closely resembles _____________.
Choose one answer.
a. The Articles of Confederation
b. The Bill of Rights
c. The Constitution
d. All of the above
Question 60
The Levee en Masse is important because it signals the beginning of:
Choose one answer.
a. Democratic armies.
b. Total War.
c. Mobilization of the peasantry.
d. All of the above
Question 61
The National Constituent Assembly grew out of the National Assembly. Its main goal was to draw up a constitution that allowed for which type of system?
Choose one answer.
a. Terror
b. Republic
c. Constitutional Monarchy
d. All of the above
Question 62
The Revolution stepped into historically uncharted waters with _____________.
Choose one answer.
a. The execution of Louis XVI
b. The Terror
c. The war against England
d. All of the above
Question 63
The ultimate result of Olympia De Gouges’ “Declaration of the Rights of Women” was:
Choose one answer.
a. Women became equal citizens of France.
b. Marriage became a civil contract between equals.
c. Olympia de Gouges was tried for treason and executed.
d. Women protested against the revolution.
Question 64
Under the absolutist system of monarchy in the France of the 17th-18th centuries, sovereignty resided with ________.
Choose one answer.
a. The clergy
b. The nobility
c. The Third Estate
d. The Monarch
Question 65
Which statement below indicates the most direct relation between the American and French Revolutions?
Choose one answer.
a. The French monarchy’s financial crisis originated with its default on payment for the bonds it issued to finance its role in the American Revolution.
b. The Declaration of Independence was among the inspirations for the Declaration of the Rights Of Man.
c. The American Revolution illustrated the way in which inequities in taxation were a political issue.
d. All of the above
Question 66
Why is the Tennis Court Oath important?
Choose one answer.
a. It demonstrated the central importance of the game of tennis to the Revolution.
b. It signaled the Assembly’s willingness to defy Louis XVI’s order for it to disband. His response to the Oath further eroded Louis’s position.
c. It was not that important.
d. All of the above
Question 67
Why is there so much debate about the causes of the French Revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. Because the Revolution was triggered more by the implosion of the monarchy than by the actions of revolutionaries.
b. Because of the speed with which events unfolded and the breadth of the social institutions impacted by them.
c. Because the French Revolution is often understood as the beginning of modernity
d. All of the above
Question 68
The Court of Louis XIV enganged in grand displays in which the opulence of attire and detail of interpersonal ritual served to:
Choose one answer.
a. Control differentiation within the aristocracy and thereby keep it as a whole subordinated to the machinery of court.
b. Increase personal allegiances with the King.
c. Leave the King free to do things other than attend to court.
d. All of the above
Question 69
Abolitionist groups outside of Haiti played an important enabling role in the early phase of the Revolution by _______________.
Choose one answer.
a. Arguing that universal rights extended to slavery and should therefore be eliminated
b. Providing weapons and material support to the initial revolt
c. Serving as proxies for English interests in destabilizing France and undermining the French position
d. All of the above
Question 70
Both Chile and Peru owe their independence to the leadership of:
Choose one answer.
a. Bolivar.
b. San Martin.
c. Iturbide.
d. Napoleon.
Question 71
By birth, Simon Bolivar was:
Choose one answer.
a. Brazilian.
b. Colombian.
c. Venezuelan.
d. Mexican.
Question 72
In 18th century France, Les Amis des Noirs advocated for the extension of the Declaration of the Rights of Man to ____________.
Choose one answer.
a. Free blacks
b. Slaves
c. All people
d. None of the above
Question 73
In Haiti, the Declaration of the Rights of Man was greeted with ___________.
Choose one answer.
a. A divided and contentious response, with some groups arguing that universal rights extended to slaves and others arguing that they did not.
b. Universal celebration
c. Consternation
d. All of the above
Question 74
In the period before the Revolution, the social structure of Haiti was ___________.
Choose one answer.
a. More racially segregated than that of the United States
b. Less racially segregated than that of the United States
c. An image of French society
d. All of the above
Question 75
Mexican independence was achieved by a Junta led by general:
Choose one answer.
a. Iturbide.
b. Morelos.
c. Hidalgo.
d. Diaz.
Question 76
Over the 18th century, the number of Africans to pass through the Haitian slave system was one of the highest in the New World. Which of the following best explains this?
Choose one answer.
a. The scale of industry in Haiti.
b. High birth rates amongst slaves in Haiti.
c. High mortality rates amongst slaves involved with sugar production in particular.
d. All of the above
Question 77
The Emperor of Independent Brazil was:
Choose one answer.
a. A Mestizo.
b. A Native born white Brazilian.
c. A member of the Portuguese royal family.
d. A Brazilian Army officer.
Question 78
The initial movements for Haitian independence were directed against the French “exclusif” or monopoly on trade with Haiti. It was spearheaded by ________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Slaves
b. “Free coloreds”
c. Plantation owners
d. Abolitionists in Haiti
Question 79
The long term effects of independence in Ecuador on the Quichua Indians was:
Choose one answer.
a. Equality.
b. Cultural genocide.
c. Reduction in status to landless peasants.
d. Autonomy.
Question 80
The Monroe Doctrine declared that America:
Choose one answer.
a. Would conquer and rule Latin America.
b. Respected the sovereignty of all nations.
c. Saw Latin America as their sphere of influence.
d. Wanted to share in European spoils.
Question 81
The Ultimate result of Napoleons conquest of Spain was:
Choose one answer.
a. A constitutional assembly.
b. His brother’s rule.
c. A long drawn out occupation resulting in a French defeat.
d. French acquisition of Spanish colonies.
Question 82
What is the significance of the Boukman Rebellion?
Choose one answer.
a. It is often characterized as the catalyst that transformed simmering social tensions into a revolutionary situation.
b. It was the legendary origin of the revolution because of its association with voodoo.
c. While interpretations of the rebellion are divided, nonetheless historians agree that in retrospect, it was a turning point.
d. All of the above
Question 83
The Imperial Crisis in Spain was precipitated by:
Choose one answer.
a. Anger towards the Monarchy.
b. Napoleon’s replacing of the Monarch.
c. Independence movements in the Americas.
d. All of the above
Question 84
Developments in technology and economic theory are often seen as contributing to the Age of Revolution. Based on what you’ve encountered in this course, which of the following best describes the relation between these factors?
Choose one answer.
a. Technological developments and economic theory were advances in the sciences that were not directly political.
b. Technological developments and economic theory reflected quite deep changes in how regular people understood and interacted with the world that had a complicated relation to revolution, one that varied place to place
c. There were no relations between these three factors.
d. All of the above
Question 85
In The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith states that the modern economy:
Choose one answer.
a. Benefits everyone equally.
b. Only helps the rich.
c. Enables everyone to work to their best advantage, helping society as a whole.
d. Is a perfect system.
Question 86
Karl Marx predicted that Communism:
Choose one answer.
a. Would replace capitalism.
b. Would ultimately fail.
c. Would be temporary until people were ready for Democracy.
d. Would begin in Russia.
Question 87
The 1848 revolution in Hungary resulted in:
Choose one answer.
a. An independent Democracy.
b. The revolution being crushed in a civil war.
c. Full equality for all ethnic groups.
d. Two different Hungarian governments.
Question 88
The early industrial revolution affected workers:
Choose one answer.
a. By raising their standard of living.
b. By lowering wages.
c. By granting more job opportunities.
d. Reducing family sizes.
Question 89
The effects of 1848 on Jewish life in Europe were:
Choose one answer.
a. Large scale massacres.
b. Emancipation in most countries.
c. Forced religious conversion.
d. Mass emigration.
Question 90
The Industrial Revolution began:
Choose one answer.
a. In France.
b. in England.
c. In Holland .
d. All of the above, simultaneously.
Question 91
The Industrial Revolution was aided by revolutions in:
Choose one answer.
a. Agriculture.
b. Transportation.
c. Technology.
d. All of the above
Question 92
The practical steam engine was invented:
Choose one answer.
a. James Watt.
b. Thomas Newcommen.
c. Thomas Savery.
d. All of the above
Question 93
The Revolutions of 1848 began in:
Choose one answer.
a. London.
b. Paris.
c. Vienna.
d. Berlin.
Question 94
Complete the sentence: In the 18th century, the British Empire ___________________.
Choose one answer.
a. Enabled the expansion of capitalism through the provision of raw materials for industrial production of textiles
b. Was fundamental to the English economy in general because of the expansion of trade
c. Expanded the scale and reach of slavery
d. All of the above
Question 95
Class played a fundamental role in shaping English responses to the French Revolution. Which of the following groups most likely would have opposed the Revolution?
Choose one answer.
a. Artisans
b. Parliamentarians
c. Artists
d. The Peasantry
Question 96
D.All of the above
Choose one answer.
a. Spreading ideas of insurrection to American cities.
b. Encouraging American hubris that our system was better.
c. Bringing mass emigration.
Question 97
For Edmund Burke, the main problem of the French Revolution was __________.
Choose one answer.
a. The overthrow of the monarchy
b. The break with tradition, which Burke saw as an accumulation of human wisdom
c. The negative consequences of equality
d. All of the above
Question 98
Latin American independence movements:
Choose one answer.
a. Were more inspired by the American than French Revolutions.
b. Were heavily influenced by the French example.
c. Were more an example of ethnic nationalism than true revolution.
d. Were actually very hostile to the ideas of the Revolution.
Question 99
Thomas Paine critiques Burke by arguing that:
Choose one answer.
a. Burke’s claims that people have no right to overthrow an existing government and frame a new one for themselves is wrong.
b. Burke had no sense of the reality of the French Revolution.
c. Burke relied for his information on sources opposed to the Revolution.
d. All of the above
Question 100
The world economy in the age of the Industrial Revolution included:
Choose one answer.
a. European Dominance of colonies.
b. Non-European countries producing raw materials.
c. Europe and America selling manufactures goods to the rest of the world.
d. All the above